what an intriguing subject! Scores of untold saints have wondered with
great concern, "When will it
happen? Will it be in my lifetime? Who of my
loved ones will miss it and have to go through the tribulation, and then
off to an
eternal hell? Or will I myself miss it, and stand
below watching the few lucky ones fly away into the clouds when the trumpet
sounds?" Hmmm...
There are so many professing Christians who have
their hope set in the RAPTURE, it has become a tenant of faith through
much of the church system. Some go as far as
to say that you must believe in IT to be saved. Such a thought places
their hope
of salvation on and exterior event, rather than
the indwelling Christ who died so they could be saved. In this study, there
three primary purposes in mind: (1) To bring
to light some truths the reader has possibly never considered. (2) To confirm
clarify what the Spirit has already been speaking
to many. And (3), to shake, to pull down, and destroy, as Jeremiah wrote,
few man-made doctrines that are preventing people
from progressing in their quest for life. We then hope to plant and build
from there. If any or all of these are accomplished,
then we will be satisfied.
Let us initiate this study with the words of one
of today's most prolific and anointed writers,
J. Preston Eby. Without his
diligent research of these long forgotten facts,
the expose of the Rapture's Origin would be incomplete, to say the
least. He
writes:"It wasn't until the early or mid 1800's
that there was any significant group of believers around the world that
looked for a "rapture" of the Church prior to a seven-year tribulation
period. It may come as a shock to some who read these lines, but it is
a fact, nonetheless, that the "rapture" teaching was not taught by the
early Church, it was not taught by Church of the first
centuries, it was not taught by the Reformers,
it was not taught by anyone (except a couple of Roman Catholic theologians)
until about the year 1830. At the time of the Reformation, the early Protestants
widely held and were convinced the Pope was the supreme individual embodiment
and personification of the spirit of antichrist, and the Roman Church,
the Harlot System of
Revelation seventeen. This understanding was
responsible for bringing millions of believers out of the Roman Catholic
system. It therefore became expedient for certain
Romish theologians to turn the attention of the people away from the Papacy,
and this they endeavored to do by inventing a
counter-interpretation to that held by the Protestants. This new scheme
prophetic interpretation became known as futurism.
Rather than viewing the drama of the book of Revelation spiritually and
historically, they would consign it all to a
brief period of time at the end of the age. It was a Jesuit priest named
Ribera who, in
the days of the Reformation, first taught that
all the events in the book of Revelation were to take place literally during
the three
and a half years reign of the antichrist way
down at the end of the age. Thus, Ribera laid the foundation of a system
of prophetic interpretation of which the secret rapture has now
become an integral part.
"Later, Emmanuel
Lacunza, also a Jesuit priest, built
on Ribera's teachings, and spent much of his life writing a book titled
"The Coming of Messiah in Glory and Majesty."
Lacunza, however, wrote under the assumed name of
Rabbi Ben Ezra,
supposedly a learned Jew who had accepted Christ
as his Saviour. With Jesuit cunning, he thus conspired to get his book
hearing in the Protestant world they would not
even permit it in their homes coming from a Jesuit pen but as the earnest
work of the "converted Jew," they would consume it with avid interest!
Within the pages of this elaborate forgery, Lacunza taught the
novel notion that Jesus returns not once, but
twice, and at the "first stage" of His return He "raptures"
His Church so they
can escape the reign of the "future antichrist."
His book was first published in Spanish in the 1812 and soon found its
onto the shelves of the library of the Archbishop
of Canterbury in London, England.
"Now, enter the name of
Edward Irving. Born in Scotland in
1792, Irving became one of the most eloquent preachers of his
time, and a leading figure of the Catholic Apostolic
Church of England. In 1828 his open-air meetings in Scotland drew crowds
of 10,000 people. His church in London seated one thousand people and was
packed week after week with a congregation drawn from the most brilliant
and influential circles of society. There were some among them who by prophetic
declaration announced that the Lord was coming soon, and this idea became
prominent in their prophetic utterances and teachings. Out of those prophetic
declarations some began to study the scriptures in the light of a physical,
literal coming of the Lord. Up until that time the coming of the Lord was
understood as coming of the Lord TO His people, and IN His saints,
and there was no sense of His fleshly coming. Irving discovered Lacunza's
book and was deeply shaken by it, in fact, fell in love with it, translated
it into English, and it was published in London in 1827. At this time Irving
heard what he believed to be a voice from heaven
commanding him to preach the Secret Rapture
of the Saints. Irving then began to hold Bible conferences throughout
Scotland, Emphasizing the coming of Jesus to rapture His Church.
"About this same time there began the emergence
of a new movement which came to be known as the Plymouth Brethren.
The Brethren movement had its beginning in Dublin
in 1825 when a small group of earnest men, dissatisfied with the lethargic
condition that prevailed in the Protestant Church
in Ireland, met for prayer and fellowship. Soon others joined the fellowship
and associated groups sprang up in various places.
Though the movement had its beginning at Dublin, it was Plymouth, England
that became the center of their vast literature outreach, thus the name
Plymouth Brethren became attached. Although there was interest from
the start in prophetic subjects, the center of interest was on the body
of Christ as an organism and the spiritual unity of Christ of all believers
in reaction to the deadness of formalism of the organized church systems
and the ecclesiastical hierarchy. A man by the name of John Nelson Darby
was the leading spirit among the Plymouth Brethren from 1830 onward. Darby
was from a prosperous Irish family, was educated as a lawyer, took high
honors at Dublin University, then turned aside, to his father's chagrin,
to become a minister.
"Thus Irving and Darby were contemporaries, though
associated with different spiritual movements. Another series of meetings
were in progress at this time. A group of seeking
Christians were meeting in the castle of Lady Powerscourt for the study
Bible prophecy. Many clergymen attended, and
quite a few who were Irvingites. The Irvingites came to the meetings obsessed
with the ideas of the "Secret Rapture"
and the "future antichrist," imbibed from the Jesuit teaching of
the Secret Rapture
and the futurist interpretation of prophecy,
as well as the famous book by Rabbi Ben-Ezra, or, actually, Jesuit
Emmanuel Lacunza! Darby was himself a
prolific writer and from the time a constant stream of propaganda came
from his
pen. His writings on biblical subjects number
over 30 volumes of 600 pages each. Darby developed and organized "futurism"
a system of prophetic teaching called "dispensationalism." Darby's biographers
refer to him as "the father of
dispensationalism." And the crown jewel
in the kingdom of dispensationalism is, of course, the so-called SECRET
"The Secret Rapture teaching was introduced
into the United States and Canada in the 1860's and 1870's though there
some indication that it may have been taught
as early as the 1840's. Darby himself visited the United States six times.
