"Teaching the things concerning the kingdom of God..."

J. Preston Eby



        (One part only)

     I never paid much attention to Job. I knew that he was an overcomer. I knew that he was
     tested and tried and proven to the utmost extremity and I knew that he passed the test. So I
     praised God for Job. I eulogized his faith and patience, and that was about as far as it went.
     But some time ago the Spirit of God dropped a seed of revelation into my heart. The
     revelatory word came and suddenly I wasn't sure whether there ever was a man named Job. It
    is believed that the book of Job is the most ancient of the inspired writings we have come to
     know as the Bible. It predates the first five books of the Bible, the books of Moses, and its
     exact origin is a mystery. We do not know who wrote the book of Job: no information is given
     us on this point either in the book itself or elsewhere. The book of Job just appeared on the
     scene, it came out of antiquity, it emerged from the mists of obscurity, and has always been a
     part of human history. It was just there! It was there before Moses. It was there, perhaps,
     before Abraham. We cannot tell when Job lived. The scene of the book of Job is laid in Arabia
     in the remote Patriarchal period. The story begins simply: There was a man. Since a parable
     (II Sam. 12:1) and a history (I Sam. 25:2) begin with this same simple phrase, the style does
     not indicate whether Job was meant to be fact or allegory.

     The book of Job is written in Hebrew in the style of a poetic drama, or stage play. The first
     two chapters, which constitute the introduction, are in prose. Beginning with the third chapter
     and continuing on through 42:6 the form is poetical. From 42:7 to the end of the book it is
     again prose, providing as an epilogue a few facts concerning Job's later life. What is so
     powerfully set forth in this book is not the unfolding of a drama full of action, event, or
     happening. Instead it is a poem in which several great issues that relate to the righteousness of
     God and the mystery of life are explored by means of conversations between Job and his
     friends. There is no "movement," except in the intensity of the feeling and thought expressed,
     until the poem comes to a crescendo with the voice of Yahweh speaking from a whirlwind.

     The book of Job belongs to a type of literature known as Wisdom, common in the Near East,
     a special kind of writing based upon practical observations about the mystery of life — and
     how to live it. Its modern counterpart would be philosophy. But Hebrew Wisdom writing was
     often in the form of a fable, or a riddle, or a proverb — most often presented in the form of
     poetry or poetic drama. Poetry is the language of imagination, intuition, and revelation. Poetry
     penetrates to a depth in the human soul that facts, reason and logic can never reach. Our
     confidence in the veracity of the Holy Scriptures need not be shaken, however, whether the
     story of Job is the history of an actual man who lived or merely the fictitious main character in
     a drama or stage play, for the divine inspiration of the book is readily evident. Job is not mere
     literature. It is life, distilled. As Mark Toohey has so aptly stated: "Indeed, no other single
     writing speaks as loudly to those of the Father's calling and election in this hour as does the
     book of Job. In its forty-two chapters is embodied the entirety of God's dealings with those
     whom He has called His sons, revealing the depths of truth and reality inworked by His Spirit
     in those of His election. No wonder, then, that the book of Job should be surrounded by such
     ambiguity, having no definable human origin; for that which it unveils is wholly a supernatural
     work undertaken out of the counsel of God and wrought in men by His hand only. Job, it
     would seem, was written by the very finger of God!"

     It really doesn't matter to me today whether there ever was a man named Job, because the
     Spirit of God has made known to me who Job is. I was startled, intrigued, and awed as the
     spirit of revelation unfolded the striking parallels between Job and the opening chapters of
     Genesis. "There was a man in the land of Uz" — that's where it starts. There was man. God
     made a man in the beginning. God has made and is making a new man in Christ Jesus. It is
     written: "The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening
     spirit. The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven" (I Cor.
     15:45,47). Can the natural mind ever fathom the depths of the eternal truth that there has
     never been in the history of the world but two men? There is a deep and hidden meaning in the
     words, "The first man Adam" and "the last Adam." The natural mind would conclude that, if
     there were two Adams coming four millenniums apart, the first of these being the first Adam,
     it would logically follow that the next Adam would be the second Adam. The Lord Jesus Christ
     is here called the last Adam. But he who is called the first Adam is also called the first man.
     And He who is called the last Adam is also called the second man. The first Adam is the first
     man, but the last Adam is the second man, and the second man is also the last man. These
     simple statements, which on the surface seem so insignificant and scarcely worth our notice,
     are in fact pregnant with meaning, and full of wisdom and understanding.

     The first Adam is said to be the first man. The last Adam is declared to be the second man. If
     the second man is also the last Adam, He is also the last man. Now if the first Adam is the
     first man, it would of necessity follow that there were no men on earth before him, for he was
     the first. That certainly rules out any pre-Adamite races of men! And if the last Adam is the
     second man, then there were no men on earth between the first Adam and the last Adam, for
     the last Adam is the second man, and there can be no men between the first man and the
     second man. If there was even one other man between the first man and the second man,
     obviously the second man could not be the second man; he would be the third man, the one
     hundredth man, or the five billionth man. Since the second man is also the last man, there can
     not have been any men since Him, for if others have followed Him, He is not then the last
     man. So then, the first man was the first man, the second man was the second man, and the
     second man is the last man, so that there have been only TWO MEN who have ever lived
     upon this planet — Adam and Jesus Christ! There were none before Adam, none between
     Adam and Christ, and none since Jesus Christ. Only two men. No more. No less. These
     simple statements portray as nothing else can the great truth that all men who have ever lived
     ARE INCLUDED IN THESE TWO MEN. These two men are corporate men,
     many-membered men. And since all men are contained in these two men, what happens to
     these two men happens to us ALL. If there have been any men on earth outside of Adam and
     Jesus Christ, they did not fall in Adam nor are they redeemed in Jesus Christ. Let our
     minds grasp the significant truth that when the first man sinned we all sinned, for we were,
     each and every one of us, genetically, substantially, and experientially right there in him. The
     same death that passed upon him because of his sin passed likewise upon us all, even to the
     last man of Adam's race, for all have sinned.

