In a world of turmoil, trouble and trauma with war everywhere and people starving and suffering we must ask is God really in control or are we in control? Is there a God who loves us and who leads us into blessings. Is God really for us when we see so many people just doing what they want to do, in ways which are contrary to the ways that God has said for us to live our lives to receive His blessings. Are we as people controlling this planet or is God in control? If God is the mighty creator is He still in control and how does He bring His plan to pass on this earth?
It is good at this time to ask the Holy Spirit of Truth to lead us into all Truth.
Pray this
prayer from your deepest part, your God given heart.
"Holy Spirit of Truth please lead me into all Truth, AMEN."
This question has been in the minds and hearts of people through all generations especially when we see terrible violations of God's ways performed by the children of God on this earth. We see people kill and destroy, we see people starve and perish, we see people wound others with words of hatred, we see people frozen in fear and unable to relate to one another, we see people take advantage of the weak and rob them, we see people sick and suffering and dying and others not care at all for them, we see nation at war with nation and death in mass numbers, we see deserts and destruction of forests, we see food produce dumped as others starve to death, we see people using their spirit of fear on people to take control in their lives, we see governments oppress the people and dictate evil authority upon them using the threat of death as a weapon to hold them in bondage, we see sexual abuse on children and those unable to defend themselves, we see pollution of rivers and the air and cities by all manner of man made chemicals and waste, we see poverty and loneliness, we see people trapped in all manner of spiritual bondages like gambling and alcohol and substance abuse of all types, we see the God given pattern of marriage broken and families shattered and fragmented, we see lives broken and distressed, we see people stretched to breaking point in their work place struggling to make ends meet in this materialistic world, we see people seeking for answers in the demonic realms of the spirit world for answers to life's questions, we see people unable to speak to neighbours and bound to the expectations that the world has placed on them, we see people in bondage to all manner of evil practices and entrapments, we see people calling out from their hearts God are you really in control and if you are why is all this happening in your creation?
The problem is that most people do not even recognize God or His creation because of the spiritual bondage that they are in. Generally most of us do not even give God a second thought or acknowledge Him at all. We are so bound up with our own lives and the problems that we face each day that we do not know that God is there and that He wants to show us the way to untangle all of the mess that our world has become. When we turn from our wicked ways (ways of suffering and pain and hurt and ignorance of God) and look to Jesus then we will turn our hearts to God and receive the blessings that only come by being in His presence. God has always kept a people who have a heart for Him and through History the seed of faith has been kept alive in a remnant on the earth. God has an eternal plan to bring all of creation to glory and the Bible says that there is a time ordained by God the Father for the liberation of all of creation from the bondage of corruption.
Is God really in control? Yes God is in control, there is nothing that happens in His creation that is not of His specific design and purpose. Even the curses that we put on one another by the words we speak are there to show us that we are destroying our hope of a future. It is in our suffering that we cry out to our Father God and ask Him why is all of this suffering happening in my life, what have I done to deserve all of this why are you punishing me? God does not punish us as such but He does correct and chastise the ones that He loves and the suffering comes to us because we sow from a mind which is not of the mind of Christ and we reap destruction. It is when we cry out to God for answers that answers come to us and then we see how we have been living outside of the will of God for our lives and that we have been causing destruction to ourselves and to others. Yes God is in control and He wants to bring us into control as well. God changes not, He is established in all righteousness and what we do does not change God but what God does changes us as we agree with Him and desire to change. We are His offspring and we are the ones to change, so in this way God is in control. God can wait forever and if we choose to go to the grave in defiance to God then so be it, God will not force us to surrender to His ways but He knows that eventually we will have enough of going our own way against the flow and that we will turn to Him and then He will be in control of our lives. God will perfect us either on this side of the grave or on the other side it makes no difference to God but it makes a great difference to us. It is best to be in the first resurrection and be perfected here on earth and resurrected in Christ.
Through the
history of man we have seen God do His good pleasure in the earth and in our
lives. God is the master designer and all things work together according to
His mighty plan.
In the
beginning God spoke and it was. The word of God is the only authority in
the universe and when He speaks then so be it. God spoke in the beginning
and God has spoken through man to put His plan into action. God uses
people to perform His mighty plan of creation and He has created vessels
for His honour and vessels for dishonour, it is when God uses this method
of comparison that He shows His glory and we know that He is to be revered.
