It is good at this time to pray for the Holy Spirit to lead you into all Truth.

Pray this prayer from your heart.

"Holy Spirit of Truth please lead me into all Truth AMEN"

Where did we come from?

This is the question that we all have asked within our own thoughts from time to time and pondered, imagined, schemed and dreamed about. We all have asked the God inside our spirit this question and deep within us we do know, but we are lost and scared to really know because of the fear of the unfamiliar. We fear thawed back to the lost knowledge because it is knowledge that we have in the presence of God in eternity and we are separated from God. We do tend to just exist and not really question too much about where we are in our conscious awareness of who we are and where we came from. We know that we came from our own parents and that they came from their parents and so it goes back until we lose track of family lines. We all have a longing to know our heritage because we all inherit traits from our ancestors and we have a deep desire to know who we are, because we are linked to them spiritually and somehow seem to know them within our own person. We all seem lost and do not really know who we are or where we came from and what our destiny is, we feel there is more to life than just merely existing on this planet we call earth. We know there is a purpose for life but we can't see it clearly.

It is good to question where we came from and ask questions about our family history and try to understand where we came from because this is who we are, we are the product of all who have gone before us. We have the genetic makeup of the people who have been in our family tree. The family tree is widely spread and as we look back we see many different lines of family crossing each other and different nationalities mixing and mingling the genetic pool. Over the history of the world there have been many wars and nations invaded by other nations and many races have been blended and blood lines have been crossed by the interbreeding of tribes and nations. Today the world is a melting pot of races interbreeding and we do not really know our true family origins in most cases and we can not trace our family tree back too far.

We need to look at the planet earth and ask what is life all about and where did we come from. We need to have a good understanding of where we came from to forma set of values to live our lives by. If we think that we are creating our own destiny and that we are just evolving from the earth by our own intelligence and the way we control and have dominion on the earth then our value system will be according to our own understanding. When we think this way then we make our own moral codes and our own rules of government and we are responsible for the outcome. When we know that we were created by God by His divine power and with His specific purpose for each of us and we are under His moral codes and government then He is responsible for the outcome.

If we have no hope for the eternal future or belief in life after death or even the understanding of living life in the eternal now then we tend to use our powers to rule and control others for our own reward according to the law of the fittest and try to make the most of this life now by taking from others. We see many people suffer at the hands of the powerful and many perish because of the greed of the strong.

When we can see that God has a perfect plan for each of us and that we are to give to others in need then we can all have a life on earth in peace.

The Bible says that we all came from the original parents Adam and Eve.

We all are their children in the flesh but our Father is our Father in heaven who is the Father of Adam.

We all have an earthly heritage and a heavenly heritage. Most of us only know of our earthly parentage and not our heavenly parentage. The heavenly Father created Adam and Eve to populate the earth and to have dominion over it. The heavenly or spiritual part of our heritage is largely lost through the darkness of our minds.

The Bible says that we were created in eternity before time began and that we were created in the image and likeness of God.

We are spirit primarily and we are clothed with a body of dust or earthly elements. We came from heaven to earth and were cast into a body of death, having inherited death from Adam and Eve through SIN.

The Bible says that our minds are separated from the mind of God and so that is why we don’t know who we are or where we came from but we do have a memory of it in our subconscious mind.

We all came from the eternal realm of spiritual perfection or heaven. The Bible says that the Kingdom of heaven is within us all and we need to call it back to remembrance.

We all are the offspring of God, we are His children and Jesus was the first raised from the dead. We are to follow Jesus, He is the resurrection and we are to receive His life giving spirit to help us to revive our souls and become eternal again in our bodies on this earth.

There are many accounts of pre birth encounters with prospective parents and spirits of unborn children written about in our world today and there is one book that comes to mind, which is written by a Christian woman. The book is" Coming From The Light" by Sarah Hinze and she gives many actual stories of encounters based on scriptural principles. We need to know that our family is a heavenly family and that we came from heaven to earth to live in a body and to have dominion over our earthy body, for it is our inheritance. God has made us in His image and after His likeness and we are made in the eternal realm of heaven made perfect Holy, righteous and just we are knitted together in our mothers womb and cast into a body of dust.

The heavenly Father is the tree of life and the only source of eternal life. In the garden of Eden where Adam and eve entered into SIN there were two trees of significance. One the tree of knowledge of good and evil and one the tree of life, one brought death and one brings life. We need to find our way back to that tree of life in the centre of our consciousness and live eternally. This is the only family tree that will give us our true identity and origin as we seek it and eat from it. The center of the Garden had two trees but really it was two ways of perceiving God our Father, either by our natural senses which brought death or by our spiritual senses which brings life, it was SIN to perceive for ourselves by our own understanding rather than know what God revealed by the spirit.

Jesus shows the way, ask Him now!!!

So in summary we all came from heaven to earth into a body of death because of inherited SIN and we have a purpose on earth which is to realize our inheritance of the resurrection body and overcome death by belief on Jesus name our saviour.

Call upon the name of Jesus to be saved.

John 12:50

50 I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just what the Father has told me to say."