Jesus lives in every heart.


There is nothing I can say or do to prove to you that Jesus is already within your own heart. If you were here with me I could reveal His life to you and I am sure that I could convince you that Jesus is real and baptise you in the Holy Spirit because of the Life which abides in me but for you to know within yourself this powerful life of Christ you need to experience Him for yourself. So having said that work out your own salvation and ask Him for yourself and realise His power as He comes alive on the inside of you as you believe. Read the other writings on this site and listen to the audio section, all of these things will help you to see the power in other lives but do ask God to become you.

Once you recognise who you are then the fulness will come.

It is the knowing that Jesus took your deceived mind to death and that you have the mind of Christ that gives you the power to become a Son of God. There is nothing of value in your own life that will enter Heaven and all that you have become through world teaching and false beliefs will be burned in the fire of His appearing within you as you ask Him to change you back into His image and likeness, so forget who you think you are and become who He made you to be, just be. Ask in Spirit and in Truth from within your own being for Heaven is within you and your new body is just waiting for you to realise it by forgetting your old one. This ETERNAL LIFE is only for those who believe without seeing and it is when you believe that you receive and conceive of Christ in you, your hope of GLORY. There is no power to receive the life ETERNAL without Faith and Christ is within you and He has the Faith when YOU ask.

What good gifts He gives His children when they ask of Him even ETERNAL LIFE in His only Son Jesus Christ. Ask in Spirit and in Truth, Open the door of YOUR Heart and He will fill your booth, YOU receive not because you ask not and when you ask you ask amiss, ask and believe. Work out Your own salvation for the work has been done on His side, only NOW! reconcile YOURSELF to God appropriating the work of the Cross into YOUR life as His life and YOURS entwine as you drink the new wine in Heaven on earth, which brings you full new birth. YOU are a new creation NOW! so forget that which is behind and press forward into the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, fear not and TRUST GOD for He made you in the beginning before you were deceived by the world and He made you Perfect, Holy, Righteous and Just and when He comes into YOU then He will convert the dust, for you are a vessel of clay to bring forth the GLORY of HIS DAY.

We all come to the ONE perfect man as we allow the passing of the LIVING WATER of life to flow to others, our sisters and brothers, so be cleansed by the washing of the WATER of the WORD and speak life to those who have not heard. The Gospel is Christ is in you and in every person ever born of a woman and we all need to be born the manchild, born of Spirit, we all are born of water and then Spirit to become the new creation man in the life of God's SON.

HalleluJah! Oh Lord, YOUR KINGDOM COME!!!