God loves the world
and everyone in the world, we are His children and His creation, He has given
us the Way to come into communion with Himself and we have tried many ways of
our own to find our home with Him.
What is religion?
This is the question that in itself when answered will give us the answer to the problem we all have in this world. It is us questioning how to find God again, it is us trying to reach the God that we know is true but in a way that is shown or taught by the group to which we belong, without the real WAY being known to us. It is reaching up to a God that we hold to be true, because we all do perceive an entity from which we came, even though our perception may be clouded or obscure.
Religion is doing something other than loving God and all of His children in the way that He loves us. Religion is trying to find our own solution for SIN. Religion is vain repetition and the seeking of God in ways other than the WAY ordained by God. Religion is formulating our own way to heaven by our own understanding. Religion is believing in false gods or false ways to the real God. Religion is believing in self or self beliefs. Religion is seeking for the forgiveness of SIN in all the wrong places. Religion is seeking a way of self without acknowledging our Creator. Religion is worshipping the creation rather than the creator. Religion is not wanting to know God and to continue believing in ones own destiny. Religion is belief in survival of the fittest. Religion is belief in evolution from primal forms into human life by natural selection or by our own intelligence. Religion is making up your own truth about life. Religion is faith in something other than TRUTH. Religion is pleasing other people to remain in their support system because you do not know the provider of all. Religion is performing to achieve godliness. Religion is learning crafts to survive because you do not trust God. Religion is not knowing God. Religion is a substitute for the living Way. Religion is accepting other people as being right no matter what they believe. Religion is us trying to become what we already are. Religion is tolerating other's beliefs, saying I am right and even though they are different they also are right. Religion is having your own opinion, where God says that His law is right. Religion kills the life of Christ in you. Religion reverses Reality. Religion relegates Righteousness. Religion relieves Responsibility. Religion reveals Remnant. Religion remands Recipients. Religion restricts Reliance. Religion really Ruins. Religion requires Remedy. Religion ruins Rest. Religion repels Relationship. Religion reflects Remorse. Religion is man making his own godly laws and living by them. Religion is being locked into a system of dogmas, static creeds, abiding in carnal doctrines of man and living your life to please those who have appointed themselves over you. Religion is entertainment for the trapped soul in an attempt to soothe it and without knowing how to heal it. Religion is an act because people have come to be satisfied by man. Religion is expecting man to fulfill the true needs by teaching and impartation not knowing that we all have an anointing within. Religion is using the laws of God as a rule book rather than a book of instruction to find God's life. Religion is having values other than those given by our Father. Religion is remaining in SIN consciousness. Religion is living life as you please. Religion is our believing in something but relationship is God revealing His Truth in us. Religion is compromising TRUTH to keep others happy. Religion is believing the lie and living by it. Religion is trying to achieve salvation by doing it yourself when God has already done it for you all you need to do is receive it. Religion is doing anything according to your own understanding even though you feel conviction within to do right. Religion is living your life under the law of sin or under the law of God without being under the grace of God because of lack of communion with Him. Religion is the worthless works of self effort in an attempt to save face with God and man. Religion is following the crowd rather than seeking Truth from within. Religion is fear of man. Religion is fear of God. Religion is spiritual bondage to a system of humanity, which holds you and controls you. Religion is doing things the way all of the others do. Religion is wrong, Truth is right. Religion is denominationalism or focusing on things outside of Christ in you, your hope of glory. Religion takes you to the grave for there is no TRUTH in dead works of the carnal man. Religion is reaching to the god or gods that we have made in our own minds by the carnal understanding of the unregenerated rational thinking mindset of a system or order of fallen man. Religion is believing rather than knowing the TRUTH. Religion is our effort to reach God from earth rather than using the position that we have in heaven. Religion is following after the Truth that we know within but without knowing the name of our Saviour nor the way to have the fullness of His life as a reality in our own life. Religion is unproductive to our souls and we never find fulfillment. Religion is a dead work of a false self. Religion is worshipping a god or gods of our own design by our own methods or the repetitious, regimented ordered methods of a sect or cult according to ways which are of self and which are divisive. Religious activity is us performing to please the God that we know exists in our own heart, in an outward way because we can not bring the life we seek into our reality because of lack of knowledge and understanding. There are many religions or understandings on how to find the God of our creation and none of them can give us the Way to Him for He is the ONE who shows the WAY as we seek from within our own soul, for the Kingdom of heaven is within you.
Let us now pray, for we all do pray from within at times and even unwittingly, for we ALL are from the same creator even though we may think we are from different gods and our common Father has given us the ability to communicate with Him. The Him is the primal power that moves within all creation to the feminine, for ONE of a higher spiritual position moves into the weaker to create change in the WHOLE, we all are equal in worth but there must be a transition or movement of spirit to increase content and purpose, or life would not exist and so we speak of God as He, because He is the Spirit Who gives all life. This also is reflected in the natural in society as man tries to dominate over the female, this is a misconception in the minds of mankind and it does not reflect the true way of how life is to flow in the Kingdom of God, for mankind has not grasped the spiritual Truths of our God. We are equal male and female, although the masculine represents the flow but not the tyrant ruler, the masculine has headship in the spiritual and the feminine needs to be receptive to create life, this principle functions on all levels in the spiritual and in the natural. God made it this way.
