It is good at this time to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all Truth.
Pray this way from your heart
and your own desire to know Truth.
"Holy Spirit of Truth please
lead me into all Truth, AMEN"
This is a question that brings us a feeling of conviction and uncertainty about the decision that we have already made within our thinking and understanding as to the right way to heaven, that being, is death and the grave the way you have ordained God, for us to come into your presence? This question is loaded and suggests that death is not the way to heaven and that we are ignorant of the way and that we have believed amiss and that we have been lead astray by false teachings and doctrines of the traditions of men.
Throughout history we have seen people go to the grave and we think this is normal. We know that there have been billions upon billions of human lives turn back to dust and their spirits return to the Father from whence they came. We all accept this as the way that God has ordained life to be, a live now and enjoy and die and come again into eternity into His glory forever more in some distant place called heaven where all is bliss. Well the Bible does not say that, the Word of God says that heaven is within us and that we are to overcome all enemies and death is one enemy among many. With this thought in mind, are we believing what God wants us to believe or are we believing what Satan wants us to believe and are we doing ourselves out of our rightful inheritance by not knowing the Truth.
One thing is certain and that is that we need to know the way to eternal life and without the Truth of God in our understanding we will believe what everyone else believes. We have seen what happens to those who believe in death, their belief comes true and the belief is passed on to all who witness death. I choose to believe in life and I have witnessed resurrection life in Jesus Christ and I believe that the grave is defeated because I see Jesus resurrected and I follow Jesus, as He is the resurrection and the life.
The Bible clearly tells us that we are transformed by the renewing of our minds. This means that our minds must need renewing, they must believe false information, which is causing death and sickness and suffering and limitation and lack. If heaven is within us and we are to live forever then how do we come to this heaven if we do not die to get there? One thing is certain we need to ask God and read what He says about heaven. We need to believe Him and not what we see others doing by their false beliefs. Just because we see billions of people going back to dust does not mean that we have to follow them when God says that we will receive life eternal when His Kingdom comes on this earth.
We do need to die to our false identity that we have formed in alienation and separation from the mind of God. We do need to put to death the ego or the rational thinking mind of self, which works against the Kingdom of God. We do need to die to go to heaven in this sense but we do not need to go to the grave as many still do.
There is coming a time soon on this earth when we will no longer go to the grave because we all will know God. We need to know God and His love for us and we need to receive wisdom and knowledge and understanding for us to be able to transcend death and all other enemies within our vessels.
It is our seeking of the Truth of God and the coming into awareness of Christ in us that brings the Kingdom of heaven onto this earth. Jesus has said that when He appears, then we will be like Him, so we had better be busy asking Him to change us into His image and likeness so that He can appear. We had better be busy dying to self, making room in our house for Him and we had better be serious about it and prepared to surrender all or He won't come in His fullness.
The Bible says that we are the Temple of God and that God wants to dwell in His Temple. We are the Fathers house and in the Fathers house there are many mansions. Are you prepared to let Jesus come and prepare a place in you for the Father to dwell. We are joint heirs with God and in Him we are to live and move and have our being even as He is to live and move and have His being in us. Our will is all that is stopping us from being in heaven right now and we must be prepared to let God do His will in our lives as we surrender our agenda and die to self, surrendering all to receive all as we become one with God.
Heaven is a spiritual state within us and it is only achieved by our desire to ascend above all the bondages of this world and live in His eternal presence. This rapture or ascension of our spirit comes when we want to know God and allow Him to work His purposes in our lives as we suffer and serve with Him to bring His Kingdom to earth. Yes it is hell on earth without God. It may not be hell for you at present but God does deal with us in time, trials will come and when you find times really hard then turn to God and surrender and make it heaven on earth. It is wise to seek Him now while the invitation is being given to you.
Will you ask Jesus to come into your life now to bring you eternal life, will you surrender your will to Him now?
The Bible says every knee
shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory
of our Father and that God will be all in all and even the whole earth will
be filled with His glory. The Bible is also clear about those who will not repent
and follow Him. There will be great judgement for the wicked and only the righteous
will inherit eternal life.
Luke 17:21
21 nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is within you."
Rom 12:2
2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
Will you seek the creator
of the universe and His will for your life or will you continue on in rebellion
to Him and hinder the advance of the Kingdom of God on this earth and be judged
by His righteous judgement, which is reserved for the wicked and those who hate
Him. Will you now turn your heart to the Father and seek Him to have the veil
Matt 6:9-13
9 "Pray, then, in this way: 'Our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.
10 'Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
11 'Give us this day our daily bread.
12 'And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13 'And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. [For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.]'