By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW |
Our soul is a vessel, our soul was made by God, we are made for God, God wants to totally possess us and reveal His glory in us.
It is good at this time to pray and ask God to reveal His Truth to us as we read this message.
the following prayer and expect God to reveal His Truth to you as you read,
we all need His Truth as His Truth is the only Truth, all other beliefs
are lies of the devil, which keep us in darkness and death.
Holy Spirit of God please reveal your Truth to me as I read this writing, I
desire your Truth and Your Truth alone, if this writing is Your Truth please
confirm it in my heart, AMEN"
We all are vessels for the Lord to fill. We all are souls which are able to be filled with spiritual information. We all have been filled with worldly spirits which are evil spirits of antichrist. Whatever is in our vessel is what we will express and whatever we express is who we are. Our vessel is to be a vessel to express the glory of God our Father. We all have inherited a vessel which is fallen from the glory of God. We all were in glory with God before we came into this vessel of clay or dust of the earth. A vessel is a container and we all contain the product of the generations of traditions and teachings of the world, we all contain the wrong spiritual information. The spiritual information in our vessels causes death. The spiritual information in our vessels is false gods and idols which have been passed to us and believed to be true. We believe lies and think we have truth. When we realize that we have believed lies and that we need the Truth to come to eternal life then we seek Truth. Christ is the promised seed to fertilize our earthen vessels, our souls. This conception in the spirit is our birth from the heavens and we represent the female half of the information which will make up the new creation even as the Christ represents the male half information of the new creation that we are, together making the one new man. Our vessels need to be fitted for eternity by our willful decision to be filled with the Truth of God our creator.
The transformation of our vessel comes by the renewing of our mind. This is more than just an understanding in our minds it is a putting on of the mind of Christ by setting our mind on the spirit which will bring about a physical change of our bodies. We are changed to a different state of matter, which is a metaphysical change in our atomic make up. This change is a metamorphosis or a process of mutations of our DNA until our body functions at a completely different level of spirit. We are mutated into immutability or unchangeability, we are transformed and changed into a different life form. We come from humanity into divinity, we become as God, we become unchanging and eternal. We are the offspring of God the Father, we are His Son, we are Christ. Jesus was the first born into this realm of immortality and He said follow me. God is spirit and Jesus went to spirit at His resurrection, Jesus is the resurrection and we are to walk in Christ and become resurrected in Him. We are resurrected in Him but we don't know it, so we need to realize it in our vessel.
God is within you in His fullness and you need to know how to tap into this life source of Christ, which is the hope we all have, the hope of glory Christ in you. We need to know that Christ has come in the flesh in our own vessel. God exists within the very atoms of your being but He is not glorified in your being because you have not accessed His power, through lack of knowledge. God has given us all His Word written in the Bible and when the Bible is understood in the correct way then revelation of Christ in you will be a reality. The Bible shows the way and tells us that Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. We need to know the way which is clearly outlined in the old testament as types and shadows in the pattern of the Tabernacle of Moses. Jesus teaches clearly on the way and Jesus became the fulfillment of the law and the prophets by becoming the Word revealed in flesh as an example for us to see that we all are able to transcend our carnality as He did. Jesus is the true light which lights every man which comes into the world, we all have the Word in our flesh and we need to have the Word revealed in us for us to become as Jesus is in this world.
Once we know that Jesus has died for our SIN and that God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself then we can know that we are not sinners anymore and we can have access to the source of life, which is within us all. We need to know that our vessels were filled from the outside with worldly evil spirits of lust, fear and pride etc and that we need to fill our vessels from the inside with the life of God which is incorruptible. The corruptible life of the world brought death but the life within will flow into us and expose the evil spirits which we can hand over to Jesus to be consumed in His fire of purification. We need to know that we can not judge ourselves or decide what is right or wrong but we are to ask God to search us and shine His light into our darkened vessels to clean us and purify us. There is a secret place deep within our own consciousness where we can meet with the Lord and have dealings, which will reconcile us unto the Father. This deep place is a place called the garden of Eden and we all need to return there to meet the Lord, it is the Holy of Holies a place where we come to God and feast of Him. We all must seek this place of refuge and rest to be free from our own labours and to be filled from the inside. This filling from the inside pushes out all the rubbish of our past life and excludes the infilling from the world and all of it's polluted spirits or false gods. We all must move through the stages of spiritual growth of the Tabernacle of God to come to that center sacred place of the Father and we must learn the right protocol to enter in.
secret of divine life is to know that you are corrupt to start with and
that this is the plan of God. God said return to me children of God. We
need to know that God has given it to us to defeat the works of the devil
in our lives even as Jesus defeated the works of the devil. The devil is
powerless over us when we give him no place in us, as Jesus gave Satan
no place in Him. The only place that the devil can have power to deceive
us is in the carnal mind. The carnal mind is the natural mind which has
not been quickened by the spirit of Christ Jesus.
mind is filled with spiritual images or graven images of false gods or
false beliefs which give us false perception or the wrong picture of God's
creation. When we receive Jesus as saviour and allow Him by the power of
the Holy spirit to fight every false concept then we start to form a True
picture and we behold Him in His glory in our own mind, we put on the mind
of Christ. When we have received Jesus to quicken our spirit of life and
we are regenerated then the battle commences as the Holy spirit baptizes
us with fire. When we have won every battle against the enemy within then
we have an incorruptible mind and we start the process of Tabernacles which
transforms our body. This battle of the mind as we shed our own mind and
put on the mind of Christ is a matter of learning and our desire to be
completely transformed pushes us to hunger after the love of God and the
knowledge of God as we see changes and miracles in our lives. We are told
in the Bible to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and
to pull down every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God.
