The Rapture is a
much spoken about doctrine of the apostate Church, the Church which has fallen
from the foundation of true faith in Christ Jesus. Most members of the body
of the bride of Christ are looking for an escape from this world but Jesus said
that we are to be in this world but not of it and that we are to overcome the
world even as He did and that we should pray to be kept from evil. Jesus said
that He will come with His reward.
It is good at this
time to pray for the Truth of God to be revealed in our inner man and come into
all Truth.
Pray the following
prayer from your deepest part, your sacred heart of God's love, which is eternal.
" Loving Father and creator of all and Lord of the resurrection, please lead me into Your Truth about the rapture in Jesus name, AMEN"
There are many theories about the rapture, when and where it will take place. There are people working out times and dates which are approximate to the coming of the King and the return of the saints but all of this is focusing on the outward or the carnal things of this world and overlooks the internal work that is necessary to actuate the rapture of our spirit into His eternal presence.
The doctrines of rapture which are focussing on a few chosen to escape from this world into some ethereal heaven and leave the world to perish are not founded on a true knowledge of God. God is a God of love and He is the One who leaves the 99 and seeks the one lost sheep. People who are still in bondage to fear have formed a doctrine of escapism and a false hope of a snatching away to a far away heaven based on false teaching and a lack of understanding of scripture. There are many false teachings within the Church which teach escapism and most come through error in Bible translation and teachers not having the mind of Christ.
It is true that there is a generation when all of creation will be set free from the bondage of corruption. A Royal Priesthood will arise upon the earth and set creation free but these Kings and Priests will not have gone to some far distant planet or heavenly realm in a distant place removed from the earth. The training ground for this first fruit company is right here on earth and their feet will remain on the earth although their heavens will be connected to the heaven of God. It is true that this generation is Now being formed upon this earth and those who have made their election sure know exactly who they are and are experiencing an uplifting of their spirit man into a very high place. These men and women or sons of God being transformed into the image and likeness of God are aware of their high calling and are walking in Christ to some degree or another, we all are being lifted or raptured into His presence and seeing from a divine perspective.
To see the truth about the rapture we need to understand the purposes of God and see how He has made mankind and how we are to respond to the call upon our lives. First let us look at how God made us. He made us from the dust of the earth, a vessel of earth with a spirit of life. He made us as Adam or He made us as a living soul. Through His plan we fell into a state of SIN and we developed a separate identity. We became vessels to be filled by spirit. We became the soul race or a humanity which was feminine in nature, we became a vessel which could receive. This happened because Eve or the soul of Adam received from a source other than God and was deceived. The life source of Man is within him, it is called the garden of Eden this is the place where God dwells. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is within you and it is within every man born of a woman or born of a soul nature. Jesus said that He is the head of every man and that He is the true light that lights every man. The fallen nature of Adam which is every person ever born is to be resurrected into the nature of God from which he fell. Jesus became the first born Son of God, the first raised from the dead, the head of the new creation, the preeminent One and He said follow Me. Jesus put to death the Adamic nature which says that I can rise above God, the nature that is a deception or an alienated false identity, the lucifer nature which fell from glory to be self sufficient and self orientated. Jesus put us to death on the cross, we are crucified with Christ on the cross of Calvary and we are dead, Jesus has tasted death for us and we need not die again. It is appointed for every man to die once and Jesus has done it for us, it is no longer our obligation to die. The nature of Adam that we were is still operating in our separated minds and we live our life out of this false identity. We were created in the image and after the likeness of Christ and this is our true identity which we must realize within our own vessel.
The reason that most people want to see a rapture all done by the power of God in a wizz bang magic trick sort of style is that they do not want to confront the truth that they must die to this phantom nature which controls the life of sensual pleasures within themselves. People just plainly like the pleasures of the flesh and would rather believe the lie and go to the grave than surrender the deception that they are sinners and unworthy. Jesus has died for all SIN and we are free to enter into the Kingdom of heaven. Many people want to take earth to heaven and never surrender their earthly nature and expect that death will change them into the perfect person upon their death. God said that the heavens are to rule over the earth and our body is the earth as our mind will emotions and desires are our heavens. We need to put the earth in subjection to our heavens and our heavens needs first to be changed to become God's heaven and not our own false heaven. We need to come out of our own thinking and come into God's thinking, we cannot think for ourselves and go to heaven, we need to have the mind of Christ which is to do the will of Him who sent us.
