person ever born of a woman either living or passed over to the other side
of the river of life is a living soul from the Father of all souls.
We all have been born of our earthly parents and we all came from the first man Adam. Our soul has been knitted together into our earthly body in the womb of our earthly mother and our genetic make up is the product of the seed of our earthly father and mother, we are made from the dust of the earth and we are living souls within a body. Our soul is a vessel or an empty container ready to be filled with spiritual knowledge, which gives us our identity and purpose of life. When we came to live in this earthy body we lost most of the knowledge of our true identity and our souls soon were programmed by this fallen world around us with false spiritual information. We were subjected to this futility or vanity of our minds in hope that we would come back to remembrance of our true identity and call upon the name of our saviour to resurrect life into our body of death. Jesus was sent to earth for this purpose, to show us the living way to come through this veil of separation from our Father and Jesus provided a way or a door back to spiritual reality by removing the consciousness of our SINFUL nature. SIN is just the forming of an identity of our own by our own understanding. When we can see that as Jesus is in this world so are we, then we can join back together as one. Jesus came to show us the way to overcome the lies of Satan in our minds, to rid ourselves of the false perception we all have and to restore our true identity as children of the living God. Jesus poured out His blood, He poured out His Adamic inheritance or His soul nature and He revealed His divine nature as He obeyed His Father by doing only the will of God. We too are to pour out our false nature and do the will of God who sent us. We are saved by the precious blood of Jesus and we are to pour out our earthly inheritance too and follow Jesus into heaven on earth as we die to our self life and put on our true image of Christ. Christ means anointing or the spirit of the Father living in the Son. We are the Son. We are the Temple of God. God wants to live and move and have His being in us as we share our lives together. Surrender your self life and join the oneness of God as you set your mind on the spirit and take your mind off your flesh. We came from heaven to earth to bring heaven to earth and heaven is within you, remember! Jesus died to become a life giving spirit, a spirit to give life to us. He is the incorruptible seed to be conceived in the garden of our soul to crush the power of Satan the deceiver in our minds, so eat of all that constitutes His flesh and drink of His blood, the angels which minister to us. Press into the Kingdom and reach the full stature of Christ receiving the seven spirits of God without measure. The Kingdom of God will come on this earth as we all partake of the divine nature of Christ. We become as He is by eating of Him, by forgiving all people and by loving all people as we love ourselves with the love that God loved us all with in the beginning and continues to love us with forever more. Love one another in Jesus name the first born Son of God of whom we all are a part. The glory of God will fill the whole earth, seek God , ask and you shall receive the riches of Christ, which are hidden in the darkness of your earth. Ask in spirit and in Truth. God will be ALL in ALL, for all things are by Him and through Him and to Him, all things are of God.
The reason you have come to this site is because within your heart is a deep desire to know the God of your creation and you are searching for the answer to life eternal and you are seeking rest for you weary soul. You have had an awakening of sorts and God has placed a light within you to bring you into the fullness of the knowledge of God. God has given the sacrifice for SIN once and for all, God has made everything clean, we all are under the blood of Jesus and we all are free to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven which is within us all. We seek Truth and yet we all are confused by the many truths which we all make in our own understanding and which we make others to believe so that we don't feel alone in this world. There are many things to believe on in this world and people say that you must believe in something and yet all of those somethings never seem to make us happy and we are continually seeking the Truth of God our maker without knowing the Way ordained by Him.
It is good at this time to pray to the God of all creation and ask Him to direct us in our quest for Truth.
Pray from deep within
your being and really make a connection to the Lord who dwells in His Temple
which you are and let Him hear your prayer for Truth to be revealed to you.
" Loving Father
of all creation, please help me to seek Truth and fulfillment for my life, I
am hungry to know You, I have been looking everywhere for You and I have been
looking in all the wrong places, Help me to find the Heaven which you have placed
within me and teach me to drink of the living waters of life eternal, AMEN"
The one main thing to know concerning our Father God is that He loves you and He made you in His image and after His likeness, He made you perfect, Holy, righteous and just and that you now see yourself differently, the world has given you a false image. This site is called SEEKSAFELY HIS TRUTH for this reason and we need to know that we can seek God without fear and that God is for us and not against us, He has plans to prosper us and to heal us, to make us whole and it is only our resistance to God that stops His work in us for He will not go against our will. The spirit of God can only flow into an empty vessel ready to be filled and our hunger for Truth makes us available to receive of Him. Many people are trapped in religion and they are trying this feel good thing and then that feel good thing and this religion or that religion, they try all manner of mix and match spiritual supermarket shopping trying to patch up their distressed souls. There is spiritual darkness in the lives of the people of this world but we are emerging from this darkness as God speaks to each one of us by the Spirit of His Son Jesus Christ who now is a life giving spirit to give life to all who will receive of Him. We have received of the spirits of other people as they have given us a piece of their minds either by the words they have spoken to us or by us wanting to believe in the the same things that they contain in their minds and we have a mixed mind of many different human spirits. Jesus wants us all to have the fullness of His mind living in our spiritual being so that we can have life eternal because He is the first raised from the dead having overcome the worldly mind of man and having revealed the divine mind of God which we have hidden in us.