Let us pray.
Pray from within
your own heart to the God who made all things.
"God.! I pray
for Your Truth to come into my heart more and more, I know I was created from
some where and I want to know YOU!, for you have given me a longing in my heart
to love You and to love others. I see trouble everywhere and I am confused,
I want peace but the world around me makes me angry, help me God to know You
and Your Name, so that I can call on your Name and know who You are and to know
how I can be Your child, I know of You because You have made me but I want to
know how I can have the life You offer, I feel Your presence sometimes and I
hunger for You, please reach down to me and draw me unto Yourself, I am lost
and alone and my heart calls out to You, help me to know You Father of all creation.
This whole male
and female principle is the whole down fall in humanity and in the natural understanding
we as human beings have not seen the spiritual principles by which we are to
live our lives and thereby receive eternal life. We see in the natural and we
perceive by our natural understanding, we see things according to the fallen
man and according to the teachings of man. We believe the teachings of our forefathers
and their traditions, which have been in our families for generations and we
stick to these teachings come hell or high water, for this is how our fathers
survived. This passed on knowledge has remained in the minds of us all and we
live our lives by these rules, even if it be right or wrong, because, to not
live by tradition we risk being cast out of the society through which our survival
comes. God is challenging us today to break away from traditions and to hear
what He Himself is saying to our own hearts, even as He spoke to our forefathers,
which gave them hope and upon which, the traditions which we believe are based,
but God is moving us on in revelation and in the perfection of us all, in the
knowledge of Him, of Whom we are the offspring. We need to understand the soul
principle by which God moves His life within His creation and How He brings
us all to the fullness of His own life, which is eternal.
We all know that
there are many religions or differing beliefs in this world and that we all
subscribe to one form of belief or another whether it be atheist or humanist
or evolutionist or Buddhist or Hindu or Christian or Islam or Wicca or Mafia
or Freemasonry or Bahai or Klu Klux Klan or Satanism or Judaism or Martial artism
or WHATEVERISM, we all, every man, woman and child on this earth follow some
religion or belief within our own belief structure. And if you don't agree and
you say I have no religious belief then you are of a nonisn belief, which is
a belief of none and in itself it is a belief in your own heart and you may
even believe in yourself as your own god and this is selfism as a religion.
We all believe in something as a main belief or drive to move us in a direction
from where we were yesterday in our understanding, we all have a drive to achieve
something from our lives or a need for understanding to give us a purpose for
living. Even in the consciousness that we have we may have many parts of many
religions or many separate beliefs that make up our own special belief system
and this makes us individual in our beliefs. There are no two people on earth
who hold the exact same beliefs nor any two who have the exact same mind. The
main stream religions say that they believe these certain doctrines and that
to be in the group you too must subscribe to these same beliefs, only we all
are individuals and we do not believe exactly alike. Every religion has certain
doctrines of man, which they believe to be true and each group is in conflict
with another and so none is correct, where there is conflict there is error.
We all hold to certain personal spiritual beliefs and we in our hearts can not
believe totally what the leaders say we must believe and we secretly say "Oh
yes I believe you God of my own heart" and outwardly say yes I believe you oh
mighty leader of the religion to which I say I believe in, because of the fear
of man. Come on get real people you know from whence you came, why do you pretend
to believe the lies of man, when God cries from within you to follow after Him
to live in peace. We all want rest for our souls and there is no rest while
we seek to find that peace by our own understanding and by self works, labouring
under self condemnation, guilt and SIN consciousness.
What is this soul
principle of which I speak, which God has revealed to me as being the secret
of eternal life for all of mankind?
We all came from
ONE God and Father, we all are of one blood, we all are scattered over the face
of this earth and we all need to know the Truth of our creator regardless of
what religion we are, no matter what we believe to be true. God made us all
and we all have believed according to our own understanding because of
passed on knowledge and the teachings of traditions of man, where we really
needed each one of us to hear from God directly to know for ourselves how to
have heaven come into our reality. We all seek to know God and to know His love
and to come into relationship with Him and we do seek to please Him in the ways
that we know. This seeking God our creator in the outward ways that we know
is called religion, it is presenting to God a false image to try to please Him
for we feel naked without Him in our lives as our true identity. We have been
taught by our elders who have known something of God and who have passed on
to those in the generations following the knowledge of God according to their
own understanding. We all need to hear from God personally and corporately so
that we can know Him and the way we are to live our lives in constant communion
with Him so that we can break through the barriers of sickness, suffering, poverty,
limitation and death into eternal life and be in eternity or the state of perfection
that we all know exists. We all seek the common God even though we seek Him
in different ways according to tradition. We seek Him even though we may not
see God as a Him. We all may not know the soul principle and the way that God
flows His life through creation and we may see God as a she or as various idols
of the heart or as something that gives us temporary inner relief. We all need
to know the permanent peace, the waters of life that never run dry, we need
to know the life within that quenches our deepest thirst and we need to know
how to access this life for ourselves without the reliance on a system of religion
or a set of man made rules, it must come naturally by us knowing God within.