Let us get a picture of our vessel.
We are a soul which is a container which has a mind, will emotions and desires, plus we have a body which is our earth.
Our soul is a spiritual
bank of spiritual information, which operates by the control of our will and
our desires. Our mind holds our conscience or our awareness. We have an identity
which thinks it is self or ego and our natural desires feed our body and please
our body. Our desires speak to our will which is aligned with this fallen nature
and we satisfy our body by our willful desires. These desires come from our
body which wants to exist and this is lust, lust of the flesh. Our soul is filled
with all sorts of spiritual information which has been handed down from the
generations as traditions and religious practices as well as all manner of lies
of deception.
This self thinks it is right in what
it believes and can see no reason to change beliefs and so it rejects change.
Often when God speaks from within us we feel conviction of wrong doing, because
we are challenged to change what we believe as truth but often we reject change
because our flesh feels at home and our identity feels at home in the body.
God lives within us and there is a war going on between our spirit which is
Christ and our body which is flesh, our body wants pleasure and comfort but
the spirit wants our flesh or carnal mind to die to self. We need our spirit
to know it is Christ and awake and become connected to the source of life to
help us win the battle. When we ask Jesus to come into our lives then He will
engage in battle with us to defeat all enemies within and we will finally conquer
and walk in the newness of life and never die. We need to be regenerated.
This understanding that we are trapped in a false identity and that we are to rise above the flesh or carnal mind and change our nature from the earthy to the divine is the beginning of the rapture process or the beginning of our resurrection from the dead in Christ. God makes us first the flesh man and then the spiritual man. Adam was made a living soul and Christ became a life giving spirit. Jesus became SIN for us so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. We were Christ in the beginning, we were with the sons of God before the world was, we were cast into a body of death not knowing who or what we were, we were created perfect in the beginning, we were Holy righteous and Just without SIN, God turned us to breaking down and said return unto me children of God. God subjected us to the vanity of our minds in hope of total restoration by the children of God. We are to see that this darkness we are in is so that God can glorify Himself in us and we can now have a body converted into spirit. Our spirit or our identity is to ascend above our original estate or earthy condition of the Adamic nature and we are to become as Jesus is in this world, we are flesh of His flesh and bones of His bones. Jesus has a spiritual body which can eat, drink, walk through walls, Jesus has transcended time and space and all the natural laws of the universe, Jesus moves as the wind and He can appear anywhere anytime in His body.
When we can see
that Jesus died for all and is resurrected and that when we are in Him then
we are at one with Him and we are resurrected in Him too. Jesus is the resurrection,
Jesus has opened heaven for all men, He has made the connection, He is the first
and all will follow Him. Jesus came to take away the consciousness of SIN for
all men and when we know that we can ask God to strip away our false identity
and put on our true identity then we are on the way to heaven in earth. We need
to renew our mind which renews our body and we will never die.
We need to have the mind of Christ
fully within our vessel and the deceived mind fully out of our vessel. When
Christ beholds His creation from within us then we will see reality. Perception
is in the eye of the beholder and when we have a false identity then we see
the corrupt world and not the Kingdom of God the way He made it. We need to
cast down every imagination and thought, every idol of the heart and every high
thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God and receive the spiritual
picture that God has for our lives.
We can see that the putting to death of the old nature and ascending to heaven within our vessel is the rapture. Jesus taught His disciples to pray to the Father Thy Kingdom come Thy will be done in earth as in heaven and many of us do not want to do the will of the Father but still want all the blessings. We really must ask am I a disciple or just a wishful thinker, am I prepared to put the old man to death where he died on the cross or am I going to let the old man become older and take me to the grave. The resurrection power of Christ can live in each one of us as we partake of His divine nature and surrender the old nature to the cross. In the garden of Eden we received a curse of death and work but Jesus says enter into my rest and put your burdens upon me and have life. We need to enter into the rest of Christ and surrender the burdens of the false identity. Christ is anointing of God and when God lives in the Temple which you are then you will be Christ, so set your mind on the spirit of God and put on the mind of Christ which is to do the will of the Father. The Word of God says that there will be a new heavens and a new earth. All this means is that when we have the new mind of Christ we will have a new heavens and when the mind of Christ takes over our vessel then we will have a new earth.