We can seek Truth
everywhere and unless we have been quickened by the Spirit of God to give us
access to our spiritual mind of God then we seek in vain even though we know
within, that the Truth is out there somewhere. The Truth is, that the Truth
is in here and when we can see it within then we can see it out there too. I
would like to turn all seekers of truth away from outward seeking and pleasures
which relate to the body and the soul and turn them to the spirit of God within,
which will then bring a flow of life into the soul and then the body. We all
seek spiritual pleasure for the soul but these are worldly religious efforts
to satisfy the soul and no one can satisfy the soul like our Husband Jesus Christ
who is the Way the Truth and the Life we all seek.
Seeking rest for
our weary souls can be simple when you know the Way and many people fear the
Way because the name of Jesus makes people very angry and they don't want to
know the Way. This fear comes by the spirits in our own minds which resist Jesus
and the Way which He shows to Heaven, for most people want to come to heaven
without changing their thinking. When we discover the Spirit of God working
in our lives and we are beginning to seek then it is wise and very good to come
to the understanding of the True Way rather than beating about the bush doing
things our own way and dying in the process. The very fact that you are a new
seeker means that there is an awareness within you and that you have heard the
Word of God calling you into the Kingdom and you only really now need to have
good teaching on how to follow Jesus.
If you want to seek
in other religions or go your own way well that is good too, for you will need
to exhaust all of your own self efforts before you will turn and really want
the Truth of your creator.
When you finally wake up to the fact
that your false identity has been leading you in a wild goose chase and that
you want to know who you really are then seek His Truth and seek it where there
is evidence of His Truth displayed in the people who teach you. The life you
seek is eternal life and it comes by you overcoming death in your mortal body
and not by going by way of the grave like so many do through lack of His Truth.
The Kingdom of heaven is coming to earth and we are to be born again from the
Heavenly realm, which means our true identity will now fill our empty vessels
with the life of God. This process of giving your old nature up and putting
it completely out of your mind and the receiving of your new nature by the filling
of your mind requires you hearing of the voice of God. There are many sites
connected to this one which teach on hearing the voice of God and knowing the
Word of God, which is the Holy Bible given for us for teaching, reproof, rebuking
and instruction and it is divinely inspired or God breathed although there are
man made errors in the translation so being lead by the spirit is critical.
We really need to learn to hear the voice of God and not man, for when the spirit of Truth comes to us then He will lead us into all Truth and we will be regenerated and saved in our spirit, soul and body into eternal life in Christ. There is no other solution for SIN apart from believing in Jesus as saviour and believing that the Spirit of the Father Who raised Jesus from the dead will also resurrect your mortal body into immortality as He appears within you, His Temple. We need to know what SIN is and we need to know that we all have been born into SIN and death and that Jesus is the antidote for SIN and that when we eat of His divine nature then we overcome death in our bodies.
SIN is.
(next after the first order, belonging or relating to a second order, division,
taken from something else, derived,
not primal or original.)
means (not under another's control or authority, not depending on someone or
something else for existence, operation,
help, support. Self sufficient, refusing to accept others
for help or support)
Notion means (general, unclear or imperfect idea of something. An opinion or belief, fanciful or foolish idea. Whim. Becoming aquainted, conception, not real, imaginery.)
SIN is when we receive,
conceive and believe notions which are positive and negative that
come to us that are from our own
fallen state, from our mind, from our polluted heart and from
the other people in the fallen world.
ADAM was able to live forever, he was innocent, he was
mortal. He only brought death to
mankind when he became SIN for us. SIN was there to show
us the need for the law of life.