     Now God has declared that our Lord Jesus Christ, the second man, should be both the last
     Adam and the last man. I cannot explain how divine power can accomplish such wonders, but
     God has decreed that all men of all ages should be included in Him. God has gathered up all
     the members of Adam's sinful race out of all ages past, out of the present, and out of all ages
     yet to come and included them ALL in Christ, the last Adam. Therefore, by one divine and
     omnipotent stroke God has included all men in His Son, declaring Him to be the last Adam
     and the last man, the end of the old Adamic humanity. God, almighty and omnipotent,
     gathered up every tribe and tongue and people and race and nation and without either their
     knowledge or consent, included them in Christ, the last Adam, even as He included them in
     the first Adam. In Jesus Christ the old Adam passes away and there is an entirely new

     There was a man in the land of Uz. Uz means fertile — it also means counsel, consultation
     and plan. So there was a man in the land of fertility, and by counsel he was involved in a
     divine plan. And in the long ago there was another man in a fertile and fruitful place, according
     to the counsel of Elohim, and in the plan of God. We read about this man in the book of
     Genesis. The book of Genesis is probably the most important book ever written. The word
     "genesis" of course means origin or beginning, and the book of Genesis gives the only true
     and reliable account of the source and true nature of all things and the meaning of life. The
     first several chapters of the book of Genesis lay a ground-plan for the entire revelation of
     God's purposes in relation to man. As a piece of literature the story is sublime; magnificent in
     range, in profundity of design, and the unparalleled heights of spiritual revelation it attains. I
     can confidently say that every revelation of Himself and His purposes that God has ever given
     from the foundation of the world can be found in these opening chapters of Genesis. There is
     no revelation of scripture, spoken by holy prophet or apostle, or revealed to the spirits of
     worshipping men who have come into holy contact with the presence and power of God, that
     cannot be found in seed form as type, shadow, parable, or allegory in the book of Genesis.
     The entire plan of the ages is there portrayed from its majestic beginning to its triumphant
     conclusion. Each and every experience, situation, condition, capacity, potential and destiny of
     mankind, with all the principles and processes by which God brings man into the image of God
     are there set forth in awe-inspiring wonder. And nowhere is this more obviously true than in
     the account of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.

     The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden is the greatest parable in the Bible. How
     shall we speak of God's great and wonderful purpose in man except in the language of
     parables? God prepares an exceedingly beautiful and fruitful garden for man, whom He has
     created with His own hands. Precious stones, rare odors, refreshing streams, trees full of fruit
     and splendid colors surround that first man. Who can speak of the marvelous realities there
     initiated except in the language of pictures? Pictures are not lies: they denote things, realities;
     they let the things that are meant shine through. When we come to the Garden of Eden it is
     evident that this is more than merely a piece of real estate somewhere over in Mesopotamia!
     No such place has ever been found, nor the angel with the flaming sword to keep men out.
     The Garden of God is not a physical place located on this or any other planet. It is a STATE
     OF BEING. It is a higher existence for man than this cursed state we find ourselves in by
     physical birth and mortal consciousness. It is the state of being that man was in when he was
     first brought forth from the creative hand of God and placed here upon earth. It represents
     man in the presence of God! Man with the incorruptible life of God available to him! Man as
     master and lord over all things! Man living above sin, sickness, pain, limitation or death!
     Blessed realities, one and all! And yet — the Garden also represents man together with all the
     factors and conditions, internal and external, of being and environment, which ultimately were
     to lead to his ruin and alienation from God. In one sense, man was the Garden. Yet, man
     was in the Garden. The Bible reveals it as a "garden within a garden." Man both in a state of
     being and in an environment — the two corresponding. All the conditions that surrounded man
     also were obvious realities within the heart of man. The original man with his nature,
     characteristics, capabilities and potential is what we see in the Garden of Eden. The external
     conditions of man's environment corresponded precisely with man's inward nature for either
     good or evil, carnal consciousness or spiritual consciousness, life or death. This was man in the
     Garden! It is a garden within a garden, a world within a world — man within and without.

     The next amazing parallel to the Genesis record that I would point out is the location of the
     Garden of Eden — in the east of the land of Eden. "And the Lord God planted a garden
     eastward in Eden; and there He put the man whom He had formed" (Gen. 2:8). In the
     opening statement of Job we find that "there was a man in the land of Uz (fertile place), this
     man was the greatest of all the men of the east" (Job 1:1,3). How great was this man of the
     East! His wealth was measured in livestock and possessions. Similar property lists in Genesis
     (24:35) describe the wealth of the Patriarchs, suggesting that Job's way of life was like theirs.
     But the number of draught bullocks shows that Job was not a nomad, like the bedouin, but an
    agriculturist with extensive farmlands as well as a pastoralist. Most scholars are agreed that he
     was of princely rank, even some maintaining that he was indeed a King. His possessions were
     very great, and consisted of thousands of sheep and camels, many hundred yoke of oxen and
     she-asses, and "a very great household." It is also evident that Job was cultured and learned to
     an advanced degree, for in his book we find a familiarity with writing, engraving in stone,
     mining, metallurgy, building, shipping, natural history, astronomy, and science in general. How
     great was this greatest of the men of the East! How great was Adam, the man in the Garden of
     God in the East! And how great was the last Adam, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, whose
     star arose from the East! Truly the parallels are striking.

     In the book of Job there is a man and he dwells in the fertile land of Uz and his name is Job.
     The Hebrew word for Job is IYOWB and means, "hated, persecuted — hated or persecuted
     for being of an opposite tribe; enemy, calamitous, afflicted, or adversity; a coming back,
     restored to one's senses." It is used 56 times in the book of Job — this is 7 X 8, or
     DAY. The primary and sequential thoughts here are: hated, tried, and restored to perfection.
     Those are precisely the meanings in Job's name. Can we not see the clear pattern of man's
     experience from the first humanity in Adam to the second humanity in Christ? Against the
     background of the Garden of Eden it is related how man was put into this Garden in order to
     live in it and how two trees stood in the middle of the Garden: one the tree of life, the other
     the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. And upon these two trees IN THE MIDDLE OF
    THE GARDEN the destiny of man was to be decided. There were, indeed, three kinds of
     trees in the Garden. There was the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and
     then all those other trees denoted as "all the trees of the garden." Man began his sojourn upon
     earth living in the realm of "all the trees of the garden." But man's future experience and
     destiny were to be decided by his relationship to the two trees in the middle.