The new
teaching was spreading. A Congregationalist preacher
by the name of C.I. Scofield came under the influence of Darby and
Plymouth Brethren. The Scofield Reference
Bible was destined to have a tremendous impact upon the beliefs of
may, when,
three million copies were published in the first
50 years. Through this Bible, Scofield carried the teaching of the Secret
Rapture into the very heart of evangelism. Some ignorant souls look
on the notes in this Bible as the Word of God itself. I do not doubt for
one instant that many who read these lines have been influenced somewhere
in their spiritual lives by the footnotes in the Scofield Bible.
"There is one final link in the chain of the development
and spread of the rapture theory that should be mentioned in passing. I
would draw your attention again to the source,
the origin, of the rapture doctrine and the chain of contact by which it
has been
brought down to this day. It began as a
Roman catholic invention. The Jesuit priest
Ribera's writings influenced the Jesuit
priest Lacunza, Lacunza influenced Irving,
Irving influenced Darby, Darby influenced Scofield, Scofield
and Darby influenced
D.L. Moody, and moody influenced the
Pentecostal Movement. How? you ask. The Assemblies of God is
today by far the
largest Pentecostal denomination in the world.
When the Pentecostal movement began at the turn of the century, and the
Assemblies of God held their first general council
in 1914 in Hot Springs, Arkansas, they were a small movement and didn't
have their own publishing house. They needed
Sunday School and study materials for their churches so where do you suppose
they got it? They bought it from Moody Press
and had their own cover stitched on it! So what do you think the Assemblies
God people believed? They believed what Moody
Bible Institute taught! This had its impact on Pentecostal theology, because
in the early years there were practically no
pre-millenialists in the Pentecostal movement. Most of the ministers in
those early
days came from Presbyterian, Methodist, or other
historic denominations men who, being baptized in the Holy Spirit and
leaving their denominations, joined themselves
to the Assemblies of God or one of the other emerging Pentecostal
denominations. That is how the Pentecostal movement
became influenced and saturated with the "Secret Rapture" doctrine
by a direct chain right back to THE
ROMAN CHURCH." --End quote.
The doctrine of the
"PRE-TRIB RAPTURE" can also be credited
to what began in Port Glasgow, Scotland in 1830. A
young Scottish lass named Margaret MacDonald
had a revelation of the coming of the Lord before the great tribulation.
Several noted Bible teachers of that day picked
up on this thought, but it was Edward Irving and John Darby who were
responsible for it being popularized in Scotland
and England. It is said of Darby that he borrowed from Margaret MacDonald's
revelation, modified her views, and then taught
them under his own name without giving her credit. He visited the U.S.
at least
five times, and his dispensationalism became
part of the Scofield Reference Bible (1909), as quoted above. It
was the notes in
Scofield's Bible that caused this new teaching
to find favor in this country.
The following is Margaret
MacDonald's handwritten account of her
1830 revelation as it appears in Memoirs of James &
George MacDonald, of Port-Glasgow (1840)
by Robert Norton, pp. 171-176; The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets;
the Catholic Apostolic Church(1861) also
by Norton, pp. 15-18; and The Incredible Cover Up by Dave MacPherson,
(1980) (The above statements were also taken
from this book):
"It was first the awful state of the land that
was pressed upon me. I saw the blindness and infatuation of the people
to be very
great. I felt the cry of Liberty just to be the
hiss of the serpent, to drown them in perdition. I repeated the words,
'Now there is
distress of nations, with perplexity, the seas
and the waves roaring, men's hearts failing them for fear -- now look out
for the
sign of the Son of man.' Here I was made to stop
and cry out, 'O it is not known what the sign of the Son of man is; the
of God think they are waiting, but they know
not what it is.' I felt this needed to be revealed, and that there was
great darkness
and error about it; but suddenly what it was
burst upon me with a glorious light. I saw it was the Lord Himself descending
Heaven with a shout, the glorified man, even
Jesus; but that all must, as Stephen was, be filled with the Holy Ghost,
that they
might look up, and see the brightness of the
Father's glory. I saw the error to be,
that men think that it will be something
seen by the natural eye; but 'tis spiritual
discernment that is needed, the eye of God in His people.
Many passages
were revealed, in a light in which I had not
before seen them. I repeated, 'Now is the kingdom of Heaven like unto ten
who went forth to meet the Bridegroom, five wise
and five foolish; they that were foolish took their lamps, but took no
oil with
them; but they that were wise took oil in their
vessels with their lamps.' 'But be ye not unwise, but understanding what
the will of the Lord is; and be not drunk with wine wherein is excess,
but be filled with the Spirit.' This was the oil the wise virgins took
in their vessels -- this is the light to be kept burning --
the light of God -- that we may discern that which cometh not with
observation to the natural eye. Only those
who have the light of God within them will see the sign of His
appearance. No need to follow them who say,
see here, or see there, for His day shall be as the lightning to those
in whom the living Christ is. 'Tis Christ
in us that will lift us up -- He is the light -- 'tis only those that are
alive in Him that will be caught up to meet Him in the air. I saw that
we must be in the Spirit, that we might see spiritual things. John was
in the Spirit,
when he saw a throne set in Heaven. -- But I
saw that the glory of the ministration of the Spirit had not been known....I
Now shall the people of God have to do with realities
-- now shall the glorious mystery of God in our nature be known -- now
shall it be know what it is for man to be glorified.
I felt that the revelation of Jesus Christ had yet to be opened up -- it
is not knowledge about God that it contains, but it is an entering into
God -- I saw that there was a glorious
breaking in of God to be. I felt as Elijah, surrounded with chariots of
fire. I saw as it were, the spiritual temple reared, and the Head Stone
brought forth with shoutings of grace, grace,
unto it. It was a glorious light above the brightness of the sun, that
shone round
about me. I felt that those who were filled with
the Spirit could see spiritual things, and feel walking in the midst of
them, while those who had not the Spirit could
see nothing -- so that two shall be in one bed, the one taken and the other
left, because the one has the light of God within
while the other cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven. I saw the people of God
an awfully dangerous situation, surrounded by
nets and entanglements, about to be tried, and many about to be deceived
fall. Now will THE WICKED be revealed, with all
power and signs and lying wonders, so that if it were possible the very
will be deceived. -- This is the fiery trial
which is to try us. -- It will be for the purging and purifying of the
real members of the
body of Jesus; but Oh it will be a fiery trial.