What is the soul
God made us all
in His image and after His likeness in the beginning and we all are His offspring,
we all are living souls made from the soul of God, male and female made He us.
God has soul and spirit, we have
soul and spirit, God is male and female, we are male and female, we also are
male and female in the natural bodies, as we can observe, for there are men
and women. The spirit is masculine and the soul is feminine in God and also
in us in our spiritual make up. The flow of life moves from the spirit to the
soul to maintain life. The Father of all life is the spirit of life who moves
into the mother of life to bring life and there is reproduction of life at this
conception and therefore extension of the life of God. This birth of a son of
God is an exact reproduction of God Himself, for in the son there is male and
female, just as in God there is the male and female, for they are one flesh.
Male and female make ONE and this means that spirit and soul make ONE. Without
the spirit, the soul is wanting her husband to complete her. We all have a soul
but our true Husband or the true Spirit is missing and our desire is for our
Husband, we feel like something is missing within us and we are seeking Him
in every way, we are reaching out to Him in the ways we know how, through traditional
teachings and we are dying. We all try man made ways to fill the need but it
is all futile, for we have only tried to fill the need with deceptions or spirits
of our own making, where we really need the Spirit of God to quench the desire
in our soul.
The soul is the
mind, will, emotions and desires and this spiritual component of our being is
built into our bodies. This spiritual component of our being is called our heavens
or our operating system for life. It is by the workings of the soul in our lives
that we can move and live and have a purpose expressed into actions, it is the
way that Our Father expresses life in His creation.
Our Father is invisible and He is
Spirit and as such He makes Himself a home in His offspring to extend Himself
and His Kingdom, we are that home and in us He lives and moves and has His being.
Our soul is a spiritual data bank, which stores the spiritual information that
is required in the operation of life in our bodies and from this spiritual information
we receive all programming for the integrated working systems within our bodies,
the soul administers life to our bodies according to the spiritual information
contained in the vessel called our soul or mind. Our bodies at present are degraded
and in a state of decline to such a degree that there is sickness and disease
prevalent and eventual death, this is so because we have a degraded spiritual
data base from which our souls can minister to our bodies. The spiritual information
that is required for eternal life only comes as we receive the Spirit from our
God within us. This Spiritual program of life is our Husband or the exact partner
for our soul and in this marriage we have life eternal. Our mind is polluted
and now contains other information, which causes death and what we believe and
hold to be true is our downfall to the grave, which we all experience because
we lack the Truth of our Father, our creator.
This state of death which we all have here on earth is only temporary and it will be done away with as we learn how to bring the Spirit of our Father into our minds again whereby we will gain all of His program for life and live eternally. In times past souls have gone to sleep and they await the resurrection, which is for all men but now is the time for our spirits to come to life as our souls welcome the Spirit of our Husband. God has built us with the ability to receive of His Spirit and deep within our soul is the doorway to life, this is the door through which our Husband comes and brings change to our lives. He comes in and shows us the false things that we believe, those things which bring death and He takes them away as we ask Him. Our new Spirit of life will give us all of the program of life and we will be regenerated into a new life having a pure seed from which to minister life to our soul and body.
We need to be able
to understand how our soul became polluted in the first place for us to even
envision the fact that there is hope for change to an eternal life with a perfect
program of life. We need to understand that we all came from the first man in
God's creation on this earth and that we all are one large family on the earth
scattered into many nations, tribes and tongues.
We all have the common origin and
science has proved this today by genetics, human recorded history and archeology.
We find that we all are within the time span of six thousand years and there
is no recorded history that goes beyond this time here on earth although there
are many myths and beliefs of other civilizations. We are talking about the
first man of our race named Adam and we all are from Adam the Son of God who
God created on this earth and from whom God made us all as living souls. This
man Adam was made in the image and likeness of God and he radiated the glorious
light of God from his being. He was perfect and Holy and righteous. We all are
from Adam and Eve the first pair of One Flesh, they were called Adam. Adam represents
the spirit or the masculine and Eve represents the feminine, the soul of man
or the man with the womb, a woman. The Adamic race fell from the glory of God,
which was upon Adam because of the SIN that was found to be in him, which God
placed in him, for we are the workmanship of God and we can only do what is
in the program that God made for us according to His own council and foreknowledge.
Adam the first man fell from the glory of God and we all inherited the SIN nature
and the death, which resulted from the action of SIN.
