By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW |
The following prayer is to be prayed to God our Father because you now believe that Jesus Christ is your Lord and Saviour.
You have decided to follow Jesus.
Belief on the name of Jesus Christ comes as the Spirit of Truth reveals to our Spirit that Jesus Christ is Lord. It comes by hearing the Word of God or by reading the word of God . The Holy Spirit brings conviction to our Spirit that the Word we have received, conceived and believed is Truth and that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is True. The Spirit confirms with our Spirit that we are Sons of God. Because you are a Son, God has sent forth the Spirit of His Son into your heart, crying Abba, Father. The Bible states that as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the Sons of God, even to them that believe on His name. (A Son of God is any person who has surrendered his/her Spirit and Soul/mind to the Spirit of Christ.) He who has the Son has life, he who has not the Son has not life. We know we are believers when we can say JESUS CHRIST IS LORD.
The Gospel is that Jesus Christ has opened the way back to the Father for ALL people, by His death, burial and resurrection. He put sin and death to death. He became SIN, died and was buried. Sin and death were buried and they remain dead. He rose in resurrection power victorious over sin, hell, death, the world and the grave. As it is appointed for each man to die once, we have decided to die to our self life, self will, our mistaken identity. We now believe that we are in Him and that we are dead in Him ( Jesus the last Adam), crucified with Him and Buried with Him. We also believe that because we are one Spirit with Him that we are also resurrected in Him (Jesus the Christ the second man the head of the new creation). We are a part of His Universal Body of believers, one in Spirit. He tasted death for us so that we need not die. It is no longer us who live but Christ who lives in us.
We can NOW walk in resurrection power, a new creation in Christ. All we had to offer God was our sin and our self righteousness which He took. He then gave us His free gift of His righteousness. This is something that was unobtainable for us ALL without the shedding of His blood on the cross, His self sacrifice once and for All. ALL the sins of the world are forgiven and there is nothing stopping ALL of mankind coming to the Full knowledge of Truth and Living Forever. All we need to do is believe on the name of Jesus Christ and follow His teaching in the Bible and be lead by His Spirit of Truth. When we attain to The Full Knowledge of Truth we shall receive our Inheritance, which is Restoration of spirit, soul and body and Eternal Life. All people need to do to become believers of the Gospel is to hear it and believe it.
Many people do not know Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour or Eternal Life because they have not heard the good news or because they have not believed it. Many people still go to the grave because they do not believe the Gospel. Many people do not believe that our inheritance is Eternal life starting here on earth by not dying. Many people do not see the Kingdom of Heaven as being within us as the Bible clearly states. We are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and we receive our incorruptible immortal bodies here and NOW on this earth.
This process of perfecting and refining of our vessel of clay comes from eating from the Tree of Life. When we learn how to eat of the Tree of Life continually and learn how to not eat of the tree of Knowledge of good and evil at all, then we will become Holy Ground. Jesus rent the veil of His carnal mind by belief on His Father and by doing His will. We too can come through the veil and do His will by belief on our Father in the Spirit of Christ.
More on this Truth in the click on below, called, does death change us.
The decision to follow Jesus Christ is the beginning and this path when followed to the end it will bring salvation of Spirit, soul and body and Eternal life.
Here is the prayer to the Father thanking Him for salvation in Jesus Christ.
" Loving Heavenly Father I thank You for providing a way to come back into Your presence through Your Son Jesus Christ. Thank You Lord Jesus for Your free gift of righteousness. I accept it gratefully. I repent of my old ways and I will follow Your way. I no longer want to choose good over evil but I choose to follow the leading of Your spirit of Truth every moment. Holy spirit please teach me the way. I listen for your voice. I Love you Lord. AMEN"
Continue seeking His Truth and ask for the great desire to come into your heart for you to enter His Kingdom of Heaven on earth by coming to the Full Knowledge of His Truth. We are told to go for the prize and run the race set before us, overcoming All enemies within us. Diligently seeking His Kingdom, His righteousness and the high calling of God to become Kings and priests as the glory of God is revealed in us through Christ Jesus daily in self sacrifice and communion with the Spirit of Truth. We are to search out the mysteries of God and move beyond the basics of Christianity into perfection, we need to have a heart for the Father and be single minded in the pursuit of Truth. Read the Holy Bible daily prayerfully and listen for revelation of Christ within you. Spending valuable time alone with God with the mind stilled and listening for HIM is how we learn to be at one with our Father. Do associate in fellowship with believers of the Gospel of Christ who believe in the True way.
You need not that man should teach you because you have the anointing of the Holy Spirit who will lead you into ALL Truth when you ask Him.
It is now time for you to tell somebody about your decision to follow the Lord Jesus Christ as the Bible says confess Jesus Christ before men and He will confess you before the Father. This should be easy to do now as the power of God is within you and He IS ALL POWERFUL. The Bible also says that if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus Christ from the dead you shall be saved. Ask Him for His strength and guidance in ALL situations that you have to deal with in your NEW LIFE.
There is a follow up section for new believers to help strengthen you as you find your way into His Kingdom of Light. So do seek support as you learn to grow in Truth. Your old ways will tend to pull you back to your old way of thinking. We need to press into the Kingdom and keep a positive inflow of His Holy Spirit into our lives to grow and come to maturity in Christ. This is why we need daily prayer. Daily listening for His voice and Bible reading to allow God to fill our lives and change already established beliefs in our minds and hearts.
We need fellowship with the body of Christ, which is with other true believers. This will bring times of confession and healing as spiritual growth takes place in our lives.
There will be Great Joy in your heart as you know the reality of Christ increasing in your life. Praise our Father and worship Him in song every moment in your heart. Tell Him that you love Him. Start every new day greeting Him welcoming Him afresh into your life. Empty yourself of self every day and surrender every part of you to Him. Ask Him to be your teacher as you sleep. Share your new love with others and the inflow of His love will empower you and make you grow to become a Son of God manifesting the glory of God.
God Bless
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