Every soul will be shaken to the very centre. The enemy will try to shake
thing we have believed in -- but the trial of
real faith will be found to honour and praise and glory. Nothing but what
is of God
will stand. The stony-ground hearers will be
made manifest -- the love of many will wax cold. I frequently said that
night, and
often since, now shall the awful sight of a false
Christ be seen on this earth, and nothing but the living Christ in us can
detect this
awful attempt of the enemy to deceive -- for
it is with all deceivableness of unrighteousness he will work -- he will
have a
counterpart for every part of God's truth, and
an imitation for every work of the Spirit. The Spirit must and will be
poured out
on the church, that she may be purified and filled
with God -- and just in proportion as the Spirit of God works, so will
he --
when our Lord anoints men with power, so will
he. This is particularly the nature of the trial through which those are
to pass
who will be counted worthy to stand before the
Son of man. There will be outward trials too, but it is principally temptation.
is brought on by the outpouring of the Spirit,
and will increase in proportion as the Spirit is poured out. The trial
of the Church is from antichrist. It is by being filled with the Spirit
that we shall be kept. I frequently said, Oh be filled with the Spirit
-- have the light of God in you, that you may detect satan -- be full of
eyes within -- be clay in the hands of the potter -- submit to be filled,
filled with God. This will build the temple....Jesus wants His bride. His
desire is toward us. He that shall come, will come, and will not tarry.
Amen and Amen. Even so come Lord Jesus." End quote.
This young Scottish lass was not only maligned
and called a heretic by the church and the news media in her day; but her
credibility has also been attacked from all sides
today. Those who believe in a literal "post-trib" rapture as well as those
see it more as an inward catching away, have
brought her under fire. The post-tribbers have tried to discredit her,
because she
had said one has to be filled with the Spirit
of Christ to see the Lord coming in glory and for saying His coming to
His church
will be without observation -- only those
with an eye (spiritual eye) to see will see Him when He appears. Those
who have
the vision of an inner catching away have used
her name in a negative way, because it sounded as if she believed the saints
would at that time meet Jesus in the literal
air. Due to ignoring the spiritual reality of being caught away, her vision
was one of
the things that helped to enforce the concept
Ribera and Lacunza founded earlier. Both factions, the post-tribbers and
spiritual minded, have undermined the authenticity
of her vision because it did not line up with their views, and being a
female, a
young one at that, did not help.
After reading her account of the vision, as well
as other letters she had written and what others in her day wrote about
her, we
can see she had a very close walk with God and
what she had seen could have very well been by the Spirit. The problem
appears to lie with what Darby, Irving, and Scofield
had done with her vision and with her own apparent lack of understanding
in what she was seeing; namely that,
the soon appearing of the Lord was speaking of His appearing in them, for
in the
prophecies that came through them almost always
This would indicate He was ALREADY COMING
them at that time (JESUS COMES -- A PRESENT
ACTION); but they had failed to see the
spiritual reality of Him that COMES,
they too were looking for that which was outward rather than
As in the Days of Noah
"But as the days of Noe were, so shall also
the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before
the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying
and giving in marriage...and knew not until the flood came, and
took them all away; Then shall two
be i the field; the one shall be taken, and the other left. And...there
shall be
weeping and gnashing of teeth." (Mt. 24:37-40
& 51).
This is a passage of scripture that has been popularized
as being foundational scriptures for substantiating the rapture teachings.
Many horrible sermons and stories have been fostered
from these words Jesus spoke some two thousand years ago. We don't
have the time, nor does space allow us to go
into the sum of what has been conceived in the minds of men concerning
subject. Suffice it to say, the precepts were
birthed out of the misleading hearts of two Jesuit priests, then nurtured
by the carnal minded, until it grew into the earth-swallowing flood that
is today. Nevertheless, truth will push back the overflowing waters and
open vistas reality to those seeking it.
During the days of Noah, when he went into the
ark and the flood came, who do we suppose
were the ones taken? We
believe anyone who is seriously looking for the
truth, when they read the verses above, will conclude that it was
the ungodly
merrymakers who were taken away -- not, and
we repeat, N-O-T Noah. Noah was not taken
and judged of God nor
was he removed from the midst of the judgment;
but rather, he went into the ark, the protective hand of God. He did not
escape the flood, but endured it.
When it had run its course he then set up a new kingdom (new beginnings)
upon the
earth, and the elect will do the same at the
commencement of this new age. The ones
who were taken, however, were
those who God had taken and judged with the
flood. Therefore, when we read,
"As the days of Noah were, so shall
ALSO the coming of the Son of man be,"
we should be able to come to the same conclusion as any rational minded
and see that the ones taken at the end of this
age are the ungodly, and they will be judged accordingly. There is one
difference -- in Noah's day the people were judged
by water, but in this day IT IS BY FIRE
they are judged, but this fire, we should know, is not the fire we cook
our beans over or warm our homes with.
When we read that two
are in the field and one is taken and the other is left, and when two are
grinding at the mill
and one is taken and the other is left (verses
40-41), never let it enter our formidable
minds that the ones taken are the
chosen of God. There is no place in holy writ
that tells us, encourages us, or even suggests that His overcomers ever
flee from
the face of the enemy, i.e. by way of a "rapture"
or any other means. The written word doesn't even hint that God's plan
His mighty army of overcomers are to sound the
retreat when the Lord Himself trumpets the charging, battle cry within
recesses of our souls. It is very common, however,
to read of the victorious events that have transpired throughout all the
ages when humble men of God were endowed with
His holy spirit; and everyone of them conquered by advancing into the
camp and face of their enemies. They did not
overcome by running and hiding or flying away some where in the sky. Even
four lepers that set the Syrian army to flight
did it by advancing toward and into their camp.
"For the Lord had made the
host of the Syrians to hear a noise of chariots,
and noise of horses, even the noise of a great host, and they fled for
their life." (II Kings 6:24-33 & 7:1-8).
It is the same today, we conquer by advancing when we hear the battle cry
of our
Lord, the Captain of our deliverance. But never,
and we repeat, NEVER
do we pack our bags and withdraw from the enemy
we are called to destroy.
If we should take the time to read Mt.
24:36-51, and read it very carefully,
we would soon see that those taken are the same
ones who are CUT
ASUNDER and their portion is that of the
hypocrites. With this being so, do we still want to be among
those who are taken? No doubt, some of us may
very well be part of that company; but if we are, it would be a good idea
be prepared for something much different than
formerly assumed. Hopefully, however, all who read these words, including
myself, will be with those who are not taken
and judged, even those "Who then is a faithful
and wise servant, whom his
Lord hath made ruler over His household, to
give them meat in due season." (verse 45).