The deception in the Garden of Eden is the fall from the Glory of God to the nature of man and we all now have the human nature without the glory of God. This glory which disappeared is the spirit of God or the light of God, which is the Husband or the covering for the soul of man and now man was found to be naked and he covered himself with an apron of fig leaves. Adam was made a living soul, which means that now it was only Eve or soul who remained and she is the mother of all creation, we all are wanting and in need of our Husband the Spirit of God to make us complete. We all feel naked and we lack something and we seek all pleasures to comfort us yet nothing quenches that inner need and we die. This deception within man came as the cunning serpent from within the nature of mans soul, one of the programs that God had placed within His son Adam caused his soul to be deceived. Now Eve is the soul and Adam is the spirit so it was Eve or the feminine part of man that caused the downfall of mankind this means that our soul without our Husband can be deceived and we are vulnerable. God separated the soul from the spirit as He made Eve the wife of Adam from the Man Adam and during that separation the deception took place and even though they were one flesh they lost continuity by lack of communion. When the soul really needed the spiritual program from the Spirit to confirm the answer to the question that the serpent had asked Eve in her time of separation it was not forth coming because Adam was not covering his wife. The soul decided for herself to make up her own answer to the serpents question and what she replied to the serpent she held to be her truth and so she began to program her own mind with information outside of the program of God. The words that she held to be true she also spoke to her husband and he also partook of the same fruit, which made the spirit of Truth depart from them and the glory or the light of God was gone. This separation in our minds from the mind of God has given us all a false identity and an image of self, made from our own vain imagination. In the natural, man still blames the woman for the fall and tries to dominate over the wife and the wife still feels guilty for being beguiled and does not want to come under his headship and is rebellious in nature. There are very basic spiritual principles outlined here in the soul principle and many people see only in the natural with limited understanding.
Here we can see
that the relationship of Husband and wife or Spirit and soul is to be in perfect
unity for life to exist without destruction and death. The flow of Spirit in
the relationship is to remain unbroken and whereby a perfect union is formed,
which in itself will produce offspring with the glory of God continuing on in
all generations. The human race is now a race which has a soul nature and a
limited spiritual program for life and death exists within this creation of
The programming of self, which we
all have inherited is still what we believe to be the way of life and yet we
hunger for the program, which will restore us into eternal life. This may seem
to us like we all have been at fault or that we have gone our own way deliberately
and that our SIN is something to be ashamed of but really it is God's plan and
He is in total control of all life on earth and throughout the entire universe
of His creation. God has planned to make a family of many souls into whom He
will fill His own nature and life so that He can have His expression in His
creation and extend His Kingdom forever. We are His offspring and He makes us
this way, first the man made from the dust of the earth, the soul man or the
container to place His divine life into and then He brings us to the point of
understanding where we know His purpose and He completes us as we become sons
of God and all that He is. God has made many billions of souls and this is the
time appointed when there will be a major filling of souls in the earth and
we all will put on His nature as He fills us with eternal life. We will know
who we are as a new creation and our identity will be as a son of God resurrected
from the fallen human race. God is making many many sons and we all will work
together as one body all functioning according to His spiritual program and
all working and functioning in different ways as He has purposed.
We have been separated in our minds and we have not understood the purposes of God through out the history of man but now we are hearing the voice of God from within calling us to come back into communion with Him, as we willingly allow, His Spirit programs our souls. The programming of our souls has been done by the words that we have heard and spoken to one another and by the spirits which we have believed from others in the world and these fathers who have taught us have been speaking out of the mind of Adam and we have not heard what our true Father has said. Our minds have been polluted by the beliefs of others and we have not been hearing from God. We can not help what we believe and as children we only believed what was spoken by our parents and all others around us and even today we are polluted by beliefs which come by schooling, radio, television, the internet, newspapers, books and many many other forms of information that is on the information highway as well. We have become books to be written by the hand of others, when in fact our True Father wants to write our book of life and give us eternal life. We also find ourselves to be the ones who have written our own books by what we have believed from this world and this belief is really only a substitute for the Real Thing, as it is a reaching out for programming and we need to know that the outside is not to program us, we are to be programmed from within as we hear Him speak in the silence of our own hearts. As we blindly grope for God in the way that we know or in the way that we have been taught by religions then we are trying outwardly to find the God who can only appear in and dwell in His Temple, which we are as we allow Him to enter from within. We can visualize our soul like a cup, which contains spirits and now in this state of our humanity we hold worldly spirits and we pour this spiritual life of corruption out into the world as we give of what we are to others. We do not think that our life is corrupt, we think that death is normal and so we can see no need for a change in the spiritual content of our cup. We do not know that we have a cup filled with the wine of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil and we live our lives in sickness, suffering, poverty and limitation not knowing that we can change and be healed by simply allowing the life of God to flow in from the inside, which pushes out all of the old wine.
Some of the spirits which are common to the soul of man are pride, lust, fear, rebellion, controlling, independence, murder, sexual deviation, lying, shame, guilt, unbelief, doubt, mistrust, hatred, bitterness, unforgiveness, spite, envy, stealing, coveting, violence, defiance, arrogance, selfishness, judging, blaming, and many many more, over six thousand spirits which operate in the soul of man have been identified. These other spirits all come from our self perception and can be corrected by the Spirit of God as our Husband marries our soul and transforms us back to eternal life. Our cup has been a cup filled with evil spirits of self and we have suffered by the imaginations of our own creation in ignorance of God's perfect Way. What has flowed out of our cup or what we have given to others to drink as we have shared our lives with them has also poisoned their minds and brought death to one and all. We all are in the same boat in this earth for we all are one family and we all are joined by the spirits which live in the many minds of Eve the mother of all, the soul of the world, the mixed up soul of humanity.