Many people are
expecting the physical appearing of Jesus Christ to change them into His image
and likeness without them even changing or trying to change at all. Many people
are resisting the will of God and doing works according to their own will and
saying that they are serving God. Many people serve God through their own agenda
by their strength of will, they train their old nature to be Christ like and
expect that when they die they will wake up in heaven.
Many go to the grave instead of putting
the old man to death on the cross, many choose to die as Adam rather than as
Jesus. We need to realize the work that has been done, Jesus said it is finished
and we need to believe that and now walk in His resurrection power. We need
to find that secret spot within us that fills the Temple and the only way is
to ask God to show us the way. Jesus is the way. Jesus went to spirit. The Father
is spirit . Jesus went to the Father. Jesus is a life-giving spirit who indwells
us as we invite Him in. We are to go to spirit. We go to spirit as Christ changes
us to spirit.
The perception that
we have is false and it keeps us from eternal life and this perception has been
passed down to us from Adam who chose to depend more on his physical senses
rather than his spiritual senses. Adam catered to the needs of the flesh or
the sensual needs of his identity and he learned to observe with the outer man
and not the inner man. He ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil where
he had to decide for himself instead of trusting what God said to him and this
double mindedness caused him to form an identity based on knowledge from a source
other than God. Adam believed the lie or deception and double mindedness was
passed on to every generation as we were taught the lies of the world. This
double vision caused death as he was being filled with untruth and he died as
all in Adam die.
The Bible says when the eye is single
then our whole body will be filled with light. We are to be single minded and
have a pure heart towards God having an eye for Him and only Him. We are the
bride of Christ and we are to conceive of Him only, He is our husband. The devil
or the father of lies is no longer to be our father, we are no longer to conceive
of lies of the evil one but receive only of the spirit of Truth.
When Jesus died on the cross He put to death SIn, death, all lies of the devil all false gods and idols and He overcame the world and the grave. Jesus was the last Adam, He was the last of the soul realm or the old order of life and He ushered in the new creation. Jesus absorbed into Himself all of the old creation and became the first in the new order of things or the new creation. We all need to realize the new creation within us and make a change in the way we think. We are no longer to think for ourselves but know with the heart of God. In the garden of Eden there are two main trees and God said not to eat of the double minded tree but to eat of the single minded tree. What this means is that we are to obey God and not make our own way like we all have done in the past. We are to trust God and be lead by His spirit of Truth as we learn to walk in Christ. Deep within us is the tree of life and we need to find it and eat of it, this tree is spirit and it is life, we need to hear the Word of God in our heart again rather than all the voices of deception in the world.
When Moses was in the wilderness God gave him the pattern of the Tabernacle which is the replica of the heavenly and this is a spiritual picture of our own person and the Bible explains the way into the holy of Holies deep within us where God dwells. When we seek God and ask Him to lead us to the living waters then we are filled and overflow with life for others.
The first step in finding heaven within or being raptured into His presence or ascending to be seated with Him is to ask Jesus to become your saviour. This takes you from the world into the outer court of the Tabernacle, this is the feast of passover and the spirit of Christ is quickened on the inside of you as you come to faith because you chose to believe when you heard the word of God. Be baptized in water in obedience to Christ and follow Jesus as a disciple, which is a life of discipline. You become perfect here and the free gift of the righteousness in Christ is received.
The next step is to receive the baptism in the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands from an anointed servant of God. This will bring you into the Holy place where you will put on the mind of Christ and become incorruptible. The fire of God baptizes you and all enemies within are dealt with as you align your mind and will with God. You desire only the things of God and seek to serve only Him. This is the feast of Pentecost.
The next step is
the feast of Tabernacles where the body is glorified and God fills His Temple.