These faithful ones, as the
context reads, are those who are not taken into
judgment, and neither are they taken and removed from the earth, but they
those who REMAIN
right here on this great planet and rule over it with righteousness,
peace and joy in the holy ghost --
which, incidentally, is the kingdom of God.
(Rom. 14:17).
"Because thou hast KEPT the WORD
of my patience, I also WILL KEEP THEE FROM THE HOUR OF
TEMPTATION, which shall come upon all
(Rev. 3:10).
This has been one of the primary verses used to support a physical flying away into the heavens. Let us examine it and see if this should be.
There are four words in this verse that merit attention -- WORD, KEEP, TEMPTATION and DWELL:
this verse is translated from the Greek word LOGOS.
It is a spoken word that carries the thought
and intent
of the speaker, a divine expression of the
substance of God (Heb. 1:3), clarification or explanation of something.
The sacred Logos connects humanity with deity,
it brings forth truth and reality. Logos can be equated with God.
from the Greek word teros,
and the Latin word for teros is terracea
from which we get our English word
The principle word (teros) has the meaning of to
watch over, to attend to carefully, to protect, to keep in view,
to guard, to apply oneself to.
TEMPTATION...comes from peirasmos which means to try, to test, to scrutinize, to discipline, to prove.
means to reside, to cohabit, to occupy
a house permanently, and it comes from
the Greek word
(Definitions are from Strong's Exhaustive Conc.,
Dictionary of The New Testament by Kittle and Friedrich, and
Thayer's Greek - English Lexicon of
The New Testament.)
Let us now take the liberty and translate
Rev. 3:10 from what we have learned about
the above words: "Because when My
Word of patience, THE ENDURING LOGOS, the
very essence of Myself became a reality to you, you
WHOLLY TO IT and never faltered while it was
being tested and proven with fire. Likewise,
in the same manner I WILL WATCH OVER, PROTECT and APPLY
MYSELF WHOLLY TO YOU in the hour when all
those whose DWELLING PLACES are that of the earth are
TESTED with the fires and shakings that I
will send."
LOGOS OF GOD, is the very thing that brings
us to such a place of peace. It is not the letter that killeth
which we are to keep but THE
THE LOGOS, that the Bible speaks of
concerning Jesus. It tells us,
"In the beginning was the WORD (THE LOGOS)...and the WORD (THE LOGOS) WAS
(Jn. 1:1 & 14). We are also told that
He was
"...The brightness
SUBSTANCE, Grk)." (Heb. 1:3).
And let us not forget, those who overcame the dragon and his angels in
that heavenly war
of Revelation twelve done so "...by
the WORD (LOGOS) of their testimony." (Rev. 12:11).
We will notice one more
verse -- "If
a man KEEP (TEROS) My SAYING (LOGOS), he shall never see death." (Jn. 8:51).
The key to being not hurt by the wrath of God
19:15), the wrath of the devil (Rev.
12:12), or any other wrath or
calamity that might befall the world, is not
getting out of the mess but by awakening
to the reality of the logos of God
within and becoming one with Him. When
we know who and what we are, that selfsame
word ("...as He is so are we in this world") (I Jn. 4:17), we
can then let the storms rage and the waves roll, for in such peaceful assurance
we can lie down in the midst of it all and go to sleep, even as our Lord
had done when He was with the twelve. And if need be, we will be able
to say peace be still and the winds will obey
our voice. Go ahead, you fearful, and fly away, but for me and my house,
desire is to remain and be part of the answer
to creations cry (Rom. 8:19-21).
The context and words are clear in Revelation
3:10. We were not being told of a plan
God has devised to remove His people from the face of hard times. What
He has related to us is how those who had already gone through His proving
fires would be immune to them when they came upon the whole world. He was
telling us of a spiritual condition
or realm the faithful ones
would be dwelling in during those days rather
than being in a particular location. When we have the King of kings and
the Lord
of lords residing within, and we are ruling with
Him from the heavens, from the mind of the anointing, no matter where we
be or where we geographically go, we will be
in paradise, and we will take it with us.
It is basic but very essential to understand what
it means to dwell in the earth or to dwell in the heavens. From what we
personally noticed, the number is very great
who haven't the foggiest notion that one can have their feet on the earth
but yet be
living in heaven. Jesus made this evident when
he told Nicodemus that "...No man hath
ascended up to heaven, but He
that came down from heaven, even the Son of
man which is in heaven." (Jn. 3:13). He
also said, "And now I am no
more in the world...." (Jn. 17:11).
He had His feet planted firmly upon the earth, but in reality his place
of habitation was IN
HEAVEN. Beloved,
that was where He lived! His home was in the Father whose living quarters
are in the realms of heaven!
If Jesus dwelled in the heavens with His Father,
then what about us? Can we likewise live in such a place today, while our
walk life's dusty avenues? The written word says
yes: "God...hath quickened us together
with Christ, and hath RAISED
US UP together, and made us SIT TOGETHER IN
HEAVENLY PLACES (in the heavens, Grk) IN CHRIST
JESUS." (Eph. 2:4-6).
RIGHT HAND OF GOD, set your affection on things
ABOVE, not on things on the earth (i.e. DWELL in the
heavens and not on the earth). For ye are
dead, and your life IS HID WITH CHRIST IN GOD. Who hath
delivered us from the power of darkness, and
SON." (Col. 3:1-3 & 1:13).
(Parenthesis my own). Therefore, in the light of this, can we not conclude,
since we are IN
DWELLS IN THE HEAVENS, that when our affections
are on those heavenly things, we
and not the earth? Yes indeed we can and emphatically should come
to such a conclusion! For if we don't, we will
forever be dragging our lower lips in the dirt and becoming progressively
despondent, because it looks like we are destined
to live all our lives in this cruel old world and then die before the "blessed
hope" of the rapture comes. What a sad state
of being to be in, but there are untold thousands who are graphically existing
that very thing.
Christians are wanting to fly away and escape
the wrath of Satan so badly that they think God wants the same thing. They
had such a misconception of who or what the devil
is and who they and God are not, it is a wonder we don't hear them
proclaiming, "The Lord Satan Almighty." Well,
in reality, this is what we keep hearing their imaginations declare even
if it is not
the exact words coming from their lips. Christendom
has not only swung into the lethargic ebbs of despondency but also of
fearfulness, and they have created doctrines
to fit their fears as well as their fantasies.
While the preachers and students of the rapture
are promoting their beliefs, the written word and God's Spirit of reality
resounding something much differently. Along
with Rev. 3:10, "...I will also KEEP THEE
TEMPTATION, which shall come upon all the
world, to try them that dwell upon the earth," we
also have Jesus
saying, "I PRAY
THE EVIL." (Jn. 17:15). We read also
in this same chapter of John that
Jesus had KEPT
(teros) the disciples from perishing,
and it was IN THE NAME OF GOD
that He kept them. (Verses 11
& 12).