The law of life is needed to overcome or transcend the earthern
state of our bodies so that we become
sons of God and sons of man, perfect incorruptible and
When we sin we transgress
the law of God and the actions that result are our iniquities or our
wickedness, the bondage, sorrows,
pain and the brokenness that we all find ourselves in. So
sin causes our transgressions which
are our iniquities. Many Christians say that God gave us a
mind to think but Adam gave us a
mind to think, God gave us a heart to know. Jesus has the
mind of Christ which is to do the
will of the Father. When we are thinking for ourselves then we
are evaluating what to do, we are
double minded and vascillating in indecision, we are eating
from the tree of knowledge of good
and evil. We are not to choose good over evil and become
a god who makes that judgement but
we are to receive of the righteousness of God by setting
our mind on the spirit and acting
out of His righteousness which is already established and
given as a gift as we surrrender
and accept Jesus as Lord. We are not to think with a carnal
mind but know with a heart of God.
We are not a separated identity, we are with Him in the
beginning, we are one in His Son.
Come out of SIN consciousness, come out of self identity, come out of religion,
put on the mind of Christ and join the power of the only one.
..... I AM THAT I AM......
People often confuse
the word sin with the results of sin, which are our iniquities, which are
caused by our transgression of the
law of life. Sin is sin and it will separate us from life no matter
what the degree of seriousness. We
could have been a mass murderer or we may be a
homosexual or we may have had a thought
of hatred toward someone all are the fruit of the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. We
all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, only God
tells the Truth, all men are liars
and we need to be delivered from our sin nature, which is
inherant in our separated compartmentalised
minds of self. We can train ourselves to be really
really good and we can be well mannered
and serve the community and do good deeds for
others and give to the poor but it
does not make us a saint, we still are sinners. Saints do
righteous works because of the nature
of God which inherent in their new nature and they are
clothed with His righteousness.
We need to recognise
the fruit of the sin nature so that we can repent and turn to God.
Some seem to justify their sin nature
by comparing their faults with the faults of others and by
comparison they think that they are
in favour with God. Let me make it clear right now every
person ever born of a woman has sinned
and needs salvation, there is no other way to eternal
life but by Jesus Christ and unless
you have surrendered to Jesus and said in your heart and by
your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord
then you are still in sin and in need of a saviour, you may
not know His name but you will know
His beautiful touch in your heart as you call out to God.
His name is Jesus so now you know
and you can call Him by name and any body who calls on
the name of Jesus will be saved,
so be sure to ask Him in prayer, right now is a good time and
there is a link on this page which
will connect you with a prayer for salvation by belief by faith in
the name of Jesus Christ as saviour.
(see below).
There are many things in our lives which confuse us and there is a lot of unwravelling to be done and seeking in all the wrong places only causes frustration and added confusion to our already mixed up minds. We need to find our True identity and our identity is in Jesus Christ as we all are a part of His spiritual body. Jesus is the only Son of God and we all started off as Adam and we all end up as Christ, we all are a part of the one Son of God, first the natural a man from the earth and then spiritual a man from the heavens and when the two meet we become a new creation. The role for your soul is to find your Husband and to marry Him and to allow His life to be entwined with yours as you make a new seed, which is incorruptible and your being then becomes immortal.
Seek safely His Truth and have no fear.
Below is the prayer
for Truth to be revealed within you as you seek.
is for you!
This site will concentrate
on prayer as "THE" way to confirm His Truth and readers will soon
see the value of prayer as God reveals
simple Truth to us All, even moments before we read it
or hear it. You will be amazed.
Truth is already within us but it has been almost lost, it has
been darkened by this world we live
in. We need the light, which is in us to shine out of
darkness and show us Truth again.
The reason we need
to pray for Truth to be revealed is because there is deception in the
world and in our minds. We tend to
think that what we believe is the truth because it seems
very real to us. We do not want to
accept change even when it is for our good. Our
conscience is what gives us our understanding
of truth and when we hear something contrary
to our conscience we tend to reject
it and refuse to accept it. Our conscience has been
shaped by the world and all
of our surroundings. What we believe to be truth is not
necessarily the Truth of God our
Creator. So we must be prepared to change our
understanding when we hear Truth
or read Truth. We must believe Truth when we read it or
hear it or we will not change our
belief of what Truth is. We must know it is Truth and not just
some other person's idea of Truth.
So reading or hearing Truth alone will not be the reason
we believe Truth but rather, we believe
Truth when the spirit of Truth confirms Truth to us.
This is because we NOW! want
to know Truth and we trust the Spirit of Truth to
impress Truth to us, because
we have prayed for TRUTH. God is Truth and God is for
us. When we ask God for Truth He
will give Truth to us because He wants us to know ALL
Truth. He wants us to come out of
deception and darkness into ALL Truth NOW!
