By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW |
Grant Barlow is the name the world gave me and this name came from my father and his father and so on. We all have had family names given to us right back to Adam and I thank God for my family which has brought me into this world for God loved this world of sons of Adam so much that He sent His only begotten Son the Last Adam to change all of our names and to reveal our ONE True Father to us all.
The name I was given by this world is no more, for Jesus took me to the cross with Him and there He exacted my death as the World killed Him and me and everyone else also. The Bible says that I was crucified with Christ and yet He lives, I was crucified with Him and I also live now in the resurrected body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
The world still calls me Grant Barlow but the Lord has given me a new name, a name above all names of the world, for I am in the name above all names, the name of the Lord.
Jesus is the Book of life, Jesus is the Word of the Father, Jesus is the book in which the Word of the Father is written, if you have seen Jesus then you have seen the Father, when the Word of the Father lives in you then you also are in the book of life, for the Son lives in you and the Son and the Father are One, if the Son lives in you then the Father is in you and you are the Word of God, you are the book, you are in the book of life, if you are in Christ then you are in the book of life and if Christ is in you then you are in the Father and He in you for you are no longer two but one in the Son.
The many fathers of the adamic race have all believed the father of lies and these lies have been shown to the children and all children have become fathers of lies to their children and so it has gone on until now when the Father of all says I will give you a new name and call no man father for you have but one Father and that is He who is in Heaven. Jesus says that Heaven is within every man and that Christ is all and in all and that when we turn our hearts to the Father then the veil of SIN consciousness will be removed and the lies of the father of all lies wil be exposed and you will know who you really are as you see yourself as a son of God.
God called Grant Barlow into His throne room and revealed Himself to me and told me that He was my True Father and that I was His son and that as He is so am I. God said that He had made me perfect in the beginning and that I am Holy, Righteous, blameless, pure, innocent, just and He said that I had lost my identity by the words of fathers of this world and that when I hear from within then my True identity would be revealed again as I cast down every imagination and high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God in me as my True identity.
This page is not about Grant Barlow but about Grant Christ who I be and it is the life-giving Spirit of our Lord Jesus Christ the first raised from the dead who has made me to see. When I say that this page is about Grant Christ well that sounds like me but it isn't for the life that I have isn't me but He. I am one in the Son and I am no longer two for the two men have made peace and I am one new man in God's eternal plan. The man that was Adam and the Spirit that is Christ have married and this union of Spirit and soul has made me whole as the Son of God was birthed in me from within to show the Glory of God without and to share His life with all who have need. All of this started with the planting of just one small seed. This seed sprouted and set down roots into the living waters of God's grace, the tree grew and came into the light of His Glorious face, His rain nourished this tree and now it bears fruit for the Kingdom that be, and all who eat from this tree now eat of Him who mysteriously appeared within me.
Here is the seed for the garden of your soul and when cared for and nourished will make you whole.
The seed is the Gospel and the Gospel is that Christ is in you and in every man woman and child, God has planted His SEED in the Garden of every person born of a woman and that seed now needs to sprout within your own mind as you hear the living Word of God speak within you. Here is the kernal of the seed that lies trapped deep within the hard core of your heart and worldly confusion, ( I LOVE YOU AND WITH YOU I AM WELL PLEASED, YOU ARE MY BELOVED CHILD IN MY BELOVED SON) this message when believed will trigger a chain reaction within you and you will have heard from God and the seed will start to germinate with constant faith and belief in the name of your saviour Jesus who has lifted you high above all deception to be in Heaven with Himself and the Father.
As Jesus Christ was the One to overcome the world of deception for us and the first to be received into Heaven so many have followed Him, I also have followed Jesus to that secret place within myself where the Father dwells and communes with the soul, my soul became willing to receive His Truth. Jesus says that we are more than overcomers and that as we set our mind on the Spirit and give no place for the deception of this world then we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds and through this incorruptibility our vessels will put on immortality and we will have a new body like His.
I leave the old worldly name of Grant Barlow on the cross and in the grave of Christ and I arise a new creature with the name above all worldly names the name of the Most High God as I live in Him.
" Most Holy and Righteous Father of all life, author and finisher of my faith I ask that you would help me to bring to birth your life within me as I become at ONE in Your Son, AMEN"
Any one who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Praise be to the most High God and to our Lord Jesus Christ the saviour of the world.
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