And he said in verses 14 and 17 His WORD
(THE LOGOS -- the substance of God) was
what had set them apart
from the world. By the very
through Jesus were they protected
(kept) and sanctified from the drawing influence
of the world. However, after He had left the visible realm of the physical,
sent back the selfsame Spirit and Word that had
formerly protected them outwardly which was in the form of Jesus. Upon
returning, and this time into the depths of their
hearts, He performed a much greater work, for now their authority and power
was not from without but from within. Likewise,
with His Spirit and word dwelling within every believer they will also
guarded and kept, but this will not be until
they have first kept that patient, enduring
Word of Himself -- THE LOGOS, the
very essence and reality of God.
When such a Word has been nurtured (kept) unto maturity, there will then
be something of substance that will in reality be able to carry one through
the most fierce storm or raging furnace of affliction. Without it, they
will be consumed like the wood, hay, and stubble
that they are.
"For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven
with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of
God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them
in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:
and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
(I Thes. 4:16-17).
When the above verses are read without understanding,
it would appear Ribera, Lacunza, Darby, Irving, and Scofield were
right in their teachings of the rapture.
We know, however, this concept came from carnal minds dealing with things
to the Spirit. Coupled with this teaching came
the heavenly Jerusalem coming down to earth (Rev. 21:10), assuming it was
speaking of a literal city. To get the true meaning
of what is being said here, it is a must to see that it is speaking of
SPIRITUAL things and not natural. For instance, how can the heavenly Jerusalem
be a natural city when Hebrews 12:22 makes it clear that we have "...N-O-W
COME...UNTO THE CITY of the living
It seems fairly clear that this city is not one of the natural elements,
and neither is it somewhere in the natural heavens. We are presently
abiding in it, yet without manifestation from
the heavens.
We are now in this heavenly city; but it is hidden
from view of the natural eye, for the natural eye sees only that with is
of the
earth. When that which is of the heavens descends
to the earth, then the natural eye is opened to see it. Until then, it
hidden in the realm of the spirit. And likewise
with the Lord who descends from heaven.
Isn't it true that He abide in us? Is He not in
our own heavens? And don't we know He is abiding in the Holy of holies
of His
temple, which we are? Of course. And when He
descends from that realm deep realm within, and makes Himself known in
air of our minds, we see Him. More is said about
this later.
a term that is never used in the Bible, although, there are many words
and scriptures that do mean the
same thing, and
CAUGHT UP (HARPAZO) is one of those words.
World Book Dictionary gives us this definition of the
word: "rapture, A strong feeling that absorbs
the mind;
very great joy. A feeling of being lifted high in
mind and
being filled with and completely taken up in
feeling or delight or bliss." With
this, I believe we would be justified
in teaching about being "raptured" (in mind and
spirit as the word implies), but we would err if we taught it contrary
to what the
scriptures and the Spirit have to say about it.
Let us read again 1 Thes. 4:16-17, but incorporating
the Greek and see what might lay beneath the surface: "Because Himself
the Lord IN a command, IN a voice of a Chief
Messenger, and IN a trumpet of God will come down from heaven, and
the dead ones in anointed will be raised first;
afterwards we the living ones, those being left over, at the same time
with them shall be seized in clouds into a
meeting of the Lord into air; and so in this manner with Lord shall we
always be."
a command, IN
a voice, and IN
a trumpet speak of THE LORD HIMSELF
as being IN
that which is spoken; and in
this incident we have
THREE (indicating completeness) words
(command, voice, and trumpet) that denotes a word spoken.
What then, would this signify, especially since
the Lord Himself is IN
each of them? We are familiar with the word LOGOS --
the very ESSENCE,
Therefore, being that the Lord is IN
these three words that convey a message, we conclude
here -- the expression
of the very substance of God Himself. It is the
very thing which Jesus was declared to be!
(Heb. 1:3). In other words,
in the pure and complete form of the living
God is descending from the highest realm of our heavens and into the
conscious realm of our soul to give us something
that will cause us to rise beyond our wildest imaginations!
What a
what a VOICE,
what a TRUMPET! Praise God, it is THE LOGOS
OF HIMSELF that our mighty Lord
and chief messenger is and will be descending
with and INTO
those who are his ministers of flaming fire. First, into the
firstfruits and then Christ into the world through
the firstfruits. Not only does He come into His elect with the voice of
trumpeting commander, but when they are caught
up to this place of the high calling of God, they will become that resounding
trumpet of the Lord -- THE
In a SHOUT (verse 16) comes
from the Greek word keleuma
which means, "a cry of incitement,"
and it comes from the
word keleuo
which means, "to urge on; hail; to incite by word, i.e. order." (Strong's
Exh. Conc.). Therefore, a COMMAND
WAR CRY is what the Lord is appearing
in. Let our minds be stirred at this time with a question: If we
are escaping from the enemy by-way-of a massive
air-lift, just before Satan's wrath is turned loose on the world, then
would a war cry be given to us? When
an army is incited to charge forward into battle they do not conquer by
leaving the
fury of the enemy, but they win by attacking
and overcoming him with superior forces. The Holy Spirit of God tells us
different times in the book of Revelation what
the inheritance will be to the ones who
OVERCOME...not to those who run!
There is a war to be won, dear saints, and the
battle fields are in the regions of our own souls. We might as well face
it, until we are apprehended by our Lord and we trumpet the victory on
every front, we will never possess the kingdom of the heavens or the earth.
There are many voices in the land today, but there
is only one voice whose is the LOGOS OF
GOD, and it is the voice of
of the living God. Many are hearing the voices of the sages of ancient
times, others have their
ears tuned to the prophets of old, and some are
hearing the voices from extraterrestrial beings; a few are communing with
familiar spirits of the dead, numerous others
think their own voice is that of Christ's, but the multitudes are simply
hearing the
clamoring voices of men. However, there is only
One voice that will cause one to be lifted in his soul from the realms
of dust
and ascend into the heavens of Christ -- the
voice of JESUS.
All other voices are facades that masquerade as messengers of
God. They are nothing but influential winds that
move and toss the insecure waves of the troubled sea.
scripture speak of a particular message of God that is being conveyed to
His people through chosen vessels
of Himself. When the various notes were heard,
the people understood what they were to do. The command was through
musical instruments. Such a message was more
clear than when one was speaking audible words. The notes were more austere
and carried much farther (miles) than mere words alone. Today, it is the
same -- we can speak words from the intellect, as men, which is not all
bad, but when the word is spoken by the Spirit it is tremendous, it is
overwhelming, it is life. It is then that
we resonate from Zion the high calling of our
God as we become His polished silver trumpets of salvation.
