In 1997 I was turned
upside down in my thinking and restored to a right pathway, I was taken from
a path of self destruction and made aware of all Truth pertaining to God. It
was at this time when the Lord of creation apprehended me and asked me if I
would serve Him in the restoration of all things that I asked Him "what is my
Mission" and He gave a very clear response to my still overwhelmed heart, He
said " preparing the Bride." From that time to now I have dedicated my time
to the study of His Word and to hearing His voice, always seeking His clear
instruction from within.
God made it very
clear that the so called Bride of Christ or rather the established Church of
Christendom, the world wide Church of Jesus Christ was in need of preparation
for His appearing. I was in a good position to see the error in the belief systems
of the recognized institutionalized Church, as I was not a Church goer at the
time and the revelation of Christ in me was in stark contrast to what I beheld
in the body in general. I had a background in Church life as an infant and at
a time of confirmation as prescribed by traditions of society of the day and
even from this, God did reveal that He had been with me all along in my Journey
even to the extent that I knew Him before time began.
Having no idea of
how to pray or how to go about this mission I asked God to direct my steps all
the way and I asked Him to give me the prayers that He wanted me to pray and
all of the words that He wanted me to say. I had asked a pastor of a church
how to pray and he by the power of the Holy Spirit said "I don't know" and the
disappointed me said "God will you teach me to pray" and so was birthed a living
relationship with the Most High God of All.
Of myself I can
do nothing and it is only Christ in me who instructs you and so if there is
any error in any messages the old nature is to blame and when you point it out
to me I will surely put that part to the cross also. God has been working in
my heart for all of my life and it is only now that I acknowledge Him and pursue
Him with great desire to Know Him fully. I share the wealth of revelation with
you in the hope that Christ will also be born in you and you too will hunger
after Him purifying yourselves even as He is pure.
God has given me
the revelation that the time is here for the Bride to receive her Husband and
that preparations need to be made in order that you be ready. The Bible clearly
outlines the appearing of Christ and the marriage which is to take place as
we have made ourselves ready.
Many are not ready and many are not
even sure how to be ready or what ready means and this site of Seeksafely
His Truth is written for those who want to know how to be ready and receive
of Him our Husband.
The mission of preparing
the Bride is one which is in the hearts of the Royal Priesthood in every nation,
tribe and tongue and not just in my heart alone although the pressure of breaking
through into pure revelation against all popular beliefs makes it feel like
I am alone in this mission and I am sure this has been the case with every son
who has made his election sure.
The coming of Christ
on this earth will bring catastrophic change and the Kingdom will be established
within the whole earth to the glory of God. This change will occur as the Christ
or the forty second generation brings the incorruptible seed to the prepared
Bride for the consummation to take place where she will also produce offspring
after the God kind.
The deception in
the minds of mankind has been even in the Church and now there will be a preparing
and a stripping away of man made doctrines of control. The Bride or the soul
or the corporate soul of the Church is now to be prepared to receive the Christ
on the earth, to bring forth new birth also in herself as she sets her mind
on the spirit and no longer looks outwardly. The manchild will be born of her
even as the first fruit company has given birth to Christ. The seed of this
Christ body of Royal priests and Kings will give the pure undefiled seed
of Christ to all who are prepared and ready to conceive, all those who are wise,
virgin, ready and faithful.
This readiness is
achieved by each one wanting to be ready and wanting to break free from their
systems of restraint. This comes as the Spirit arises within each one and the
desire comes into the heart to know God. The manchild will feed the woman in
the wilderness and the Church has been in the wilderness even as our souls have
been in deception for a long time. The Christ body will come and feed the Church
and she will receive of Him. This Christ body is now many membered and the Church
is not expecting other men and women to come as Christ on the earth so there
will be an attitude like the pharisees had to the first Christ.
The wise virgins
will be ready and faithful and know that the sons of God are manifested for
this purpose, to liberate all of creation from the bondage of corruption. The
wise virgins will know that God will be all in all and that we all are one in
the Son of God and they will willingly receive of the seed of the Husband now
found in these firstfruits.
This site of Seeksafely
His Truth has been written for the purpose of making ready the Bride
that God loves so much and the hope is that there will be a real spirit of seeking
and a spirit of teachability in the hearts and minds of the readers of this
site. This site is linked with other anointed writers and the unveiling of Bible
translation error and the breaking of ground in their work is really God given
for this hour as the Kingdom of God appears within His people.
The preparation
of the Bride in this hour is to take the focus from outward expectations of
Christ's return and to teach what is written in the Word of God concerning our
eternal hope of glory, which is Christ in us. We will learn how the door named
Jesus is in fact the heaven which we seek and even He said that heaven is within
you and that we are not to see the Kingdom come by outward observation, so let
the deceived soul now learn to prepare herself for His coming. The concept of
dying and going to an ethereal Heaven of our own imagination is now to be turned
about as we realize the glory of God appearing within us as our hope of Heaven
on earth as we all become as He is in this world in our own awareness.
