By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW |
It is good at this time
to pray and ask the Spirit of Truth to lead you into all Truth.
Pray this prayer from
your innermost being and desire life eternal.
Spirit of Truth please lead me into all Truth in Jesus name, AMEN"
I don’t know about you or about the way that you feel about death, all I can say is that I was so sad when I heard that death is a part of life and that we all will die one day. I was about six or seven years old when I was told that grandma died and that all people die when they get old or too sick to live any longer. This news was saddening to my heart for I felt that it was not true, neither was it right because I thought I would live forever and I could not understand why we should die. It was only recently that I found out that death is a lie that we believe in and we bring to pass because of our belief in it.
We read in the Bible about how death entered into the life of mankind by SIN and before SIN there was no death. We read that death is our enemy and it will be overcome and it is the last enemy to be overcome. Most people still believe that we are to die to go to heaven and yet I can not see one verse in the Bible that says that we have to die to go to heaven. I can read many verses that say we are to be mighty overcomers of all things including death.
There is truth in the need for death to receive of eternal life and the Bible clearly states that we must die and in fact we are dead in Christ and crucified with Him. The Bible says that Jesus has tasted death for every man and yet we still insist in going to the grave believing that death is our obligation to fulfill. Death is linked to SIN and because people still have a Sin consciousness they still go to death believing death is a part of the way to heaven. We need to know how to overcome the consciousness of SIN and receive the life that comes from the deliverance of the bondage of belief in death.
Most people choose to go to the grave without knowing the way to die without going to the grave. Most people die the way of Adam rather than die the way of Christ Jesus. We can either die as Adam or as Jesus. When we die as Adam then we have refused the true way of life and our inheritance which is our resurrected body in Christ. Those who die in Adam do so because they can not surrender to God or will not surrender to God and yet it is so easy to die to self and live to Christ.
The way to die in Christ is to accept Jesus Christ as our saviour and ask Him to resurrect us in His power into eternal life. To die to our self identity can be so simple once we see the way to eternal life as opposed to death by the grave and torment on the other side until we do finally surrender to Jesus. We all need to put our false identity to death willingly now in this life and put our belief in death, to the cross, along with all the other lies that we believe.
The cross is the pivotal place of life and death and we all must go through the cross to shed all of self and emerge on the other side made a new creation, having given up death, now believing in life eternal. All people must die to live but we need not die by going to the grave because Jesus has defeated the grave and we are to be in Him and Jesus is resurrected and we are to be in Him. Jesus is the first raised from the dead and when His life giving spirit enters us and we surrender all of the false spirits then we also will be resurrected in Him. Jesus did not have to go to the grave, He had eternal life already but He wanted to share His life with us all who believe on His name. We were lost and alone in the world and without hope and now we have a hope, an eternal hope, the hope of glory Christ in us.
Over the course of history there have been some who have defeated death by belief on the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible does name two such characters Enoch and Elijah and I am sure there are many more who have overcome death by doing the will of God. I am sure that the Bible is true when it says that we are compassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses and that the angels are ministering spirits sent to those who are to be heirs of salvation. We do not see clearly as mortal humans and we need to put our trust into the hands of God and allow Him to open our eyes to His Truth about life eternal and how to transcend death.
When I was in prayer
one day just recently, I was praying and asking God what revelation and understanding
do I need to receive to obtain eternal life and the resurrection body of glory
and I was still in prayer when the Word of God spoke clearly into my heart,
" Life is in you, death will pass from you"
....and these words gave me a certainty of eternal life and the assurance of my body being changed and glorified. We do not seek the body of glory as such but it is a part of the reward we receive when we seek to know God in a perfect loving way and to really know Him and His great love for us. God wants us all to seek Him and His presence and not to seek after blessings only or gifts that He may give us. God is love and we need to have His love in us and share His love with all people. God does not want to see His people go to the grave because of ignorance. He wants us to know the plan He has for our lives and to know His plan we must seek His beautiful face and allow ourselves to be fully surrendered to His way.
His way is life by death
to self and life in Him.
John 12:24
24 I tell you the truth, unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.
1Thes 5:23
23 Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Who told you that we
die? .......... Think about it!
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