In the Old Testament we see the trumpets as types
of a living reality that find their fulfillment in the Melchisedec priests
of today. For example, it was the priests who were commissioned to blow
the trumpets of silver on various occasions. They were blownto assemble
the people together for solemn days as well as for occasions of gladness.
They were also blown over offerings andsacrifices. The primary thing we
want to notice here, however, is the majority of the recordings concerning
the sounding oftrumpets in the Bible were when the people were praising
God for giving them a new king, praising God for being victorious inbattle,
or they were blown JUST PRIOR TO GOING
INTO BATTLE. The latter was a covenant
of the Lord to Israel,declaring that, if they would blow the trumpets before
going to war, He would remember them and give them power to destroyall
their enemies. It is no different today, for the covenant still stands;
and as we trumpet the victory praise of the voice of thearchangel (Jesus
the Chief Messenger) we will see it as it was in times past. The priest
blew the trumpets for Joshua at Jericho(Josh.
6) and the defended walls fell, and Gideon's
army of 300 trumpeted at Moreh and destroyed the armies of the
Midionites, the Amalekites, and all the armies
of the east (Judges 7).
When that seventh and last trumpet begins to sound in
our own hearts (it should already be sounding,
for the message has been going forth for some time), remember, it is a
for the great war to be won once and for all. This praise, as it reaches
high crescendo and is in perfect harmony with
the preceding six trumpets that have already been blowing, will be the
blast, the
final LOGOS of
that will put Satan under our feet once
and for all. When the victory of God's elect
is secure they will sound the message of this great triumph which will
cause the
whole world to be shaken off its feeble foundations
of iron mingled with clay! -- But praise God, this is O.K., let it be,
for there must be a shaking and removing before there can be a planting
and rebuilding! (Jer. 1:10 & Heb. 12:25-29).
This is the
purpose of the sons of God -- that of setting
the groaning creation (ALL CREATION)
into the glorious liberty of being
BORN OF GOD (Rom. 8:19-21)!
Can we not agree that we have been given the ministry
of reconciliation (II Cor. 5:18-19)
in order to set creation free (Rom.
8:19-21)? This
being the case, then our cry should be one with the prayer of our Lord
Jesus: "I PRAY NOT that thou
shouldest take them OUT OF THE WORLD, but
that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." (Jn. 17:15).
Therefore, sons of God, if ye be sons and not
bastards (Heb. 12:7-8),
let us not look for a way out of tribulation; but rather, let us
LOOK UNTO HIM who will give us VICTORY
OVER THE EVIL, and thereby,
bring an end to tribulation for
The Greek word CAUGHT
UP, as it is rendered in the King James
version is harpazo,
which means, TO SEIZE
and is a
derivative of
haireomai and its meaning is TO
TAKE FOR ONESELF. The following are the
scriptures where this word
used: "...and the violent TAKE IT BY FORCE
(SEIZES IT)." (Mt. 11:12). "...then cometh
the wicked
that which was sown in his heart." (Mt.
13:19). "...and the wolf CATCHETH
them, and scattereth the sheep." (Jn. 10:12).
shall any man PLUCK (SEIZE) them out of my
hand...and no man is able to PLUCK
(SEIZE) them out of My Father's hand."
(Jn. 10:28 & 29). "...with fear,
out of the fire. (Jude 23).
"I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago, (whether in
the body, I cannot tell; or whether out of
the body, I cannot tell: God Knoweth:) such an one CAUGHT UP (SEIZED)
to the third heaven." (II Cor. 12:3). "...and
her child was CAUGHT UP (SEIZED)
unto God...." (Rev. 12:5).
also, "Then we which are alive and remain
together with them...." (I Thes. 4:17).
Not only from the meaning of this word do we see
such as being
into the air, but by taking note of how the original writers of the New
Testament used the word also gives us definition of the word. Therefore,
seeing that the word simply is telling us of a particular
STATE OF BEING one might find himself
-- namely, in the disposition of being
SEIZED, then it would be good for us to
get our minds off of where we thought we might be GOING
What it boils down to, brethren, is this: When we hear the LOGOS
OF GOD we will find ourselves so completely
SEIZED OF OUR LORD, and with such
resurrection power, that we will never fall to
the pulling gravity of the flesh again.
Flying away into the cloudy skies would no doubt
be an exciting experience, but in comparison to what is happening inwardly
(being "raptured" into and by the Spirit of the
living God) causes every thing else to pale to the paltry naturalisms they
are. If
being physically raptured is our hope, oh, dear
saints of God, how miserably we have robbed ourselves, for there is something
greater, yes, MUCH,
M-U-C-H GREATER! Therefore, never let
it be said that we are trying to rob anyone of anything, for
our desire is to give. Hopefully, however, the
myth of becoming human missiles will be removed from people's minds. If
this is
accomplished, we do hope some realities will
take the place of what some would consider a great loss. But how could
it be a
loss if it is replaced with the reality of the
king of glory Himself? -- Jesus Christ!
At a glance there does not seem to be anything
very significant in this term "IN (the)
CLOUDS" other than the Greek omits
the definite article THE. There is no apparent,
hidden Greek word here to draw from that would change or enhance the
meaning of this thought (I
Thes. 4:17). However, there are times
when it is proper to look at the spiritual meaning of various
statements recorded in the Bible to see what
is really being said. We believe this is one of those times and areas of
especially when we consider the other thoughts
contained in these verses that are associated with the clouds. We can also
note of some other scriptures that should help
us in seeing what clouds in the Bible are so often referring to: "For
thy mercy is
great unto the heavens, and thy truth untoTHE
CLOUDS." (Ps. 57:10); "Ascribe ye strength
unto God: His
excellence is over Israel, and His
strength is in THE CLOUDS...The
God of Israel is He that giveth strength
power unto HIS PEOPLE."(Ps.
68:34 & 35); and "Who maketh the
It has been made clear that our citizenship is
IN THE HEAVENS (Heb. 12:22-24), and looking
at the above verses, can we
not say that
THE SAINTS are in fact those clouds? We
should be able to, for God's truths are given to
PEOPLE rather
than to natural clouds. His strength and power
is also ascribed to PEOPLE and
not literal clouds (there is indeed power in
natural clouds, but the context of Ps. 68:35
is referring to people). And most certainly,
HIGH make
up the chariot in which God rides and manifests His power and majesty to
the world, rather than by the clouds of
the blue skies above. The clouds spoken of in
I Thes. 4:17 are no less the same. When it speaks of being seized in clouds,
it is
not speaking of the natural water clouds from
which our rain comes, but it is referring to God's people who make up the
heavenly host. Isaiah
55:10-13 attests to this by saying that
WE shall be as the rain that comes down
out of heaven (rain is
condensed clouds) to water the earth which causes
the whole world to come alive and to break forth into joyous singing.
