This page is set
apart for you to write out your own prayers to God and to send them by email.
It is not so much that the email
is going to God but more so that as you draw from within you, your precious
prayer, you are expressing outwardly your need and revealing to your own self
the need for Truth in your life. The prayers that you pray to God will release
from within you trapped emotions and wounds from you life. You will recognise
areas of your life that need fixing and the fact that you have prayed will bring
an answer in your spirit as your true identity comes to light. The Lord has
given His angels charge over you and they will minister to your needs as you
open your heart to God in True prayer from your spirit.
Start your prayer like this...."Father of ALL, I am your child and I want to know my true identity, please lead me in prayer by Your Holy Spirit and bring to my heart the words that I am to pray....then continue typing your prayer on the click on below.