God has used people through out history to bring His purposes to pass even
to the hardening of the hearts of some to show His mighty hand and direction
to others. God hardened the heart of Pharaoh in Egypt when Moses came to
set captive Israel free from the bondage in Egypt. It was in this demonstration
of the human power of Pharaoh and the power of God in the life of Moses
that showed the people of Israel the witness of God's purpose for them as
a people and it gave them confidence to follow Moses out of Egypt. God used
a King from another nation to rebuild the Temple of God. King Cyrus the
King of Persia heard the voice of God and was prompted to rebuild the Temple
in Jerusalem and regather the nation of Israel from bondage to live and
worship God again in Jerusalemjudah. This word was spoken by the prophet
Jeremiah and God brought it to pass exactly as it was spoken and in the
exact time according to the prophesy. God uses man to speak His word and
when man speaks according to His will then the word Has power and it is
established in the earth.
Isa 55:11
11 So shall
my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void,
but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing
whereto I sent it.
The Bible
is full of prophesy and fulfilled prophesy and God does honour His Word spoken
through His prophets because His prophets speak in accordance to His will. God
has moved His shekinah radiant glory through His people Israel from Shilo to
the tabernacle to the Temple to Jesus Christ to the church and to the manchild
born of the church. God moves through all of creation advancing His purposes
in those whom He has chosen and the covenants which have been made from the
beginning are still honoured by God. God spoke in the garden of Eden and promised
the seed to crush the head of satan. God called the gentile Abram out of the
world and made a covenant with him. God gave us the law through Moses in Israel
which was our school master and taught us what sin was. The law brought us to
our teacher Jesus and then the Holy Spirit. God gave the new covenant through
Jesus Christ and gave us His grace and truth in His love for us. God gave the
Church as a bride for Christ. God is birthing the manchild from the Church and
this is a promise made where He says that the children of God will release all
of creation from the bondage of corruption. All of these covenants still are
valid and the presence of God has moved to a position of power and is now in
many sons who will speak the living word to all of creation, those who are prepared
as His bride the church of Christ. The power of God will now flow back into
the Church, into Israel and into the whole world and into all things until God
is All in All. The covenants made with natural Israel still stand and the covenants
made with Adam still stand and all who believe by faith will be saved. God will
still save all Israel because the promises and covenants made with the fathers
were irrevocable and God can not renege on His word which is sure and He does
not lie. God is not finished with the nation of Israel and in the Kingdom of
God, Israel will be the nation to all nations. What we see in the spiritual
is brought to pass in the physical and as the spiritual israel is perfected
and transcends all, then so will the natural Israel follow. The whole earth
will be filled with the glory of God and all will partake of the feast days
of Israel, the nation God has chosen to show His glory to the whole earth. The
spiritual Jerusalem above who is the mother of us all will descend upon us as
we recognize the Lordship of Jesus Christ and know that God sent Him and birthed
Him out of Israel and that Jesus came as a Jew and was born under the law and
that He overcame all things to be seated on the right hand of heaven even as
we all will be when we see God's eternal plan for Israel.
Isa 40:5
5 And the glory
of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the
mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.
Isa 60:1-5
1 "Arise, shine,
for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.
2 See, darkness
covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises
upon you and his glory appears over you.
3 Nations will
come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.
4 "Lift up
your eyes and look about you: All assemble and come to you; your sons come from
afar, and your daughters are carried on the arm.
5 Then you
will look and be radiant, your heart will throb and swell with joy; the wealth
on the seas will be brought to you, to you the riches of the nations will come.
Isa 66:10-11
10 Rejoice
ye with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all ye that love her: rejoice for joy
with her, all ye that mourn for her:
11 That ye
may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may
milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory.
God causes people to act in accordance to His mighty plan and mankind has not got free will to do exactly as they choose. Most people think that they are free moral agents and that they can form their own destiny by their own thinking and to a certain degree this is so but God can over rule them at any time to suit His own purposes. God has a plan for each of us and we can go so long outside of the will of God for our lives before God puts His hand upon us and calls us into the Kingdom. God can use us with out us really knowing what is happening to us, we know things are going along differently from the way we planned but we just follow along as if we are doing it by ourselves and the change of course seems uncontrollable and we do as our mind leads us. God can make us think differently to achieve His plans on earth. We may be a person in authority and we may have set values or ethics of operation and we seem to allow them to be over ruled without even knowing why we have done so. The angels of God can change us and make us conform to the plan of God without us even believing in God. Many doorways have been opened or closed for the purposes of God without the people concerned even being aware of what is happening to them as they help the Kingdom come on earth. God is sovereign and He does what He has purposed from the beginning and that is to make His offspring on this earth even if we are not aware of His plan. God has purposed to bring us all into one body on this earth in His Son Jesus and this is exactly what He is doing and there is nothing our ego separated minds can do to change the mind of God, He loves us and He is drawing us out of death into life whether we like it or not.