Hebrews 11:40 and 12:1
also speaks of people being clouds, i.e. all the patriarchs who have died
in faith are called a
When we read of things in heaven -- clouds, rain,
lightning, hail, thunder, or even a city -- it is generally speaking of
those with
specific characteristics who are abiding in Christ
rather than having their minds wrapped up in the soiled garments of the
When considering the clouds, we should be able
to see that it is alluding to people in the same manner as when we read,
are come unto...the CITY OF THE LIVING GOD,
This is a
statement about
PEOPLE and not buildings. This city is
mentioned again in Rev. 21:9-10,
and before it is called THE
GREAT CITY it is said to be THE
BRIDE, THE LAMBS WIFE (again -- PEOPLE -- not buildings).
This city was then
seen descending out of heaven from God, like
the rain of Isaiah 55:10, which is manifested on the lower realm to bless
earth. Until there is a descending from the realm
of the heavens of Christ's habitation, the inhabitants of the earth will
never see
the glory of God and be set into the liberty
of being His offspring. It will be from
the descending rains of God that every
eye of all flesh shall see His glory and be
drawn to this holy city to worship the One they sought after and came to
love. (Acts 17:27, Isa. 55:10-13, 40 3-5.
66:23, Rev. 15:4, etc.). Therefore, brethren,
as it is seen by us, we will remain
right here with our feet upon the earth, yet
residing in the heavens, as did Jesus (Jn.
3:13), and become rain to a parched and
thirsty world of humanity. Regardless of whether
we are clouds or the city, which we should be both and even more, it speaks
somewhat of the same thing. With either, we first
win our heavenly wars and are established in the heavens of Christ, then
are made known to those of the dust and will
minister life so they might also overcome and live. However, if we should
be lifted into the literal clouds, as it has
been supposed, how could we ever be of any good to the creation who awaits
appearing so they can be liberated and set free
from the bondage of corruption (Rom. 8:19-21)?
Needless to say, we would
be of no value at all, but it is a different
story to those who are CAUGHT UP (SEIZED
-- HARPAZO) as was Paul in
Cor. 12:2 --
they will ultimately bring total deliverance to the groaning creation.
"Then we which are alive and remain shall
be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air" (I Thes. 4:17).
sounds fairly emphatic, that is, when we look
at it in the literal sense; but let us take time and examine a couple of
in the Greek and see if some beneficial light
can be shed to illumine our minds. Note the underlined prepositions of
following: "We
the living ones...shall be seized IN CLOUDS INTO A MEETING
of the Lord INTO AIR."
Prepositions may not seem to be important enough
to even consider, but they play a major roll in languages by showing the
relationship between a noun or pronoun and some
other word in the sentence. In this case, the word ONES
ONES is the
noun, and the preposition IN
tells the reader what position the living ones are in with reference to
the clouds.
Namely, they are right in the very
no movement or
direction involved at all, they are simply
INSIDE CLOUDS. On the other hand, the
word INTO
lets us know that the living
ones relationship to A
AIR is.
INTO has something to do with
In other words, "We the living ones, those
WITNESSES RIGHT NOW, when the trumpet is blown,
will be SEIZED by the Spirit and taken INTO AN
INSTRUCTIONAL MEETING with the Lord of lords
which takes place in THE REALM OF THE CONSCIOUS
SOUL (spiritually called AIR)." (My paraphrase).
The word MEETING
(apantesin, Grk.) appears four times in the New testament (Mt.
25:1 & 6, Acts 28:15, and I Thes.
4:17), and
it carries the thought of a CONFERENCE,
much more than
just merely coming in contact with our Lord and
standing in His presence. In essence, we are called to a
when the voice of His trumpet is heard. This
HOLY ASSEMBLY, if we will notice, has
a certain "AIR" about
it, and that air is certainly not that of the sky where jet airliners fly
but is speaking of a spiritual spectrum
of life. All through the Bible, it is
very common to find natural elements of the earth that refers to spiritual
realities in people's lives,
especially with God's people. This is what we
have here -- an analogy.
Air, as it is rendered in our study passage, comes
from the Greek word AER, and
according to Dr. Strong's Exhaustive
Concordance it means, "TO BREATHE unconsciously,
i.e. respire; by analogy to blow; 'air' (as natural
The same word is used in Ephesians 2:1-2
which speaks of Satan: "And you hath He
quickened, who
were dead in trespasses and sins; Wherein
in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according
to the prince of the power of the AIR,
the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience."
When we look
closely, we can see THE COURSE (spirit) OF THE
WORLD (soul) is synonymous with THE PRINCE (spirit) OF THE AIR
(soul); therefore, the more we know about the
world (the susceptible soul of man) and its course (its ruling spirit)
the more we
will know about this infamous prince and will
be able to deal appropriately with him.
The air, according to the above verse, is the
realm from which Satan has dominion. Does this then mean that the only
place he
has any power or authority is where there is
BREATHABLE AIR? If this is the case, all
one would have to do in order to
escape the tempting influence of this lying ruler
of darkness is to find someplace where there is no air, like the moon,
instance. We would, however, have to take along
some air tanks in order to live; and being that he supposedly resides in
air," does this mean he would be contained in
the air tanks and every time we took a breath of air he would be inhaled
into our
lungs? Or let us think about this: The next time
we get infuriated with someone and hatred builds up to the point we might
like killing them, why don't we just go jump
in the lake with all the air expelled from our lungs and lay submerged
about six feet
below the surface for awhile? This is sure to
get us over our anger in a hurry, because in this location there would
be no air
around us or in us for the devil to exercise
his power through. Therefore, all our evil thoughts would vanish in a flash;
that is,
until we came up for a breath of "fresh" AIR,
and the tempter entered back into our bodies. Silly and foolish thoughts,
they? But this "off the wall" thinking is what
we could come up with when we insist on looking at all these things only
in the
literal sense rather than in the spirit and truth
of the matter.
It is good that Paul wrote Eph.