I know that God freely gives to all who ask of Him and so this site also holds to the principle that we have freely received and therefore we freely give. The material on this site is for your use and free distribution and I know God will bless the givers of His Truth to the lost, the spiritually blind and all seekers of Truth alike. Feel free to copy in part or in full and give hope to others in this dark and dying world. This site may be translated into other languages, if you see the Truth that is worth sharing to all tongues and tribes on the earth and you are able to do so. The real way to bring the Word of God to the lost is to become the Word and deliver it in seed form as you speak His Truth from a pure heart of love. God gave me a very clear mission to fulfill and this mission only comes about as I reach the full stature of Christ having the Spirits of God without measure. This writing experience and the learning which has accompanied the seeking of God for His anointing in the mission, in itself has been preparing me for the High calling to which I am called and the distribution of information which has been revealed has not been the main purpose although many may find the lessons worthwhile for their own encouragement as they seek the Lord of immortality and the perfect will of God for their own lives.
The Lord has called me with a purpose and that is to prepare the Bride of Christ and this material is designed for just this reason. The internet is a medium which the Lord has prepared for reaching many people groups and people who do not normally seek the Truth of our creator in conventional places. The Lord has revealed to me that the medium of internet and telephone message bank as well as the distribution of well prepared audio cassettes is ordained for bringing people to awareness of His advancing Kingdom. I encourage all who know of the True WAY to prepare teaching and teach True Kingdom principles as their own spiritual awareness grows in the knowledge and love of the Lord. This spiritual exercise will prepare even the Bride for the coming of the King and the purity of heart and mind will ready the soul to be receiving of the fullness of God.
As the Lord provides then so will the outreach continue and It is hoped that there will be recorded True Way Gospel messages on telephone message bank answering services available for many language groups in the near future for the teaching of the Bride who can't find spiritual food where they currently fellowship and also for new seekers of His Truth. The True Way Gospel message will also be on audio cassettes made available for every person in neighbourhoods and it is hoped that these will be distributed by believers who will buy the Truth and sell it not. The internet is already a good medium for the Christian message and it is hoped that there will be a funneling into pure Truth as people grow weary of the old message, beating around the bush and turn to seek spiritual food that brings relief and preparation for the Bride. It is good to put your support where the Truth is and it is good to support the many sites linked to this one with your finances as the Lord prompts you for there is Truth in this message and hope for the Kingdom to come as people wake up and realize Christ within themselves.
We do not ask for
finance as we believe that the Lord paves the way for the Kingdom and we receive
as He directs faithful brethren to give, even as we give faithfully and expect
nothing in return. As the Lord provides then so does this mission provide and
more than anything else we give His love and pray for your eyes to be opened
to His Truth. Seeing that we do not ask for financial assistance in this mission
and we know the Lord touches the hearts of those who are called to assist, we
have provided a window for any gift or contribution to be passed on for the
building of the Kingdom as the Father directs. Here
is the window.
And so your mission
should you choose to accept it, is to publish the Good News and reproduce the
WORD of Truth, transforming your own lives into Christ and speaking the living
Word from a pure heart of divine love.
A good vehicle for spiritual development and outreach is the use of chat programs as you bring the Gospel to the seeking multitudes all over the internet world. The chat programs when used to reach people with your pure intent to restore them to the knowledge and love of God can also give you a way to draw on the spiritual resources of your own soul as the Spirit of God comes alive on the inside of you as you answer the questions of the lost and dying world. When you say to people that you can answer any question that they may have about God and religions then you really do pull answers from the spirit of God within to satisfy the needs of darkened souls. This dependence on God to give you the words to say and the way to share the love of Christ really works miracles in your own life as you see answers and healing in the lives of other people all around the world. The spiritual growth that comes from drawing the life of Christ to share with others will also enable you to join spiritually with those you chat with and you can pray in the spirit as you type messages to them as well as love them, embrace them and be at one with them.
There are many other ways of developing your spiritual rapport with the mind of God and I am sure the Lord will tell you of them as you ask of Him.
I believe that your mission is to become Christ for others and that you need to have a way to seek the fullness of God. Seek to lead others to this site and to other sites linked to this one, which minister the living Word of Truth freely to those who are seeking and become a source yourself as you grow in the knowledge and love of the Lord by spreading the Good News.
Help translate to other languages the material from this and other linked sites and publish on web and telephone message bank.
Help reproduce material by printing, emailing, copying to disc and sharing cassettes etc.
Help in web page construction and grow as you seek Truth, publish and spread this living Truth.
Help in putting together telephone message bank systems in your own town using the True way Gospel audio messages.
Help produce audio cassettes of the True Gospel Way and give to neighbours and friends, become the message yourself as well.
Help in any way that the Lord directs you by your spirit, direct people to His Truth.
Help the Kingdom
of God come to earth.
Seeksafely His Truth.....He
is for you and not against you, the devil only works in the sons of disobedience.
"Your Kingdom
Come Your Will be Done in Earth as it is in Heaven, AMEN."
Col 3:4-6
4 When Christ, who is our life, shall
appear, then shall ye also appear with him in glory.
5 Mortify therefore your members
which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil
concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
6 For which things' sake the wrath
of God cometh on the children of disobedience:
Here are some handy sites for you if you want to publish your own pages and chat to the world about the Kingdom of Heaven coming to this earth.
My friend Oren has helped me with the construction and posting of this website. For a web host or for help contact Oren on the I am Oren link.
If you can help or if you can provide any technical information about sites, free helps or about telephone message bank technologies please contact Grant @ this address >>> manchild153@hotmail.com
My ICQ name and number are Zadok and 14735496.
Send all mail to:
Grant and Wendy Barlow
36 Dallas cresent