     Two trees in the middle. First of all there is the tree of life. It is clear from the context that
     man was not forbidden to eat of it. It was there, revealed, offered, available. LIFE, abundant,
     immortal, incorruptible, eternal! For this reason the tree of life is mentioned very casually in
     Genesis 2:8-9. It was IN THE MIDDLE — that is all that is said about it! It was right there in
     man's consciousness, in man's nature. The life that comes forth from God is in the middle.
     That means that God, the source of life, is in the middle. In the middle of the world that is at
     Adam's disposal and over which he has been given dominion is not Adam himself, but the tree
     of God's eternal and incorruptible life. Adam's life was to come from the middle which was not
     Adam in his self-consciousness, but in his Deadconsciousness. This means that with God as
     his center man would have life. It means that man was created and formed with the wonderful
     capacity to LIVE IN THE SPIRIT and WALK AFTER THE SPIRIT. "For to be spiritually
     minded is life and peace" (Rom. 8:6). One of man's inherent potentials was to know God
     within as the source and center of his life.

     Like the tree of life, the tree of the knowledge of good and evil also stands in the middle of the
     Garden! To this tree is attached the warning not to eat of it upon penalty of death. Death in the
     middle. Within. In man's very nature. Thus is it declared with unquestionable certainty that
     man was formed with the capacity to LIVE IN THE FLESH and WALK AFTER THE
     FLESH. "For to be carnally minded is death" (Rom. 8:6). One of man's inherent potentials
     was to know Self as the source and center of his life. But alas! Self would not bring life, it
     would mean death. Man could make the outer world of appearances, the physical realm,
     mortal consciousness, the bodily senses and appetites his center but death would be found to
     dwell in that center. Life and death were in the middle. Two trees, two realities IN THE
     MIDST of the Garden of man's experience and being. Both realities are in the middle —
     within man. One or the other is every man's center, the place of his consciousness, the sphere
     of his existence. But mark it well — both cannot be the center of any man's life! He who eats
     of the tree of life will find that the death realm will come to have no more dominion over him.
     And he who eats of the tree of death will discover that he becomes alienated from the tree of
     life. Thus, both trees, both realities are in the center of man's life, but both cannot be the
     center of his life! "For if you live after the flesh, you shall die: but if you through the spirit do
     mortify the deeds of the body, you shall live" (Rom. 8:13). "This I say then, Walk in the spirit,
     and you shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh" (Gal. 5:16). How simple! God would at once be
     the limit and the middle of our existence.

     To those who are experiencing the progressive unfoldment of the Christ-life within one thing
     becomes increasingly clear — within them there rages a furious battle. Upon our spirit being
     quickened by His Spirit, our lives become the meeting place — battle ground — for two orders
     that are opposed to one another — the flesh and the spirit. This conflict is clearly defined by
     the apostle Paul in his epistle to the Galatians. "For the flesh wars against the spirit, and the
     spirit wars against the flesh; for these are antagonistic to each other — continually withstanding
     and in conflict with each other" (Gal. 5:17). Let us glance for a moment throughout the entire
     Bible. It is a book of warfare. Two thrones are at war. We discern rival sovereignties. We read
     of two kingdoms. We are everywhere conscious of a clash of wills. There are two men, two
     peoples, two natures, two realms. As a result we face throughout scripture irreconcilable
     opposites: life and death; light and darkness; love and hate; righteousness and evil; holiness and
     iniquity; liberty and license; truth and lies; law and grace; mercy and judgment; the glorious
     city of God and the great harlot city of Babylon.

     The Bible is a book of war. "The Lord is a man of war" (Ex. 15:3). The saints are men of war.
     Heaven is a realm of war as well as the earth. "And there was war in heaven" (Rev. 12:7). The
     sons of God are the Lord's army. David was a man of war. "You (Absalom) know your father
     (David) and his men that they are mighty men, and your father is a man of war" (I Sam. 17:8).
     David faced Goliath and took his sword. He was a man of war before he met Goliath. David is
     a type of Christ. His followers were men of war. "And there was long war between the house
     of Saul and the house of David: but David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul
     waxed weaker and weaker" (II Sam. 3:1). The saints follow a man of war.

     Long centuries ago Rebecca inquired of the Lord concerning the conflict that was going on
     within her womb. The Lord answered her, saying, "Two nations are in your womb, and two
     manner of people shall be separated from your bowels; and the one people shall be stronger
     than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger" (Gen. 25:23). This conflict within
     is not only the experience of Rebecca, but in every son in whom the character of God is being
     developed. And as Rebecca, so too can we take much comfort from the words of God spoken
     to her. For within every saint pressing on unto perfection there are two nations, two kingdoms,
     no matter how much some try to deny it; and each kingdom is of a very different character.
     But the promise is sure — "the elder shall serve the younger." The spiritual meaning of this is
     revealed by Paul in I Corinthians 15:45-49. "And so it is written, the first man Adam was made
     a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. Howbeit that was not first which is
     spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual. The first man is of the
    earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. As is the earthy, such are they also
     that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly. And as we have
     borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly." So shall it be
     fulfilled — the natural man shall be subject to the spiritual, the flesh shall be ruled over by the
     spirit, and then shall we see "all things in subjection under His feet" (Heb. 2:8).

     There was a man in the fertile land of God and his name was hated and persecuted. He stood
     in the Garden of the Lord by the counsel and plan of God, but he was hated, despised, and
     persecuted by the negative realm without and within. Adam the first stood in a Garden. Adam
     the second stands in the same Garden, promising him that overcomes that He will give him to
     eat of the tree of life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God (Rev. 2:7). The first
     paragraph of the book of Job furnishes a backdrop for everything else that happens in the
     book. It presents the picture of a righteous man par excellence. Job was no baby saint, for no
     one less than God Himself had given testimony that Job was a perfect and upright man, one
     that feared God and eschewed evil. In fitting correspondence with his moral character and
     spiritual quality, Job was also a man of material prosperity, both in his family and his
     possessions. He had seven sons — their number suggesting completeness and perfection in
     spirit; and three daughters — the manifestation of the character and excellence of his soul.
     These numbers are also seen in his possessions — seven thousand sheep and three thousand
     camels; while the five hundred yoke of oxen and asses indicate complete ability for all work.
     Great numbers of servants complete the picture of this noble Emir, "the greatest of all the men
     of the East."