Some of us may be
reading this and thinking. "But I don’t believe in God yet" Well God wants
us ALL to believe in Him and He has
placed Spirit within us whether we know it or not. The
spirit He has placed in us ALL is
Eternal Spirit and this means that we can related to other
Spirit. You may have heard the voice
of God many times in your life and not recognized it as
being God leading you. Our Spirit
of life is open and receptive to the Spirit of Truth and when
we pray from our Spirit our prayer
will be heard by God. God will reveal Truth to us because
this is His will for our life and
also NOW it is our new desire.
When we pray to
God for Truth to be revealed it is important to believe in Him as a Person or
as an Identity we can relate to.
We are His offspring. It is important to address Him by name.
His name is YAHVEH the Most High
God EL ELYON or as some say JEHOVA. He is the Great I AM or the Lord God of
Israel. He is our Father and He wants us to call Him Father,
He is the Father
of JESUS CHRIST our Saviour the first raised from the dead, the first
of the new
creation, our elder brother. We address
His Holy Spirit when we ask for the Spirit of Truth to
lead us into ALL Truth. It is the
Spirit of the Father that resurrected Jesus from the dead and
the same Spirit will bring us into
understanding of Truth and resurrect us from the dead also
as we come to the Full Knowledge
His Truth.
There may be some
of us who do not want to pray to God for Truth using His name or
believing in this relationship of
the Creator of the Universe as our Father. In this case there will
be a prayer below (2) for the Spirit
of Truth to lead us into all Truth without using God’s name
or connecting us as people to Him
because we ALL have not come to this understanding.
This will enable those of us who
are unsure, to seek Truth NOW without being pressured into
believing on any name. This will
allow the Spirit of Truth to teach us who God is and at the
same time relate to the Creator of
the Universe in a personal way by our Spirit. It is a way of
saying. "I want the Truth but I am
not sure what the Truth is. I am not sure who God is or even
if there is a God. I can see that
what ever power has made this Great Universe must be real
and I want to know the Truth of the
Creator as I feel a deep longing in my heart to be a part of
it and live Eternally."
(1) Below is a prayer
for Truth to be revealed to us as we seek His Truth in this site and also
other sites linked to this site.
This prayer can also be used as we read from the Bible so that
the written word, by the power of
the Holy Spirit becomes living Word and gives us
understanding and life. This prayer
is for those of us who by faith believe that there is a
Creator of the Universe and that
He is our heavenly Father and our God but do not yet know
Jesus personally as their Saviour.
We can not come to faith without the Father drawing us to
Jesus by His spirit and this writing
alone may give you an inner hearing of the Word of God
within you as you remember who you
are in Him in eternity before you came to this earth into
your earthly body. Any body who calls
on the name of Jesus from their heart will be saved, so
if you do remember who you are or
if you have a glimmer of an awakening, then pray the
following prayer and seek the secret
place within you that is your connection back to heaven.
Pray this prayer
with meaning like your lifedepends on it. Pray it from deep within the
innermost part of your being, the
part of you that is your Spirit. Pray it really longing for Truth
to be revealed to you, with an attitude
of great hope for life to be restored to you by
knowledge of the Truth. A
deep desperate travailing prayer as if you have suddenly realized
that you have been cut off from lifeand
you are dying without Truth. Pray it from your heart
and not your mind. Pray to God.
" Loving
Heavenly Father I believe You are God and creator of the universe, I believe
that I am created by You. I do
not know all Truth yet. I want to know all Truth so that I
will receive eternal life. Holy
Spirit of Truth please lead me into all Truth as I read and
listen to this site and other
sites connected to this site. Lead me into all Truth when I
read the Bible. Lead me at all
times by Your Spirit God. Please give me the desire to
seek Your Truth with all of my
heart. Teach me the Truth about Jesus Christ. Teach
me the Gospel of salvation. AMEN"
(2) This following
prayer is for those of us who do not want to at this time commit ourselves to
belief of any name of God or relationship
with Him but who see that there is a Mighty Creator
behind all that is made.
Pray this prayer
with meaning like your life depends on it. Pray it from deep within the
innermost part of your being, the
part of you that is your Spirit. Pray it really wanting Truth to
be revealed to you, with an attitude
of great hope for life to be restored to you by knowledge
of the Truth. A deep desperate
travailing prayer as if you have suddenly realized that you
have been cut off from life and
you are dying without Truth. Pray it from your heart and not
your mind. Pray to the Creator of
everything that is made.