The confusion in our minds comes by worldly programming and as we all come from different backgrounds then we all have a different confusion or different mixtures of spiritual content in our cups or souls which really is our minds. The mind of Adam is a self mind and it wants to preserve itself by only subscribing to it's own beliefs as it writes it own book of life or in our case our book of death, for the spiritual life of God has gone and our seed of life is corrupted. We have inherited this SIN nature from our original parents and we now also think for ourselves rather than hear from God and do according to His way for our lives. We have received spiritual seeds from fathers who have not known truth and these defiled seeds have produced bad fruit in our lives as they have come to maturity. What ever we receive and conceive and believe in the way of spiritual programming from the world has a life of development in our lives. First it is in seed form as we hear a word of deception and it is conceived in our minds and then believed in our hearts, it becomes a part of who we are and we operate our lives out of this belief of who we are. These false gods or idols of our hearts will not satisfy us and we will not be fulfilled in ourselves, we always will feel empty and in need of the True seed of life. These seeds of weeds only grow up in our garden and cause confusion in our lives and make us sick. We can see the life cycle of a seed planted in our lives, it can be for example a seed of bitterness toward someone and when fully grown it can consume us and make us have real hatred and it will eat us to the point of sickness within our own life. We can see that a thought when conceived in the womb of our mind then becomes an emotion as we entertain it in our mind and let it grow within our life, then it becomes a desire to fulfill and we want to outwork the original thought into a process whereby we can reap a harvest or be productive for our imagination, finally we do outwork the desire and either speak or act in accordance with the original concept. This is how the seed of thought spoken from others can come into our lives and produce fruit according to it's kind and there is an awful lot of fruit being produced today all over the world, which is from the tree of knowledge of good and evil wreaking havoc in people's lives. The soul of man is a vessel to contain whatever is allowed to enter and we need to be on guard and we need to learn to stop the contamination from the outside world and learn to be cleansed from within and then give pure seed also to those around us. This pure seed is the undefiled seed of God and it is incorruptible, which, when conceived will bring a harvest of eternal life as it consumes all evil and re writes the book of death with the book of life as we willingly allow the communion with our Father until fullness.
Where the curse
came upon mankind by the reversal of the flow of life as the soul dictated to
the spirit and the spirit was lost so then the curse can be reversed as we allow
a reconnection to the spirit now as we open our hearts to God, which will give
us regeneration and new life eternal. The degradation of the seed of humankind
has been continuing through all generations as we have spoken the deception
to everyone and the genetic seed which is encoded as our DNA within each cell
has lost information from which to administer life to our body and so we get
sick and die. The soul or the garden of our life is like the soil in which the
new seed grows and when this seed takes root it will set it's roots into the
living eternal waters of life deep within our soul and grow into a tree of life
to produce good fruit and new life. Our soul will now produce fruit from the
tree of life and it will be new wine in our cup, which we will drink together
with God for this is His life. We will be of the same spiritual make up as the
soul of God, we are His offspring in the making and He wants to complete us
Now having seen that man is flawed in his being or that the glory of God has gone and that SIN has been the cause and that God has subjected us to the vanity of our minds in hope of us becoming the children of God to deliver all of creation from the bondage of corruption, we need to know HOW. This SIN we all feel within is a feeling of helplessness, it is a feeling of guilt and shame, a lost and alone feeling of powerlessness and this is the cause of our seeking God in our own way, or it is the reason for religion, which is man seeking God or seeing God in his own way. God made MAN but Man made gods and as such we all have different gods according to our own understanding, we all worship a god or gods of our own making made from our own imagination and we even worship the creation of God because we can not see the God of creation for He is invisible. This is where we need to come away from outward worship of idols of wood, stone, animals and things of His creation and begin to look inward into the depths of our very beings, for in the deepest part of us He dwells or a least there is the doorway to eternity from whence we all came.
This SIN nature, which we all have inherited is only our own understanding of who God is and who we are, for we are as He is but we don't know it, it is our thinking for ourselves rather than knowing God by being joined into His mind. We have made our own minds and we have believed the deception of our own souls, which God gave to us and we all have been deciding for ourselves what is right or wrong instead of hearing what God speaks to our heart. We have all been filled with spiritual information from the world instead of being filled with the perfect spiritual program of God our Father from within our own soul. We have focussed outwardly instead of inwardly for our instruction and we have perceived wrongly, we have been leaning on our own understanding rather than on the TRUTH of God. The many billions of souls in this creation of God from Adam are in the main all corrupted and death reigns because of our separation from the mind of God. We all think that we are individuals who can just please ourselves and live as we want but this is not so in as much as if we do then we reap destruction to the whole earth by our sowing of seeds from a mind, which is not of God but of the flesh nature of mankind and we all can see the destruction, which is upon us all in the way of sickness and disease and all manner of corrupt practices today. The whole earth is becoming desolate because we are consuming from without rather than replenishing from the eternal source of all life that lies within us all. We all as selfish souls are hungering to be filled from the outside, we are consuming one another of love and life, for the TRUTH is not in us and yet we all seek our husband to satisfy our souls, which will make us again as God on the earth able to create all blessings to sustain a fullness of rich life abundantly for all.