     The thing we want to note is that although Job was wealthy in temporal things, rich in spiritual
     things, and proclaimed perfect by the Lord Himself, he had not been "tried by fire" as sons of
     God must be — he was as yet untried, untested, and unproved. In the midst of Job's ordeal
     of affliction and suffering the spirit of prophecy came upon him and he opened his mouth and
     spoke concerning the purpose of God in it all, declaring, "But He knows the way that I take;
     when He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold" (Job 23:10). Never do I cease to be amazed
     at how the preachers and teachers, apparently without exception, join their voices in unison
     with those of Job's contemptible comforters, indicting and blaming poor old Job, charging that
     God brought all these calamities upon him because he had sin in his life, or because he was
     self-righteous, or because of some other appalling fault in Job. The only reliable testimony we
     have of Job's true state of being is that spoken by the Lord Himself, and HE declared that Job
     was A PERFECT MAN! May I reverently add: perfect, yes; but untried! His perfection
     remained to be tested, proved and demonstrated.

     It is my earnest conviction that we can trust explicitly God's estimation of a thing. I would
     certainly take God's word for it ahead of the opinion of Job's miserable "comforters," and I
     will take God's estimation of Job ahead even of Job's opinion of himself! There is a universe
     of difference between man's feelings and perceptions and God's omniscience. Now, nearly all
     the preachers will tell you that they agree with Job's friends, or at least with what Job felt and
     expressed about himself before the awesome majesty of God. They believe that Job had sin in
     his life or he was self-righteous and needed correction. How many have heard that one? Job
     was self-righteous. I don't believe that! God — the highest and final authority — never said
     that Job was self-righteous. God said he was perfect. That is the testimony I receive. The term
     "perfect" means complete, entire, not lacking. The Greek word translated "perfect" is a strong
     one meaning absolutely finished. The first verse of the book of Job reveals Job's character,
     showing that his perfection had two sides. It had a positive side — he "feared or reverenced
     God." It also had a negative side — he "eschewed or turned away from evil." This character
     remained with him throughout the book with surprising persistency. To this statement even his
     wife added her testimony when she said, "Do you still retain your integrity?" He was integral
     within himself — he was a whole man! I trust that all who read these lines can now see clearly
     the parallels between Job and God's Christ "For it became Him, for whom are all things, and
     by whom are all things, in bringing many sons unto glory, to make the captain of their salvation
     perfect through sufferings" (Heb. 2:10). "Though He were a Son, yet learned He obedience
     through the things which He suffered; and being made perfect, He became the author of
     eternal salvation unto all them that obey Him" (Heb. 5:8-9).

     Another clue to the mystery of Job is found in Job 1:6. "Now there was a day when the sons
     of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them." With
     what divine genius does the Holy Spirit on the inspired pages of God's Word portray the
     blessed scene of that first earthly son of God, in the image and likeness of God, abiding in the
     lovely, fragrant, luscious Garden in Eden. There was a wonderful Presence that walked in the
     Garden in the cool of the day, and the man presented himself there before the Presence of the
     Lord and walked and talked with God. We know for a certainty that there was a presentation
     before the Lord, for as soon as man sinned he heard the Voice of the Lord God walking in the
     Garden and rather than joyfully going forth to meet Him Adam and his wife "hid themselves
     from the Presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the Garden." God was in the Garden.
     Man was in the Garden. What sweet, holy communion passed between them in that blessed
     hour of man's innocence! But no sooner does Adam, the son of God (Lk. 3:38), present
     himself before the Lord than suddenly and mysteriously the serpent appears on the scene!
     There is a man that is perfect, but innocent — and the amazing thing is that in the presence of
     God and that man, there is a devil.

     Can you not see how it is, my beloved, that when the sons of God present themselves before
     the Lord, Satan comes also among them? This very same experience happened to none other
     than our blessed Lord Jesus — the Pattern Son. Did you notice how strangely Matthew and
     Mark speak of Christ's temptation? "And immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness
     to be tempted of the Devil" (Mk. 1:2; Mat. 4:1). What a strange statement! Jesus had just
     presented Himself before the Father at Jordan, and the Father witnessed of Him before all:
     "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased." Just as God declared Job to be a perfect
     man, so He declared His Son to be well pleasing to Him in every way. Then immediately the
     Holy Spirit of God drives the sinless Son of God into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan,
     the arch enemy of all righteousness, a murderer from the beginning, and the father of lies! Ah,
     but it was necessary for the Son of God to be proven, to be made strong, to overcome in
     these realms before proceeding on into His glorious ministry and the agony and death of the

     Do you suppose the Devil came to Jesus there as a weird looking creature, with little, evil
     looking horns protruding from his temple, and a pointed tail? How often with our childish and
     distorted understanding have we pictured Jesus confronted by that legendary figure in the red
     suit, with a pitchfork in his hands! This is nought but foolishness, for Satan is spirit, even that
     spirit which now works in the sons of disobedience (Eph. 2:2). How many times have you
     been tempted by the Devil? Can you count the times? How often has he spoken to you,
     enticing, suggesting, compelling? Have you ever seen him? Have you ever heard his audible
     voice? Certainly not! Yet — you have sensed his presence, you have heard his voice, you
     have felt his power! It was all in your MIND, in your EMOTIONS. Does not our Lord, the
     Spirit of Truth, speak to us in the same way? That still small voice, the inner urging, the
     inward knowing, the spiritual consciousness — all from a dimension beyond the natural senses.
     Because it is all in our mind and heart does not mean that it is imagination or hallucination! In
     the depths of my spirit I am absolutely certain that there was not some hideous personality
     materializing before the eyes of Jesus in that Judean wilderness. Remember — Jesus was not
     only the Son of God, He was the Son of man. Being both He was capable not only of hearing
     from God, but hearing those things that be of man. So when we speak of that ancient Serpent
     which is the Devil and Satan, we are not talking about some mighty fallen angel, but that mind
     that savors the things of man — the carnal mind. The apostle James put it this way: "But every
     man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust has
     conceived, it brings forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, brings forth death" (James 1:14-15).
     The Moffat Translation reads, "Everyone is tempted as he is beguiled and allured by his own
     desire; the Desire conceives and breeds sin, while Sin matures and gives birth to death."
     Everyone has desires of one kind or another, and that really can be quite natural. When we see
     the word "lust," most Christians think it is used exclusively in a negative, sensual, or sexual
     context. The word simply means desire, and a person's desires are not always evil. Even in the
     things of the spirit one must be keen to discern between his own desire and the desire of the
     Spirit. That is where the battle lies, and that is where sin is born.