2:2 the way he did -- "according
to the COURSE OF THIS WORLD, according to the
for it makes it much easier to determine what THE
AIR is referring to; namely, theSOULISH
The unregenerated soul moves and has its being
and it is from this air of the soul that Satan was able to gain the title,
PRINCE OF THIS WORLD." (Jn. 12:31, 14:30 & 16:11). The
fact is, whoever sits upon the throne of the soul makes the earth his footstool
and becomes its prince, whether it is Christ or Satan. Although Satan was
destroyed by Jesus (Heb. 2:12),
he is still sitting as a great dragon in some form or another (probably
more like an illusion) on the throne of most people's minds, and they believe
that this monster they have magnified so greatly is much too awesome to
ever be
conquered. Therefore, in order to escape such
an awesome, unconquerable foe, another magnified illusion has been created
called the rapture. However, those who have truly
been "raptured" (seized) out of earthy lusts and temptations are able to
overcome all the imaginations of the mind and
cast them down to establish God's kingdom in and upon the earth. This victory
over the enemy, rather real or imagined, is seen
when the Lord of lords descends from the third heaven of the holy of holies
and into the second heaven of the holy place of the air of our minds. In
this descension He makes Himself known with a war cry which causes the
It is at this time that Satan is to be removed from the throne of our souls,
and the apprehended ones of Christ, those who make up the clouds of heaven,
will possess that throne and rule the kingdom within forever.
We see an example of this in
Revelation 12:5-11, where the "man child" (MALE SON, Grk.) is CAUGHT UP
(SEIZED, harpazo) unto God and His throne,
and as a result the war in heaven ensues and ends in glory for those
who love not their lives unto the death .
"Then we...shall be caught up together with
them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we EVER
be with the Lord." (I
Thes. 4:17). If the catching up, rather,
seized into the clouds of the air is to be a literal event, then we might
find ourselves in a peculiar situation. Note the word EVER:
It comes from the Greek word "pantote" which means
is telling us where we will be FOREVER,
which will be with the Lord (this is good) but that locality is not so
good, for it is in THE
it, F-O-R-E-V-E-R in the CLOUDS OF THE
leave.... This would definitely produce some problems
-- not only would we become very damp and bored
after awhile, but there are some scriptures we would have to rip entirely
from our Bibles. Three comes to mind at the moment:
hast made us unto our God kings and priests: and WE
she brought forth a man child, WHO WAS TO RULE ALL
NATIONS...." "And He...showed me
that great city, the holy Jerusalem (the bride), DESCENDING OUT
HEAVEN...." (Rev. 5:10, Rev. 12:5 &
Rev. 21:10).
If we are to remain in the sky always, never to
return, then there is no way for us to
EVER reign on the earth; the nations which
are upon the earth will NEVER
be righteously ruled by the sons of God; nor would the bride of Christ
descend and manifest God's glory to the world which is to be displayed
by her radiant beauty. But praise God, we are here to tell you, dear saints,
since II Thes. 4:16-17 is not speaking of natural things,
FROM! We will, however, be forever in
His company with His body which is His
CLOUD OF WITNESSES, those who are as He
is. We will be eternally in the CONSCIOUS
our wonderful Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ!
Now that, dear ones, is something we can comfort one
another with,
as we are told to do in the concluding verse of this promise to the saints.
We will briefly touch upon something Paul said
that has been used to support the rapture
"In a moment,
at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised
and we shall be changed."
(1 Cor 15:52)
We will borrow once again from J. Preston Eby:
"...'Twinkling' is from the Greek word RHIPE
meaning `a jerk' of the eyes. RHIPE is from the root RHIPTO, a word
which indicates a sudden motion; to hurl with
a rapid movement; a stroke; to toss; to fling. The twinkling of an eye
relates not so much to time as it does to
involved. It is not a question of how quickly the
eyelids flutter, but the fact of a movement,
a jerk, a change of direction, a SUDDEN
If I were reading a book and I heard the door open, I would swiftly dart
my eyes in the direction of the door to see who is entering. I would
LOOK AWAY from the book and quickly
REFOCUS my sight on the person coming
through the door. This abrupt motion, this sudden refocusing of vision,
this rapid change of eye contact is what is indicated by the Greek word
"When our attention is unexpectedly attracted
by a sudden burst of revelation and spiritual understanding there is that
instantaneous `turning away' from our former concepts, beliefs, actions
and ways, to behold and embrace the truth and glory of God disclosed by
inspiration of the Holy Spirit. This sudden change in perspective, this
transformation of consciousness satisfies
precisely the meaning of the Greek phrase -- `in the twinkling of an eye.'
bespeaks vision,
illumination, understanding, perception and perspective.
Furthermore, it has absolutely nothing to
do with a so called `rapture of the saints,'
or the `second coming of Jesus.' Plainly and unquestionably it concerns
image of Christ. It says `nothing about us being `raptured' in
the twinkling of an eye; what it does say
is that `W-E SHALL BE CHANGED in a moment (in atoms), in the twinkling
(re-focused vision) of an eye.' Yet the preachers
loudly proclaim on the basis of this verse that Jesus will return in a
split second, and the saints will in a flash
of time travel a trillion miles of miracle at the Rapture. It is as pure
a myth as ever entered the brain of man!"
-- End quote.
No Brethren, we will not be whisked off the earth
and changed. There will be no bursting open of our graves some glad day
beyond the ages that will produce the change.
Neither will our change come as a result of simply believing the teachings
of the
rapture, or any other doctrine, for that matter.
And when God gets ready, He will not be snapping His fingers and saying,
mature, transfigured sons of glory." There
are, however, some verses that do tell us how this glorious change comes.
One such verse is, "Be not conformed to this world, but be ye TRANSFORMED
by the RENEWING of your mind."(Rom 12:2).
The change comes, dear ones, due to the
renewing of our minds, as we our attention is refocused!
The Laodicean church of today has acquired so
many easy-way-out concepts and teachings that it will take a great shaking
ever get strength built back into its body. The
rapture is only one of her weakening doctrines. Perhaps, we should all
reminded: When any teaching or belief is founded
upon one or two scriptures alone, there is no spiritual stability to build
Anger is often generated when such beliefs are
challenged, for this is commonly the only defense one would have when
falsehoods are dearly embraced. Any true doctrine
of God will be found throughout the entire Bible rather than in a few isolated
areas that are sometimes vague. If the teachings are not consistent throughout
the written word, it can be very dangerous and extremely painful for one
to hold them too closely to oneself; for when they are touched and consumed
by God's flaming
ministers and His words of fire, they will definitely
get burned. There are a couple of other scripture passages that may seem
give strength to being physically raptured off
the earth; however, after taking a closer look, one may have to reconsider
what is
truly the doctrine of Christ in this matter.
Elwin R Roach
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