" Spirit
of Truth please lead me into all Truth. Touch the Spirit within me and open
eyes of my understanding. I know
there is power, wisdom and love behind all that I
see and touch but something seems
wrong in this world. Please lead me into the
Truth of the Creator and reveal
Truth to me while I am seeking in this site. Confirm
Truth to me wherever I see it
and hear it. Teach me to seek Truth and Know Truth and
to know the Creator. Teach me
the Truth about Jesus and the plan my life is to follow.
(3) This prayer
is for those of us who do not believe there is a God. And who believe things
came about by random chance. Or for
those of us who believe that we are our own god and
believe in the law of "Survival of
the fittest". Or for those of us who believe all is hopeless and
that we are doomed to destruction.
Or for those of us who have different gods altogether, and
for ALL who are in bondage to religion.
Pray this prayer
with meaning like your life depends on it. Pray it from deep within the
innermost part of your being, the
part of you that is your Spirit. Pray it really wanting Truth to
be revealed to you, with an attitude
of great hope for life to be restored to you by knowledge
of the Truth. A deep desperate
travailing prayer as if you have suddenly realized that you
have been cut off from life
and you are dying without Truth. Pray it from your heart and not
your mind. Just pray this prayer
to the One who hears and knows everything. Pray it to the
light that is within you, the seed
within you which needs to hear Truth to emerge into new life.
" I am
not sure what is Truth, I am confused about life altogether I believe differently
and I am not sure why I am even
looking here in this site about His Truth but here I
am and I suppose deep down I am
looking for answers.
My life seems so darkened and
yet there seems to be a flicker of hope in the deepest
part of me. The way I am living
my life seems false and not authentic but the world
seems to draw me to this way.
It hurts and it is keeping me frozen in fear. I am unable
to respond in the way my heart
wants to respond. I need the Truth Please lead me
into all Truth so that I have
my identity in reality. If there is a God, who are You?
Please reveal Yourself to me.
These prayers are
for ALL people to ask for the Spirit of Truth to lead them into ALL Truth. If
you are reading this page and feel
you do not fit into any of the above categories then make
up your own prayer similar to this
one that follows.
Pray this prayer
with meaning like your life depends on it. Pray it from deep within the
innermost part of your being, the
part of you that is your Spirit. Pray it really wanting Truth to
be revealed to you, with an attitude
of great hope for life to be restored to you by knowledge
of the Truth. A deep desperate
travailing prayer as if you have suddenly realized that you
have been cut off from life
and you arey dying without Truth. Pray it from your heart and
your mind. Just say this prayer to
the One who hears our prayers and knows all Truth. Pray it
" I want
Truth as Truth is ALL there is that is worth anything in this lost world. All
that I
want is to be loved and to love
others and the only way I can do that is Truthfully. I
don’t want to deceive anybody
neither do I want anybody to deceive me. I want every
relationship to be formed in love
and Truth so that I can trust what I hear and what I
say. Please lead me into loving
relationships based on Your Truth God and lead me
into all Truth. AMEN"
When we seek safely
His Truth we in fact allow His Truth to seek us. His Truth has been
seeking us all of our lives and that
is why we ALL have heard His voice guiding us or
leading us at one time or another.
God wants us ALL to believe in Him. His Truth has been
touching our lives all along without
us really knowing it. When we finally surrender to His plan
and recognize Jesus Christ as our
Saviour then God will reveal just how He has
influenced our lives. This is how
God brings us to belief. He reveals Himself in many ways,
in the stars at night, in the beauty
of His creation all around us, in the miracle of birth, in the
lives of other people and in many
other ways. His Truth has been pursuing us all of our lives.
The Bible says His "Word" has gone
out into ALL the world and the "Word" (Jesus) is the
True light that lights every man
that comes into the world, so there is no excuse for us not
knowing His Truth which is ALL
around us and in us ALL. Knowing that there is a God
and knowing who He is and what His
plan of salvation is, are three different understandings
altogether. This is the reason our
Father sent Jesus to earth. He came to show us ALL the
way back to our Father and to His
Truth. We All need to know that God and man are
separated by mans’ belief in SIN
but NOW! by the knowledge of Truth All of mankind
and God will become one again.