     The record states that after fasting for forty days, Jesus hungered. When you're hungry, what
     kind of desire do you have? You want to eat! In that crucial moment the Tempter came to
     Him. He began to feel the physiological pangs of hunger, and then the thought occurred to
     Him. Jesus dropped down from the high and holy thought of God, into the reasoning of the
     human mind. He descended in consciousness from the Son of God, to the Son of man. He
     said, "I know who I am; I can turn these stones into bread!" And in His natural mind the Voice
     cunningly suggested, "If you are the Son of God, go ahead and do it! Use your sonship to fill
     your belly! Use it to satisfy your own needs and desires!" Jesus quickly discerned that wily
     Devil and knew how to nip that idea in the bud before it had time to blossom. He got to it
     before it had time to conceive by entering into union with His will. When desire and will
     become one, sin is conceived — it makes a baby called sin! Jesus answered out of the depths
     of His spirit, "It is written — man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that
     proceeds out of the mouth of God" (Mat. 4:4). In other words — if my Father tells me to turn
     stones into bread I shall do so. But if the voice is any other than my Father's voice, I must do
     only those things which I hear from my Father. That ended the temptation! His will in union
     with His Father's desire conceived and brought forth the baby of righteousness. The battle lay
     not with some mythical personage outside of Himself. The conflict was within. The voice was
     an inner voice. The suggestion was in His mind, its power in His emotions and will. God
     speaks to us in our mind and spirit. Satan also speaks in our mind and heart. There is no
     monster without. There are three things in this vast world, and only three — the lust of the
     flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life; briefly, appetite, avarice, and ambition. I do not
     think you will be able to avoid the conclusion that all the inventions, creations, and
     contrivances of man are in existence to cater to these three things. It was with these three
     things that Eve was tempted. She saw the tree was good for food (the lust of the eyes), a tree
     to be desired (the lust of the flesh), a tree to make one wise (the pride of life), and the
     temptation was not from without but from within. How remarkably the three temptations of
     Jesus in the wilderness parallel these three! Every temptation of the Devil comes to us through
     the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life. There are no others. Not for
     Adam and Eve, not for Jesus, and not for us.

     We see this principle fulfilled in Job. "Now there was a day when the sons of God came to
     present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them" (Job 1:6). May I
     reverently add that every time the sons of God present themselves before the Lord — Satan
     comes also among them! It bespeaks of a condition within these sons — our mind vs. His
     mind, our will vs. His will, our ways vs. His ways. It is a heavenly place within the sons of
     God wherein we must be tested to show whether we be sons indeed. This impudent Devil of
     self-will is in every man, and even our Lord Himself surrendered His own will to the Father's,
     saying, "Father, if You be willing remove this cup from me: nevertheless, not my will, but
     Yours, be done" (Lk. 22:42). Until every son has been thoroughly tested in all points it is not
     possible for the sons of God to come and present themselves before the Lord without Satan
     coming also among them. Does he not walk in the natural mind of every man? It is written,
     "And the Lord said unto Satan, Where did you come from? Then Satan answered the Lord,
     and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it" (Job 1:7).
     Now the Lord's questions are never for His own enlightenment. He knew well whence Satan
     came. Oh, yes, Satan had been walking to and fro throughout the earth — God knew this —
     for he walks in our earth, even that earth that we are, from the east to the west, from the
     north to the south, from sea to sea and from pole to pole he walks in the earthly planes of our
     soul, in the secret chambers of our minds, in the fleshly motions of our bodies; he travels up
     and down in us from the heights of our heavens to the depths of our hells. There is not a day
     that he leaves us, for dust is his habitation and his food. All the way to glorification this inner
     antagonist is present. Of course, the one who operates within us also manifests and works
     outwardly through us. The seat of Satan is in man, but his manifestation is outward, affecting
     all things through man and because of man.

     Now, what does God do but deliberately hand over Job, the perfect and upright man, into the
     hands of Satan to do his worst upon him, only that he should not touch his life. It was because
     God desired to test Job that He brought forth "the smith to blow upon the fire." Please note
     that it was not Satan's idea to persecute poor old Job! Oh, no! It was God Himself who
     brought up the subject! There Satan was, presenting himself before the Lord, appearing for
     duty, and God asked, "Where have you been?" Satan replied, "Walking up and down in the
     earth." There was no mention of Job at all. "Well, Satan," the Lord asked, "have you
     considered my servant Job? Have you noticed that he fears God and eschews evil? Have you
     noticed that, Satan?" You can be assured, dear ones, that Satan had noticed Job, but he wasn't
     doing anything to him.

     One of the most glorious testimonies of the preservation of the saints of God is given here in
     this passage by Satan himself. "Does Job fear God for naught? Have You not made a hedge
     around him and about his house and about all that he has on every side?" Praise the Lord!
     Yes, there truly is a hedge around the people of God, and that hedge is Jesus Christ Himself.
     The Psalmist recognized and rejoiced in this fact when he said, "He that dwells in the secret
     place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord,
     HE IS MY REFUGE and my fortress: my God, in Him will I trust" (Ps. 91:1-2). "You've put
     a hedge around him," Satan said, "and I can't get to him!" Then he went on to say, "You must
     put forth your hand and touch all that he has, and he will curse You to Your face." The Lord,
     however, who searches the reins and the heart, who knows them that are His, knows who can
     be trusted with affliction, and will not allow any to be tested beyond what they are able to
     bear. He therefore said to Satan, "Behold, all that he has is in your power — in your hand —
     only upon himself put not forth your hand."

     One can only know God by vital relationship with Him. Job KNEW God! Job knew in his
     deepest heart that God is good, loving, true, righteous, just, omnipotent, omniscient, immutable
     and faithful in all His way. At one point in his trial he exclaimed, "I KNOW that my Redeemer
     lives, and though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God," and
     again, "I KNOW that You can do everything, and that no thought can be withheld from You"
     (Job 19:25-26; 42:2). Being a perfect man Job understood the nature of God, he knew what
     God is like — how He is. Armed with this knowledge he was unshakable and unmovable as
     the hand of Satan moved against him. With lightning swiftness the misfortunes fell as
     tribulation and affliction smote this man of God. All hell broke loose upon him. His possessions
     were gone. His servants were gone. His cattle, his family, and his dwelling place were as
     though they had never been. And now he was desperately ill, tormented with pain, and without
     even a bed to sleep on he lies down in the ashes of what was once his beautiful estate to listen
     to the relentless arguments of his friends, monotonously attempting by lengthy speeches to
     make a fool of him and prove that his present despair was the result of his own sin and
     disfavor with God. I do not know how many days their debate continued, but such miserable
     comforters as these are always at hand, ready to attest that those who have entered the
     furnace of affliction have been bad examples as Christians, lacking in faith, falling short in
     revelation, unfaithful to God's purposes, or that they harbor secret sins and so are deserving of
     punishment. Unless the Lord Himself has convicted them of sin, or unbelief, or lack of
     understanding and applying the Laws of Life, sufferers should pay no attention whatever to
     them. "If our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence before God" (I Jn. 3:21).