So God made us as Adam and He gave us the ability to fall into the deception of our own souls and we became a whore who received of false spirits or husbands and death befell us and we all are corrupted everyone on the earth even those who have passed on and we all hunger for the lover of our soul, we all are lost and alone in the world and we do not know the WAY although we do try by the ways we have been taught by fellow man who also is deceived. We need the pure seed, the Spirit of TRUTH, we need our Husband of our desire to give rest to our weary souls.
Sin consciousness is what we all have in our human unregenerated state of death and we need to know what SIN is and that it has been dealt with for ALL of us and that now we can come out of self condemnation, guilt and shame, we no longer have to cover up and hide from God, we no longer need to be religious and try to please God to find favour with Him, we can now come to Him and be joined with our Husband. We have a TRUE covering and we are no longer naked in His sight, we can come and put away all of the facade that we have been projecting to God to show Him that we are worthy. We are worthy and He made us that way in the beginning, we can come to Him and be healed of the false image that we have created, we can know our true person and receive again the glory of God that was with Adam in the garden of Eden and we can have peace and love in our hearts as we live a life of total joy in God.
God has planned His creation to the smallest detail and all things are of God there is nothing made that is not made by Him and as such all of creation is folding out like a scroll of life as in a giant play. Many choose not to respond to the voice of God and still go about their own lives according to their own understanding but God still turns the hearts of those who control the masses and His plan is right on schedule. We all have a certain role to play and those who have passed over the river of life have done according to the plan of God for their lives, even if they have been a vessel of dishonour, for God is sovereign and in control of all things for it is God who works in us both to will and to do of His good pleasure and it is His good pleasure to reveal the life of His Son in you for you are His offspring and as such you will manifest the life of God with the glory of God shining in your life as in Adam in the beginning. The time is here now when all of creation will seek God and become one family on the earth, for heaven is to be on earth in our conscious awareness. This means that we all will put away our own self made minds and identities and we will join with the mind of God and have our identity in the spiritual body of His Son. The many mixed up minds of the world will all put on the same mind as we learn where heaven is within us and allow the life of God to flow into us as one body to live eternally here on earth. We all will still have our own identity and we all will still have individual roles in the functioning of the body in the earth but we will no longer be in death or sickness or suffering or poverty or any pain at all, we will be one family having cast down all deception of the minds. This sounds like a good idea and many will say that it will never happen but we need to remember that it is God's plan and He is in total control and He does the work in us for we are His Temple and when He calls us then we do respond for no one can deny Him once they have Truly heard His voice from within.
SIN is what we all seek a remedy for and there is no religion that has the answer. Many people like to make up imaginary solutions to the problem of SIN and many imagine that our soul will go somewhere else on it's journey through the universe or that our soul is on a journey and that the body is nothing in God's plan but this is not what God says neither is it the role for our soul. The role for our soul is to take control of our mortal body and to conquer death as our Husband restores the perfect seed for eternal life as we are restored into the image and likeness of God, radiating His glory, the glory that was lost in Adam and which will be seen in all of the sons of God as the glory of God fills the whole earth in this new age, the Kingdom of heaven on earth. The body we are given is our earth and it is our inheritance as we conquer death and radiate the life of God, overcoming all the natural laws of the universe and moving from time back into timelessness or heaven.
Has God really given an antidote to the curse, which has inflicted death to us all?
Is there really a cure to this deception of our minds, which gives us all a conscience of shame and a need for religion?
Is there really a well of life, where we can receive eternal life as we drink of it's waters?
Is there really a living hope in this dead and dying world where we struggle to find our own way but to no avail?
Is there really a cure for SIN and is there a way to reverse the curse of death?
Is there really a way that our soul can be cleansed and no longer be that whore but become a Bride for our Husband?
Is there rest for our soul?
YES, God in His great plan of creation has made provision for those who will turn to Him and seek His heart. YES God in His infinite wisdom has made a way for those who will love Him with all of their heart and soul and mind and strength and time. Yes God Has given a new and a living way to those who will turn from their own ways and follow after the Son whom He sent to show the WAY. Yes there is a way to those who will love their neighbour as themselves. Yes there is a way opened in heaven through which every man, woman and child will pass. Yes God has been creating His offspring and yes we have all suffered but He is NOW healing us and making us whole. Yes God is restoring His people and we all are one body even those who have passed on are to be made whole in the wholeness of God, none will be lost, every one will open the door to their heart to receive their Husband and lover of their soul. Yes there is a way and the way is narrow, we all must surrender our old nature of Adam to put on the new nature of Spirit. Yes we will have dominion over the earth and God's will will be done on earth as in Heaven, for from Heaven we all came and when we wake up to who we really are then we will be in Heaven on earth. We are the Children of God..... Let God arise!!!
WHO is this SON that the Father sent to show us the WAY to eternal life on this earth as we follow after Him.
