Thank you for your prayer, all of your prayers are heard by you and some are heard by Me. The prayers that you say from your soul or your own mind do not come to me but you know of them and they show you what needs healing within your own soul. The prayers that I hear are the prayers from your heart or the prayers from deep within your being , prayers from your spirit.
When your soul wills to change and receive the life of the spirit, then your soul will be filled by your spirit. Your spirit is Christ and I am Christ, anyone joined to me, Jesus Christ, is ONE spirit, for My spirit is the spirit of the Father. Your soul contains your will and your soul is your wife, your spirit is Christ and your spirit is you, the true you. The wife must be submissive to the true you and the true you must love the soul, when you meet and love one another then you will bring to birth the true Son of God that you are.
Thank you that you want to heal your wounded soul and help bring the whole world into Heaven, thank you that you are open to be changed by your own spiritual prayers to your own soul. Thank you blessed soul that you are receptive to the spirit that you are to marry, and that you want healing for your soul and for all others in the lost joint soul of the world. Your prayers for your forgiveness of all others in your life, bring healing to your soul and My love that you share with these same others also brings My life to you as you send My life to them in the spiritual realm.
My spirit lives within your own heart and this is the only point of access to Heaven within you and this is the life, which flows from you to others as you pray for the healing of their souls, which are also hurting by your own thoughts or words or seeds of destruction. I am your Husband man and the gardener of your soul, I send Angels to weed your soul of all the lies of your enemy Satan and I plant more good seed as you eat of Me and drink of Me.
I am the only Body in the universe and you are in Me, so now flow My life to all souls you know. The Holy Spirit is the divine godhead of spirits, which make up my spiritual body and although we are ONE we are many and these lights will come and speak the living bread or Word into your life as you ask your Father for His life. The Angels are MY blood, which bring life to all cells in MY body and you are one cell, so be cleansed and renewed by the service they give you as you ask of God, give out the old nature of the world and bring in the whole new life of Christ as you receive the whole book of life of the Lamb.
Keep praying and growing in the love of God and in the wisdom, understanding, counsel, power and knowledge as you bow reverently before the throne. You must be empty to receive and you must want the life of God or you will not change. If you do not change then you will die and I have already died for you, if only you will believe it and stop living your old life, for there is no other sacrifice for Sin and you now are not a sinner you are Christ, you are in Me. I own you, I made the dust that you are and I am the spirit that you are and the only thing in you that I am not is the deception in your mind from the world, so empty yourself and follow me into HEAVEN ON EARTH.
The only person who feels the pain and suffering is the unsurrendered person of the old creation and Satan still works until all be fulfilled, you are seated with me now so use your position and fill your earth from Heaven to bring heaven into all the earth and so do the will of the Father who sent you. You will reach the full stature of Christ or the spirit of the Father as you fully surrender your will, emotions, mind and body to Me. The father wants to express His life in you as you live in Him. Always ask Me in spirit and Truth and when I hear from your heaven then I will heal your land. Ask the Father to glorify you with the glory, His glory that you had with Him in the beginning, before the world was and then you will glorify His righteous name. He loved you first that you would love Him in all of His son members and love Him with His own love.
I love you.
Jesus your brother.