     In one tragic day all Job's earthly wealth and glory had vanished as a mist before the rising sun.
     But did Job curse God for all this calamity? Did he even curse the Devil? Was he a fair
     weather saint without spiritual understanding? No, indeed! He rent his mantle, shaved his head,
     and falling upon the ground, he WORSHIPPED GOD with the unmistakable words of
     reverence, "Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: THE
     THE LORD!" (Job 1:22). You see, beloved, all external evidence shouted aloud that God did
     not love Job, that God had forsaken him, that God did not see him, that God was not
     concerned about what happened to him, and that God wasn't just. It seemed that God had
     now revealed Himself to be the opposite of all Job had experienced and known of Him. But,
     praise God! Job knew God! He therefore knew that in spite of all the apparent external
     evidence, in spite of how terrible and hopeless things appeared, God had not forsaken him,
     God did love him, God did see him, God was concerned about what happened to him, God
     was in control of everything, and God was just. Ah, this is faith — trusting God's goodness,
     wisdom and faithfulness in the knowledge that HE has everything in control, that ALL is
     according to His purpose, IN SPITE OF ALL EVIDENCE TO THE CONTRARY! Faith
     declares with Job, "Though God slay me, yet will I trust Him," — and then after being slain —
     TRUSTS HIM! Job, stripped of all, tried by fire, tested in the furnace of affliction, found that
     the key to life is not some creed or doctrinal statement of what we believe about God, but that
     which we KNOW OF HIM by virtue of intimacy of fellowship and vital union with Him.
     Truly, "the trial of your faith is much more precious than gold that perishes" (I Pet. 1:7).

     I am thoroughly convinced that Job is none other than God's Christ. The first man Adam
     walked in the same land of fertility, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, in the quickening
     presence and shimmering glory of God — but when the adversary appeared and he was put to
     the test — he flunked the test. But blessed be God! the second man was tested in all points
     like we are and — He passed the test! When the Lord Jesus told His disciples that He beheld
     Satan as lightning fall from heaven, He was saying that He had seen Satan FALL OUT OF
     HIS (JESUS') HEAVEN, or actually Jesus had seen Satan FALL BEFORE HIM and become
     subservient to Him in the realm of spirit. So far as Jesus was concerned Satan was no longer in
     possession of any authority whatsoever. Jesus spoke not of a historical event, not of some
     mighty archangel that was expelled from heaven before the foundation of the world, but a
     living reality that He had seen occur within His own consciousness, life, experience and
     ministry. THIS WE ALL MUST SEE AND KNOW if we are to know victory in our lives, if
     we are to truly walk as the sons of God. We must realize that if Satan has fallen he is not the
     powerful and formidable head of a mighty kingdom, but he has been stripped and his kingdom
     broken. This must be embraced as a wonderful reality within ourselves. When we realize that
     Satan has fallen before the Christ within us, then we really will be set free! When this truly
     happens we are on our way — not to a rapture — but to that high and holy position that God
     has created for us and determined to bring us to.

     To those who have Satan yet in their consciousness elevated to a position of power and who
     carry on in their thinking an image of him, HE HAS NOT AS YET FALLEN. Such people
     have made a god of him, but in your life, precious one, he is to be cast down, and you are to
     know once and for all that THERE IS ONLY GOD THAT RULES ALL. If God is controlling
     part of this world and Satan is running another part, may God indeed help us! We would be
     under two governments and our lives would be a hell. But for some of us, at least, SATAN
     HAS FALLEN and has ceased to be a king in our domain. When this truth is revealed in
     power and glory within your deepest heart, for you, at last, THERE WILL BE NO DEVIL
     ANYMORE! Sin and death must now be done away, swallowed up of His Life. The last
     enemy must be put under foot. "Forasmuch then as the children are partakers of flesh and
     blood, He also Himself likewise took part of the same; that through death He might destroy
     him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; and deliver them who through fear of
     death were all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Heb. 2:14-15).

     It is now time that the prince of this world be cast out, the spirit of blindness in men's minds,
     which veils the glory of the Christ within. It is time for the Son of man to be glorified. Turn, O
     man, and behold the Lord! See the Lord as He is in His temple! The god of this age doesn't
     want this for any man. Why must the god of this world be cast out? "So that the light of the
     glory of God, who is the very image of God, may shine to men!" The word in the Greek for
     image is the word from which we get our English word character. The image of God is the
     character of God. The character is in you, it is in the Christ, in your spirit. When you behold
     this Christ within, the glory of Christ begins to shine and the veil is done away; the character of
     God is seen by all about. The one thing that terrifies the forces of darkness is the fear that
     someday those who believe in Christ will wake up to the dynamic potential in the life of the
     Spirit within them and begin to live fully out of that realm. When this happens, the great
     problems that plague mankind will disappear. Ignorance will go; sin will go; disease will go;
     limitation will go; Satan will go; death will go; bondage of every sort will fade away and the
     Kingdom of God will be demonstrated in men. What a hope! What a day! The wonder of it all
     is that this Day is even now breaking in the hearts and lives of God's elect! I proclaim to you
     that the crisis hour in the history of the world has come, and God's people must now arise and
     shine and courageously take hold of life and bring deliverance to the whole world. Truly, we
     have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this!