This is the secret place within you
where the spirit of God dwells this is where we can access the very essence
of God and know Him on a very personal level, we become at one with God.
These stages of spiritual growth have other feasts between and need to be understood properly to know the way to enter each feast. These feasts are all described in type and shadow in the old testament in the Bible and will be covered more in depth in another writing.
The book of revelation of Christ or apocalypse is a book of unveiling and teaches how Christ is revealed within us and how we become Christ. Many theologians try to explain this spiritual book in a literal way and are confounded. The Bible is a spiritual picture book and revelation comes by knowing the spirit behind the letter of the Word. There is no way any person can understand this book without the mind of Christ, the same goes for the whole of the written Word of God. We need to progress through understanding in the spirit and learn line upon line and precept upon precept to have a clear picture of the spiritual Truth of God and this is why having a living relationship with the living God is necessary in ascending past our own humanity.
There are a few
deceptions in the minds of people regarding the rapture which come from translation
error and one of them is the twinkling of the eye. This is a word which means
to see with spiritual understanding and no longer behold with the natural it
is a change that comes as we all of a sudden see His Truth and start to see
with a single eye rather than in double mindedness, we start to lift our eyes
to Jesus rather than having our vision stuck in our own carnality.
1 Cor 15:42-58
42 So also is the resurrection of
the dead. It is sown a perishable {body} it is raised an imperishable
43 it is sown in dishonor, it is
raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power;
44 it is sown a natural body, it
is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual
45 So also it is written, "The first
man, Adam, became a living soul." The last Adam {became} a life-giving spirit.
46 However, the spiritual is not
first, but the natural; then the spiritual.
47 The first man is from the earth,
earthy; the second man is from heaven.
48 As is the earthy, so also are
those who are earthy; and as is the heavenly, so also are those who are heavenly.
49 And just as we have borne the
image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.
50 Now I say this, brethren, that
flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit
the imperishable.
51 Behold, I tell you a mystery;
we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 in a moment, in the twinkling
of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will
be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
53 For this perishable must put on
the imperishable, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 But when this perishable will
have put on the imperishable, and this mortal will have put on immortality,
then will come about the saying that is written, "Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 "O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?"
56 The sting of death is sin, and
the power of sin is the law;
57 but thanks be to God, who gives
us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren,
be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that
your toil is not {in} vain in the Lord.
Those who are dead
in Christ will be resurrected so make sure you are dead to self and alive to
Christ and you will be resurrected in Him in the better resurrection which is
the first resurrection.
Death will be swallowed up as your
inner man of Christ overtakes your outer man of carnality and the glory of God
shines out from within. So feed the inner man daily and put the works of the
flesh to death daily. Jesus said unless you eat of my flesh and drink of my
blood then you will have no part in me. We need to discern the body of Christ
correctly because many are sick and die among us because they have not examined
themselves to see if they do discern the body of Christ a right. We need not
look upon any man after the flesh because the old creation has passed away and
all things are being made new, even Jesus is to be seen now as the risen Lord
and no longer as the suffering servant.
Many in the Church have an earth bound view of heaven and think it is out there somewhere and that God is up there and that He comes to us from out there. We need to know that God in His fullness is within every atom of our body and that all we need to do is tap into the life source by knowing the way. Jesus is the way. We are a vessel to be filled from within and no longer from without. The world fills us from without when we listen or receive from the world but we are to exclude the world and fill from within with the life of God. We are the offspring of God and He is making us. We can resist Him and go to the grave but it is wise to allow Him to correct us and lead us to quite waters and be filled with eternal life for this is His plan for us. He does not want us to continue in death and ignorantly suffer in this world which we have created through our own will. God wants us to know heaven on earth and He wants us to ascend to Him as we put all enemies under our feet. We need to hear the trumpets sounding in our Temple and know the seals being opened in the book of life that we are. We need to know that our inheritance is our land or our body of dust converted into Holy ground.
If you feel the
spirit of Truth touching your heart and you feel a certain conviction to move
towards God then do draw close to Him for He will draw close to you and bridge
the gap of separation. Ask Jesus to come to you and join you to your life source
within. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into all Truth. Ask the Father to teach
you all that you need to know to be at one with Him.