God is working all things for the good of all who love Him and even those who do not love Him now will come to love Him as His love grows in the hearts of those who know Him. Many people have said to me how can there be a God if there is so much suffering in the world and why did God not save my friend from death if He is God of all? I believe this belief of suffering and no God has kept a lot of people out of the Kingdom of God because they do not know How God works or how they can live in His blessing. People see God as a far off God or as a God who has set the clock ticking and left us, never to be seen again and for us to take what we have got and to make it work for us without God. It is our faith in ourselves and our lack of knowledge of God that has blinded our eyes to His plan of life for us all as a people on the earth. We as people need to know how to live in the blessing that He provides for those who love Him and not look to God to bless us if we are outside His will for our lives. Many people think that they can go on living their lives against God and His Kingdom and still have Him bless us and save us from harm and sickness. People have gone to the grave cursing God and still have not been able to surrender to Him even though they cursed His name knowing that He exists.
God is in control and He is bringing a people to Himself to liberate all of creation from the bondage of corruption that has been brought about by the vanity of our minds through lust. Yes God is in control and He did give us over to destruction ( breaking down), this world and it's trouble is a part of His plan to make us into His image and likeness. We are to learn to overcome all things and transcend all earthly bondages. Yes God has a servant Satan who comes into our lives and breaks us down and yes God has given us a way to overcome all evil in our lives. Yes God has subjected us all to the vanity of our minds and all things are of God so the sufferings that we go through are a part of His mighty plan. God could have made a trillion little worship beings all the same, designed to worship Him, all programmed to say, I love you Lord, I love you Lord, I love you Lord, but He decided to teach us Love and real Love at that. He is teaching us to become as He is and to Love Him and to Love one another as He loves us all.
The valuable lessons that we are learning as a body on the earth in Jesus are a part of becoming children of God and we are to share in the sufferings of Jesus' body and learn to do the will of God for our lives. It is God's plan that we see the sufferings and decide to come out of suffering into glory, to come from darkness into His glorious light and join with all of the saints in light in His name forever in His eternal presence.
It is God's plan and His ways are higher than our ways and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts so we need to see things His way and do His will. God is in control. Are we as a people ready to let God control our lost and hurting lives and be healed and restored? Are we as a people ready to stop cursing our families and friends and ourselves by our selfish ignorant ways and words? Are we as a people on this earth ready to stop all the suffering and destruction and death and sickness on this earth by putting God in control of our lives? Are we as a people prepared to make God's ways our ways and God's thoughts our thoughts? Are we ready for the high way of God or are we going to still travel the low way of self thinking and self destruction as we wallow in the quagmire of this mudball we call earth, with all of the low life that we think is all that there is? Are we going to lift up our eyes to God and start to see spiritually? The Bible says that all it takes is the twinkling of an eye to see the Kingdom come, it is a turning away from our earthly vision to a vision of the King, let us behold Him and live. Are we all prepared to be raptured into His presence by letting our eye open to His heaven, which is already within us just waiting for us to ask?...."Lord Jesus lead me into the promised land, I trust you now."
God out works His purposes in His people and we are to be in control so let us all put God in control so that we can control everything we think, say and do for His Kingdom to come.
Jesus is the
body in the earth and we all are a part of His body, we all have different functions
to perform for the body to function in perfect harmony and balance. We need
to have our heart open to the heart of God for us to know the role we are to
play as members of the body of Christ in this earth. We need to surrender our
personal agenda and die to the false image that we have made for ourselves and
put the image of Christ into our minds. The world that we see with our false
perception is not how it really is. Everything is in the eye of the beholder
and we are to let the mind of God behold His creation in us as He lives in us.
We see things the way that they are not and we need the program of God in our
consciousness and all the lies of deception cast into the fire of God, to be
burned from our separated minds and we all need to have the universal mind of
God to see the picture that He has created in eternity for us all. When every
knee bows to Jesus and we all will according to the sure Word of our creator,
then we all will put on the mind of Christ and we all will have the universal
mind of God. We will have our mind set on the spirit and no longer see
the world that we all have created in our ignorance of God through our separation
from God. This separation has been His plan from the beginning but now in our
understanding and by the Holy Spirit of unity we are all to be one in Christ
on this earth.
The Kingdom
of Heaven is within you ask God to show it to you.
Say God I
want you in control in my life, I want to see heaven within my being, please
come into my life and reprogram me, I surrender all to you, come Lord Jesus
come, come now!
Heb 11:3
3 By faith
we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is
seen was not made out of what was visible.
Ps 122:6
6 Pray for
the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.
Rom 11:25-26
25 For I do
not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery, lest you be wise in
your own estimation, that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the
fulness of the Gentiles has come in;
26 and thus
all Israel will be saved; just as it is written, "The Deliverer will come from
Zion, He will remove ungodliness from Jacob."
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