     When Jesus was driven by the Spirit into the wilderness, it was not to see whether or not He
     would sin. That wasn't it at all. What did the Father say when Jesus came and presented
     Himself at Jordan? "This is my beloved Son in whom I AM well pleased." With what was the
     Father pleased? What had Jesus done that pleased the Father? The fact is, He had not yet
     performed even one miracle. He had never healed any sick, raised any dead, cast out any
     devils, or done any signs. He had never preached a Kingdom sermon, and He certainly had not
     prayed or sweat blood in dark Gethsemane or gone to the cross. Before one gracious word of
     teaching had ever fallen from His holy lips, before He had saved a soul or done even one act
     of ministry the Father witnessed, "This is my beloved Son in whom I AM WELL PLEASED."
     The Father was pleased — for thirty years this Son had walked with Him, learned His ways,
     reverenced His name, grown in His nature, and walked in His mind. The purpose of the
     wilderness was not to determine whether He was perfect, but to demonstrate to the flesh
     realm, to principalities and powers, and to all realms from the lowest to the highest that indeed
     HE WAS THE PERFECT MAN! The book of Job makes it certain that this was also the great
     purpose in Job's testing. I want you to see Job today, tested — not to see whether he would
     curse God and die, but tested to prove and demonstrate that he was the perfect man God
     declared him to be! That is precisely what it was about. The secret of Job is not that he was
     self-righteous or that God was trying to teach him something. Nowhere does the record state
     or even infer that God was trying to teach Job anything. God was demonstrating the truth that
     already existed. The Job of God, the Son of God, the Christ of God IS THE PERFECT MAN
     AND WILL TRIUMPH! The Christ in you, precious friend of mine, is the Perfect Man.

     On this point Mark Toohey has shared some precious insights. "Just as God had by His own
     sovereign decree declared Job to be perfect and upright, so has He pronounced that we, His
     called ones, are righteous, holy, and perfect in His sight. 'But by His doing you are in Christ
     Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and
     redemption' (I Cor. 1:30). Jesus became to us wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and
     redemption. Are you not redeemed? It is because Jesus is your redemption. Are you not
     sanctified? It is because Jesus is your sanctification. Are you not righteous? It is because Jesus
     is your righteousness. You are in Christ Jesus; God has therefore declared you to be righteous.
     As with Job, when God declares one to be righteous, one IS RIGHTEOUS.

     "'He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the
     righteousness of God in Him' (II Cor. 5:21). For what purpose was the Son of God made a
     sin offering? That we might BECOME THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD! When by the
     spirit of wisdom and revelation we come to know that Christ is in us and we are in Christ, and
     Christ is in the Father — that we are one spirit — we will come to agree with the judgment of
     God on our behalf that we are His righteousness, we are His holiness, we are His perfection,
     we are His wisdom, we are His power and authority, the embodiment of His redemption and
     grace in a darkened world, and that 'His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining
     to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him that has called us to His own glory
     and excellence, in order that by them you might become partakers of the divine nature' (II
     Pet. 1:3-4). God has decreed for us nothing less than that we be perfect, that is, whole,
     complete, entire, and mature in the likeness of His nature and character, even as our heavenly
     Father is perfect (Mat. 5:48). God will have His sons to be son-like — conformed to the image
     of the Son. He has therefore ordained that the inworkings of His Spirit be accomplished in us
     through His processings, chastenings, disciplinings, and judgments that we may show forth His
     holiness and walk in His fullness — partakers of the divine nature. He judges us as He judged
     Job; not because we are worthy of punishment for the error of our ways or the hidden iniquity
     of our hearts, but BECAUSE WE ARE HIS SONS and have been declared RIGHTEOUS by
     His own sovereign decree. The end result of His judgments is that we become sons indeed" —
     end quotation.

     We have all "heard of the patience of Job." But the great and important question is this: Have
     we "seen the end" that the Lord had in view in all His dealings with Job? The "end" that He
     brought about in His own perfect way? "You have heard of the patience of Job, and have seen
     the end of the Lord, that the Lord is very pitiful, and of tender mercy" (James 5:11). Of this
     "end" that God accomplished in Job it is written: "And it was so, that after the Lord had
     spoken these words unto Job, the Lord said to Eliphaz the Temanite, My wrath is kindled
     against you, and against your two friends: for you have not spoken of me the thing that is right,
     as my servant Job has. Therefore take unto you now seven bullocks and seven rams, and go
     to my servant Job, and offer up for yourselves a burnt offering; and my servant Job shall
     pray for you: for him will I accept: lest I deal with you after your folly, in that you have not
     spoken of me the thing which is right, like my servant Job. So Eliphaz the Temanite and
     Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite went, and did according as the Lord
     commanded them: the Lord also accepted Job. And the Lord turned the captivity of Job,
     when he prayed for his friends: also the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before.
     Then came there unto him all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all that had been of his
     acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house: and they bemoaned him, and
     comforted him over all the evil that the Lord had brought upon him: every man also gave
     him a piece of money, and every one an earring of gold. So the Lord blessed the latter end of
     Job more than his beginning: for he had fourteen thousand sheep, and six thousand camels,
     and a thousand yoke of oxen, and a thousand she asses. He also had seven sons and three
     daughters. And he called the name of the first, Jemima; and the name of the second, Kezia;
     and the name of the third, Kerenhappuch. And in all the land were no women found so fair as
     the daughters of Job: and their father gave them inheritance among their brethren" (Job

     Job's restored and happy state brought to him the double blessing — twice as much as he had
     before. He had the greatest fortune in the East and now it is that greatest doubled, coupled
     with itself to produce absolute plenitude. It is the greater inheritance in Christ Jesus — greater
     far than the glory of the first Adam in Eden's fragrant Garden. The "double portion" is the
     portion of the FIRSTBORN. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the firstborn among many brethren
     (Rom. 8:29), the firstborn from the dead (Col. 1:18), and the beginning or Head of the New
     Creation Man (Rev. 3:14). His body is the Church of the Firstborn (Heb. 12:22-24), and is
     anointed to stand with Him on Mount Zion as a FIRSTFRUITS unto God and the Lamb (Rev.
     14:1-5). The "end of the Lord," the consummation of His purpose in man is a NEW BODY, a

     "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job, when he prayed for his friends" (Job 42:10). While
     Job's friends were three, there was actually a fourth — Elihu. Elihu's speech fills chapters
     thirty-two through thirty-seven. Elihu has a far juster and more spiritual conception of the
     problem than Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar because he has an infinitely higher conception of
     God. God does not class him with Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar; but he is still a dogmatist, and
     his eloquent discourse is marred by self-assertiveness (soulishness). Yahweh's judgment of
     Elihu is that he darkened counsel by words (Job 38:2), the very charge that Elihu had brought
     against Job (Job 34:35; 35:16). Even Elihu's lofty discourse abounds with accusations against
     Job. Therefore, Job's antagonists are four in number. This is most meaningful.