He is Jesus Christ
the first born among many brothers and sisters, the first raised from the dead,
He is the head of the new creation where the Spirit of God is in control of
the soul, He is the One who reverses the curse in your life as you partake of
His lifegiving spirit. The soul dictated to the Spirit in the Original man Adam
and Christ was lost or the Spirit of God went away but NOW we can open our soul
willingly to the Spirit of God or Christ and allow Him to come back into our
lives. This pure incorruptible seed of God was prepared for this purpose and
we need to learn to feed from this seed and restore a pure life into our minds.
We need to have the regeneration of our DNA in our bodies as the WORD of God
or the new program of life downloads into our mind and rebuilds our seed of
life, our DNA or our book of life. The WORD of God is Jesus Christ and His lifegiving
Spirit enters when we hear His voice and open the door of our hearts. This perfect
WORD or program of life is for us all and we all need this WORD living in our
hearts and minds for us to join again with the Mind of God from whence we came
before we were separated cast into a body of death as we were knitted together
in our own mothers womb not knowing who or what we were nor where we came from.
There are many writings on the life of Jesus in the Holy Bible and when you
believe that the Father raised Jesus from the dead after Jesus died on the cross,
for us and as us, for the forgiveness of SIN and that Jesus returned to Heaven
and is alive as a source of life for us then you too can become a partaker of
this divine life as you learn to eat of Him. There are other studies for believers
in Jesus as the head of the new creation and it is good to read them on this
site and on connected sites, which teach you to hear God for yourself for the
revelation of Christ in you, your hope of glory.
Here is a brief
outline of what SIN is.
SIN is.
means (next after the first order, belonging or relating to a second order,
taken from something else, derived,
not primal or original)
(not under another's control or authority, not depending on someone or
something else for existence, operation,
help, support. Self sufficient, refusing to accept others
for help or support)
(general, unclear or imperfect idea of something. An opinion or belief, fanciful
or foolish idea. Whim. Becoming aquainted,
conception, not real, imaginary.)
SIN is when we receive,
conceive and believe notions which are positive and negative that
come to us that are
from our own fallen state, from our mind, from our polluted heart and from
the other people
in the fallen world. ADAM was able to live forever, he was innocent, he was
mortal. He only brought
death to mankind when he became SIN for us. SIN was there to show
us the need for the
law of life. The law of life is needed to overcome or transcend the earthen
state of our bodies
so that we become sons of God and sons of man, perfect incorruptible and
When we sin we transgress
the law of God and the actions that result are our iniquities or our
wickedness, the bondage, sorrows,
pain and the brokenness that we all find ourselves in. So
sin causes our transgressions which
are our iniquities. Many Christians say that God gave us a
mind to think but
Adam gave us a mind to think, God gave us a heart to know. Jesus has the
mind of Christ which
is to do the will of the Father. When we are thinking forourselves then we
are evaluating what
to do, we are double minded and vacillating in indecision, we are eating
from the tree of
knowledge of good and evil. We are not to choose good over evil and become
a god who makes that judgement but
we are to receive of the righteousness of God by setting
our mind on the spirit
and acting out of His righteousness which is already established and
given as a gift as we surrender and
accept Jesus as Lord. We are not to think with a carnal
mind but know with
a heart of God. We are not a separated identity, we are with Him in the
beginning, we are
one in His Son. Come out of SIN consciousness, come out of self identity, come
out of religion, put on the mind of Christ and join the power of the
only ONE.
..... I AM THAT I AM.....
People often confuse the word sin with the results of sin which are our iniquities, which are caused by our transgression of the law of life. Sin is sin and it will separate us from life no matter what the degree of seriousness. We could have been a mass murderer or we may be a homosexual or we may have had a thought of hatred toward someone, all are the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, only God tells the Truth all men are liars and we need to be delivered from our sin nature, which is inherent in our separated compartmentalized minds of self. We can train ourselves to be really really good and we can be well mannered and serve the community and do good deeds for others and give to the poor but it does not make us a saint, we still are sinners. Saints do righteous works because of the nature of God which is inherent in their new nature and they are clothed with His righteousness.
We need to recognize
the fruit of the sin nature so that we can repent and turn to God.
Some seem to justify their sin nature
by comparing their faults with the faults of others and by
comparison they think
that they are in favour with God. Let me make it clear right now every
person ever born
of a woman has sinned and needs salvation, there is no other way to eternal
life but by Jesus
Christ and unless you have surrendered to Jesus and said in your heart and by
your mouth that Jesus
Christ is Lord then you are still in sin and in need of a saviour, you may
not know His name
but you will know His beautiful touch in your heart as you call out to God.
His name is Jesus, so now you
know and you can call Him by name and any body who calls on
the name of Jesus will be saved
so be sure to ask Him in prayer, right now is a good time and
there is a link on
this page which will connect you with a prayer for salvation by belief by faith
in the
name of Jesus Christ as saviour. (see below).
Repentance is necessary
in the process of receiving Christ. Repentance means that you no longer align
your will with your self nature but now you set your mind on the Spirit of God,
it is just a change of thinking, which will bring life instead of death as Christ
lives in you eternally. Christ is the Spirit of God and the word Christ means
anointing or the manifestation of the Spirit of God living in His Temple and
each one of us are His Temple as we set our mind on the Spirit and surrender
our self will, we then receive the fullness of His divine life. The same Christ
that is in Jesus can also be in you as you eat of Christ, we all are one when
we are in Christ for this state of perfection is Heaven.