We ALL know in our hearts that there is a God but we
don’t all know who He is. We also
do not know how to enter into His presence to know perfect
peace and liberty. The first
work of the spirit of Truth is to bring us to an understanding
of the Truth that Jesus has
opened the way for us to know our Father and that only by
believing on the name of Jesus
can we receive our full inheritance and live in peace.
is why Jesus came to earth to bring the Gospel or the good news about the
Kingdom of God or the Kingdom
of Heaven on earth. Jesus came to bring the Truth that
the way is now open for us ALL
to become one with our Father. He showed us the way by
putting sin and death to death. Then
He rose again from the grave victorious. His victory is our
victory too, when we believe on His
name. We have been separated by sin since mankind first
sinned and sin has been a disease
for ALL of mankind ever since. We have not got the power
to overcome sin and death in our
lives so we need the Spirit of Christ to overtake and
empower our Spirit of life. In His
life giving Spirit is the power to overcome sin and death. His
Spirit blends together with our Spirit.
Then we have power to overcome ALL enemies within
us. When we surrender our self identity
and self will which was made by this world, do His will
and partake of His Divine nature,
then we become as one in the same Spirit. We become a
new creation in Him. Just as Jesus
is the head of the new creation we become a part of His
body. We become followers of Jesus
Christ, believers of ALL that He IS. We allow Him to live
in us by His spirit. All this means
is that we become reprogrammed to God’s perfect way and
come out of the worlds corrupt program.
We come from death into life. We are born again
from the heavenly realm and grow
to become children of God. Restored into His image and
likeness, filled with His glory and
all of His Divine attributes. We are His offspring. The Bible
tells us that our hope is the "HOPE
OF GLORY CHRIST IN US" and the Gospel tells us
this message.
The first step to
salvation is to believe on Jesus as our Saviour. This is explained in the Bible
and it is called the feast of Passover.
This is the first of three main feasts of Israel, which we
ALL must partake of to reach maturity
in Christ and receive our full inheritance. This will be
covered in more detail in the click
on below which is a discovery lesson and teaches us why
Jesus is Saviour of ALL. This
is a necessary step to accept in our Journey of Salvation
and if there is a blockage at this
stage in our understanding the Spirit of Truth will continue
pursuing us until we believe on the
name of Jesus. Jesus is the way, the Truth and the life.
Jesus is the only way to the Father
and the only Way ordained by the Father to receive our
inheritance. It is only a matter
of really wanting His Truth and our full inheritance. Calling out to
God in a desperate or longing prayer
will allow His Faith to come to us. It is His faith that
causes us to believe on Him and all
we need to do is want to believe and ask Him for His
Faith. Any one who calls on the name
of Jesus will be saved. Asking Him is the KEY.
This web site is
named seeksafely His Truth because many of us fear seeking for truth for
there are many deceptions in the
world and we do not trust what other people say to us. It is
important to know that God is for
us and that He wants us to come into all Truth now and live
eternally, so fear not to open your
heart and mind to Him and His Truth. God has not given us
a spirit of fear so trust Him. He
is for you and not against you. He will not allow any deception
to come into your understanding if
you seek His Truth in a spirit of truth and with a desire to
come into His Kingdom. His angels
have been given charge over you so ask Him today to
show you the way.
Jesus is our Saviour
and He is the King of All. He only does what He hears His Father say to
Him and what He sees our Father doing,
so in this way Jesus is our Creator, our Saviour and
Lord. He is our Prince of peace.
We have Great joy in our hearts when we receive Him as our
Saviour and allow His Spirit of Truth
to enter our lives and change us. When the Prince of
peace lives in ALL of our hearts
then there will be Peace on earth.
Spirit is thought
and what we think is what we become so let us ALL become as HE IS. Jesus
is Truth and He lives forever, so
will we when we receive Him into our Spirit to guide us into
the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Refer to these prayers
again or simply you can pray this prayer below which will be easy to
remember when ever you are reminded
to pray for Truth to be revealed.
"Holy Spirit of
Truth please lead me into all Truth.
Remember when Truth
is revealed we must not then try to contain it and make a religious
practice in living to that Truth
alone. Truth wants us to be continually seeking Truth and living
our lives in every moment of revealed
Truth. It is so easy to contain it and then try to be in
control of what we think Truth is.
Truth is for the moment and not valid for every moment as
each moment is different. When we
try to control Truth we become our own god again and
form a carnal dead religious life
of self and begin judging good over evil or evaluating Truth for
ourselves. God is our source
and we are not to judge what is Truth from our own
thinking but believe the Holy
Spirit as we learn to live our lives every moment in His