     When ancient man went outside of his home and looked about him, he had no conception of
     the modern world as we know it. No Copernicus had ever opened his eyes to the vast
     significance of the universe. To him the world was a great flat surface with four boundaries,
     east and west and north and south. There were four winds from the four sides of the earth.
     Thus, when he thought of the world he thought in terms of four. Four became the cosmic
     number. The world in which men lived and worked and died, was conveniently symbolized by
     four. There were four corners of the earth; four elements of earth, air, fire and water; four
     seasons, and four phases of the moon; the great "World Powers" as revealed to the prophet
     Daniel were four in number: Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and Rome. Four is the number of
     all that is worldly, world-wide, or universal. Job's four antagonists represent all the intellect and
     wisdom of "this world." All of man's philosophy, psychology, learning, lecturing and judgment
     is but the wisdom of the carnal mind. God is raising up a people in this hour that literally and
     totally rejects the wisdom of this world, for it is foolishness with God. The foolishness of God
     is greater than the wisdom of man, says the Lord. But Job prayed for his friends. God is
     raising up a people who are kings and priests after the order of Melchizedek — redeemers,
     reconcilers, restorers. That is their heart and that is their nature. Jesus prayed for those who
     crucified Him, "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." Just as Job prayed for
     his antagonists, and Jesus prayed for His murderers, so the sons of God shall pour forth grace
     and mercy and salvation unto all the ends of the earth.

     "Then came unto Job all his brethren, and all his sisters, and all they that had been of his
     acquaintance before, and did eat bread with him in his house" (Job 42:11). Hallelujah! What a
     word! When the processings are all complete and the hour of the manifestation of the sons of
     God has fully come, then all our brethren and sisters and acquaintances from before — all the
     Baptists, all the Pentecostals, all the Catholics, all the Moslems, all the Buddhists, all our
     families, all our neighbors, and even our enemies shall come to partake of the Bread of Life at
     our table. How my spirit longs for that day! How I wait for it with holy expectation! Nor do
     they come empty-handed, each brings a piece of money and an earring of gold (Job 42:11).
     Obviously these gifts were not to relieve Job's poverty, for that no longer existed; he was
     richer than all. These are brought in homage. The gift of an earring was no small thing in the
     ancient world and functioned as a symbol of the solemn pledge, as when the golden earring
     was presented as the first gift to Rebecca, the ordained bride of Isaac. The ring in the ear of
     the bondslave bespoke of his willing and loving servitude to his master. Isaiah describes the
     wonderful scene when creation comes home to Father's house, his house of sons. "Arise,
     shine; for your light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For, behold, the
     darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the Lord shall arise upon
     you, and His glory shall be seen upon you. And the Gentiles shall come to your light, and
     kings to the brightness of your rising. Lift up your eyes round about, and see: all they
     gather themselves together, they shall come to you: your sons shall come from far, and
     your daughters shall be nursed at your side. Then you shall see, and flow together, and
     your heart shall fear, and be enlarged; because the abundance of the sea (multitudes of
     peoples) shall be converted unto you, the forces of the Gentiles (nations) shall come unto you.
     Surely the isles shall wait for bring your sons from far, their silver and their gold with
     them, unto the name of the Lord your God, because He has glorified you. Therefore your
     gates shall be open continually; they shall not be shut day nor night; the sons also of them that
     afflicted you shall come bending unto you; and all they that despised you shall bow
     themselves down at the soles of your feet; and they shall call you, THE CITY OF THE
     LORD, THE ZION OF THE HOLY ONE OF ISRAEL. Whereas you have been forsaken
     and hated...I will make you an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations, you shall call
     your walls Salvation, and your gates Praise. The sun shall be no more your light by day;
     neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto you: but the Lord shall be unto you an
     everlasting light, and your God your glory, and the days of your mourning shall be ended.
     Your people shall be all righteous, a little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a
     strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time" (Isa. 60:1-22).

     Just as God turned the captivity of Job and caused all to flow unto him, so shall God bring to
     an end the days of our testing, humiliation and travail, and through God's glorious house of
     sons the whole earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, all peoples
     shall flow unto the sons of the Kingdom, and all nations shall serve and obey Him. Press on,
     saints of God — we have received blessed promises of a mighty deliverance and overflowing
     glory which even now we begin to see fulfilled. Thank God, the time has come, yea, is nigh at
     hand when the sons of God shall be revealed. And there will be a glorious victory. THIS IS

     I would close this message by again quoting from the anointed pen of Mark Toohey. "I must
     tell you, my brethren, that the hope of all creation shall not go unfulfilled! God is preparing a
     Redeemer, a Liberator, a Deliverer — 'SAVIORS (who) shall come up on mount Zion to
     JUDGE THE MOUNT OF ESAU' (Obadiah 1:21). These who have been separated unto Him
     and judged to be sons are not enduring the chastening of His hand and the travail of His
     discipline simply that they may gain some higher elevation in the heavens; God does not work
     on the brownie point system. This FIRSTFRUIT unto God and to the Lamb is appointed to
     be God's instrument in the earth to bring salvation, deliverance, and liberty to an entire world
     sold under the bondage of sin, corruption, futility and death. Little wonder, then, that they shall
     also be God's instrument of judgment among the nations, for when God's judgments are in the
     earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness (Isa. 26:9).

     "Then shall the prophecy of Daniel be fulfilled that 'judgment was given to the saints of the
     Most High; and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom' (Dan. 7:22). It is God's
     Corporate Son, His Christ, who shall judge in truth and righteousness bringing the long awaited
     release of the creation from the bondage to corruption. The ages to come shall witness the
     ever-expanding, unfolding, super abounding grace of God to every creature 'with a view to an
     administration suitable to the fullness of times, that is, the summing up of all things in
     Christ, things in the heavens and things upon the earth' (Eph. 1:10). God's CHRIST — the
     beginning of all things, and the END SUM of all things. This is the Christ in whom all the
     fullness of God is pleased to dwell, and through whom all things shall become reconciled into
     Himself (Col. 1:19-20). Blessed day! It is for this glorious ministry that the Lord is even now
     preparing His sons. How happy are they who have been chosen for this hour, this blessed
     'day of judgment,' that their faith may be fully proved, having been tested with fire; that they
     may be accounted worthy of the kingdom, and stand approved in the day of His appearing" —
     end quote.

     (One part only)

     J. PRESTON EBY - P.O. Box 371240 - El Paso, Tx. 79937




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