God made man and he was a living soul able to be filled with spiritual information, man was perfect in this state but God had programmed deception into his nature, man was deceived, we all inherited this death from this deception, we all have made our own minds from the deceptions of good and evil, which is SIN, God made good and evil, God wants us to overcome this state of deception and SIn, which is in our minds, we all have been separated from God by our natural birth and we live in a body of death not knowing where we came from or how to come back into His presence, Sin consciousness separates us from the knowledge of God and SIN is thinking for ourselves or forming a false identity or image of who we are, we are Perfect, Holy and Righteous but we are lost in our own worldly minds, in darkness and in self seeking religions, we all have made the gods of our own hearts by vain imaginings and we all need to come back to God, we all look for the Husband of our souls and the TRUE Spirit of God to program our souls or minds to elevate us to immortality, Jesus has removed our consciousness of SIN by the sacrifice of self and we need to become a living sacrifice to God by also sacrificing the things of self as we fully surrender to His program and enter into eternal life on this earth. Jesus Christ is the offering once and for ALL for SIN and SIn is now gone for those who will put on the mind of Christ, which is to do the will of the Father who sent us for we are not of this world.
Religion is hopeless and it is fake, it is all hiding behind fig leaves to keep ourselves from God and God knows where we are, He made us for Christ's sake. God made us from the dust of the earth and He placed the breath of life in us so that we could manifest the fullness of His nature. God is making Himself as He builds us into His House. When we can see that our purpose is not to die but to overcome death in this mortal body by putting on our true nature then we can open ourselves to the work that God has already done and enter into His rest. It is only the resistance of our will that prevents the power of God flowing into our lives, for there is only one doorway and that is Jesus Christ, we are to believe in Jesus and become the same as He is the pattern that we follow. Jesus is the only offering that God has given for SIN and there is no other, Jesus is our only True Husband and there is no other who can give us rest for our souls, Jesus is the spirit of life and the bread of Heaven, Jesus is the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE that we all seek in RELIGION.
Religiosity really requires rebuking, reversing rivalry, reverting recruits, remaking reality, re-establishing ROYAL relationship, restoring Rest.
This rebuking of
the religious spirit within mankind will only come as the True Husband comes
and drives out all of the other lovers of your soul, although He will not come
into your life against you own will and He can wait as long as it takes for
you to desire Him even if you suffer in ignorance of Him and the want of an
enlightened brother to share the good news with you. It is good to listen to
the good news of the Kingdom of God and to learn to tune your heart to the door
within your own soul, the doorway to heaven on earth is in your own awareness
when you can see. Be open to seek within your own soul for His Truth, move outside
of the confines of structured man made religion for it is this bondage, which
holds you in fear, sickness, suffering, poverty, limitation, lack and in death.
John 3:16-21
16 "For God so loved the world, that
He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish,
but have eternal life.
17 "For God did not send the Son
into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through
18 "He who believes in Him is not
judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not
believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 "And this is the judgment, that
the light is come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the
light; for their deeds were evil.
20 "For everyone who does evil hates
the light, and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
21 "But he who practices the truth
comes to the light, that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought
in God."
Acts 2:21
21 'And it shall be, that everyone
who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.'
John 14:6
6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way,
and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but through Me.
Matt 7:7-8
7 "Ask, and it shall be given to
you; seek, and you shall find; knock, and it shall be opened to you.
8 "For everyone who asks receives,
and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.
Rom 10:8-11
8 But what does it say? "The word
is near you, in your mouth and in your heart"-- that is, the word of faith which
we are preaching,
9 that if you confess with your mouth
Jesus {as} Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead,
you shall be saved;
10 for with the heart man believes,
resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation.
11 For the Scripture says, "Whoever
believes in Him will not be disappointed."
John 1:9-14
9 That was the true Light, which
lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
10 He was in the world, and the world
was made by him, and the world knew him not.
11 He came unto his own, and his
own received him not.
12 But as many as received him, to
them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his
13 Which were born, not of blood,
nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
14 And the Word was made flesh, and
dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten
of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Heb 9:28
28 So Christ was once offered to
bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second
time without sin unto salvation.
Col 1:27
27 to whom God willed to make known
what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles, which is
Christ in you, the hope of glory.
Jesus died for the
forgiveness of all sin and we all are covered by His blood, make this real for
yourself as you enter into relationship with Him in the spirit and come to the
knowledge of your salvation.
Jesus is our Husband
and He is waiting for a pure Bride, let your soul now be cleansed as He washes
you as white as snow by the total surrender of your will, emotions, mind, and
"God help me to
turn my heart to you now for I desire the Husband of my soul to comfort me and
I feel so unfulfilled without you, Come Lord Jesus Come into my soul and give
me rest, AMEN."
If Jesus is real
for you and you want the eternal life of God then ask Him yourself, now, to
enter your life.
There is a prayer
link below just click and ask Jesus.