This site of seeksafely has emphasised the need to pray before reading or listening to teaching no matter where you are. The importance of prayer or being open to the Spirit of God is paramount if we are to change our belief structure and come into the FULL knowledge of His Truth. We have studied how our conscience is made up of spiritual information from the fallen world and how what we believe is deception, which gives us false perception of Reality.
The main reason to pray is to allow the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives, which will re-align our perception with the Truth of God. If we evaluate a teaching on our own understanding then where there is conflict there will be no change in the mind because there will be rejection of the teaching and the darkness will remain in the mind. We need to maintain a teachable spirit and a willingness to change, for without change we will remain the same and this current consciousness is fallen and in death.
The very fact that you open your heart to know the Truth of God will bring change to your thinking about the way you have thought before and give you understanding about the way your mind works and how you can always be open to the Truth of God rather than the stored deception in your worldly understanding.
The title of this page is "pray NOW" and this now is very important as NOW is all that is and it is no good saying I will pray later when now is where you are. God is the God of the eternal NOW and every WORD that He speaks into your life NOW will build your identity as His words of Spirit and life become real within you.
Praying in Spirit and in Truth from within your own being will open your heart to the heart of God and there will be communion with your Father in Heaven within you. This prayer attitude within you to seek Him and His Truth will bring you His life and it will give you an open door to the throne room of God.
Your openness to hear from God gives God an open vessel to fill with His Truth and when you ask Him to reveal His Truth in you then you are asking Him to reveal His Son in you for His Son Jesus is TRUTH. Our Lord Jesus is the Word of God and it is the Words that He speaks into your life as you ask in spirit and Truth that write His book within you.
It is not so much that this site is saying that what you read here is all Truth but rather that you need to have the way to be open to the Truth of God as you ask Him to reveal His Truth in you. This site gives good spiritual guidence and wisdom in finding the anointing that is within you and the Way to hear from God for yourself.
The most important reason for praying is that you make yourself open and it shows within you a need for Truth as you seek to realize the inner call homeward to where you came from in the beginning. Heaven is within you and the heart cry comes as you struggle with all worldly thoughts and bondage and yet you know that there is a hope for peace and rest for your weary soul.
The hardest part about praying is that it means that you have to go against all the worldly thoughts that you have in your own mind and that it is an effort to pray and seek Truth from within and yet your heart cries out for His Truth. The popular beliefs of peers also will make it hard to seek His Truth from a pure heart and these doctrines of men will stick in your mind and will have power against the Christ arising if you allow the voices of mere men to hinder the advance of the Kingdom of God in you.
Pray to God on the spot and He will give unto you what you have not, ask God to give you all that He has got and if you are hungry then He will give you the lot.
God loves a heart that hungers after Him and when you turn your heart to Him then the veil will be removed and you will see Him face to face. Be prepared to change for without change you will remain in death, for life comes by the knowledge of the Truth and the sum of the WORD isTruth.
Be diligent in prayer and press into the Kingdom of God within you as you set your mind on the spirit always seeking the Truth of God and to know Him.
Here is a small prayer for you to ask the Father to bring you into the Spirit.
"Dear Father God I so desire to know You and Your Truth, I want to know that secret spot within my being where our Spirit becomes One, please open me to hear Your living Word in me. Father I ask that Your angels minister to me now to help me to draw close to You as I become One in the body of Your dear Son our Lord Jesus Christ, AMEN."
Speak this prayer out from your own mouth as this brings an action of faith into a miracle, which will reap a harvest in your own life as Christ arises within you as your true identity and as your living hope. I have prayed an angel be with you to help you enter into His presence, trust the Word He speaks silently into your own heart and bring change in your life as you put off the old nature and live in the Kingdom of Heaven.
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