This becomes natural after a while and we are able to detect any thought
that is not from God and deal with it promptly.
When we know that we are sons of God and that He is for us and that every trial is for our testing and is to be overcome then we learn to communicate readily with God and we will have God online all the time. This confidence that we develop with the Father is so precious and we grow so much in love with God that we want more and more of Him. This love for God and this hunger for His divine nature is evident in our lives and we become as God is, we become His Son. There are experiences that happen in our lives that we can not explain to others with words for they are so special and we are unable to express just how wonderful God is as He fills His house with Himself. We are the Fathers house, our vessel is the Temple of the Holy spirit and the Bible says that Jesus and the Father will come and live in us. Jesus is preparing a place for you and you need to be preparing a place for Him too. God wants to live and move and have His being in you even as you will soon want to live and move and have your being in God. When we enter into His rest and retire from our own labours then we will fly like the wind and be able to move anywhere in the universe to serve God for His purposes. We need to know that we are only to do the will of God, our will has to be completely aligned with Him and surrendered to Him for Him to live in us, we can have no identity of our own accept to know that we are in Him as joint heirs. The worldly person that we were has to have completely been put to death on the cross where we died as Jesus died on the cross, we can have no self will or nature or life apart from the life we have in Christ. The life in Christ is perfect and powerful and rich beyond belief.
This metaphysical transformation which comes as our spirit man is regenerated is the life of the new creation man. Our DNA has been degraded and is now to be rebuilt, the book of life is to be made new. The book of death is now to be overwritten as we are washed in the spiritual blood of the Lord Jesus. The induction or infusion of spiritual information which is carried by angels changes our DNA and encodes a new program which will bring a completely different configuration to our cell life and enable us to enter into a depth of spiritual communication with God which has never been before in us. This comes as the atomic structure changes and the particles change their properties and their state of existence, causing us to be matter and spirit at the same instance. This upgrade comes as we realize our life source within us and link to the mind of God fully. God is spirit and God is everywhere. We need this access to spirit which comes by the knowledge of God and the way that Jesus has shown us as we set our mind on the spirit and seek Him from our own heart. Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life. Jesus became a life giving spirit, a spirit able to give life and we need to allow Him to help us to join with God by the overcoming of all enemies within, which keep us from the knowledge of God, as He battles with us.
Science is busy trying to heal humanity with the genetic coding of the human genome by taking a gene and putting it into the DNA. Science has observed that some people have certain genes which others do not have and it is thought that somehow the medical profession can create a healthy humanity by human wisdom, as they add genes and delete others. We all need our spirit man to be regenerated and then our DNA will upgrade by the presence of Truth. In the last century a man named Baldwin studied the evolution of man and worked on the theory that due to certain conditions of knowledge, man would advance and become able to overcome the environment in which he lived. He studied the theory that if given certain knowledge over the terrain in which a man lived or certain information or truth was held in the mind of man then the man would evolve and that he would build his ability to overcome all things and that the genetic structure would change and that man would advance and overcome sickness. This is a good theory and in a way it is true, due to increased correct information, the DNA will be restored but the way in which the information comes is different from his belief. It was noted that the presence of certain information in the understanding of man would change his ability to overcome and that this information was interactive and life changing at a point of interface within the thinking of man. This was studied at a neuron firing level of the brain impulse and was thought to be connected to the learning or intelligence level of the individual, which would affect a change at the cell level in the DNA, which would bring about the evolution of man by his own willingness to learn. We need to know and understand that the mind of man is separated from the mind of God and here in lies the only problem. Man can juggle his own information or understanding of carnal knowledge as much as he likes but he will not find eternal life or the key to life as long as he remains in his own futility or vanity. Nothing in the mind of man will transform the DNA, no worldly wisdom will transform man, no learning or information of the mind of man will transform man, no teaching or knowledge gleaned by man will transform man, no medical breakthrough or the manipulating of genes will transform man. God is making us and He is doing a good job. We need to no longer be in opposition to God and remain in death but we need to align ourselves with His will and enter into life eternal. The spirit of God is within us all and we need to learn how to tap into Him and allow Him to change us from the inside.
the beginning in the garden of Eden Adam was clothed with a garment of
light and when Jesus was transfigured in the mount He showed the glory
of God to His closest disciples. We are to be clothed in light again and
this clothing comes from the inside of us, from the deepest part of us,
from the Holy of Holies which is within our own Temple or vessel. This
secret sacred place within us is the place where Spirit dwells, this is
the place beyond our own consciousness, we need to find this sanctuary
and life source where the well of salvation lies, this internal eternal
wellspring of life, this fountain of youth and learn to drink from the
living waters which will water our garden of life. This inflow of life
will permeate our souls and flood them with life and then the waters will
saturate our bodies and flow outward to the world around us changing all
people. This place of light is so special and it is so hard to find unless
we want to seek for it. I really encourage you to ask Jesus to lead you
to the waters of life and allow Him to fill your life with the light of
God. Ask Jesus to arise in your heart. He is the Morning Star who was in
the beginning and He is the Day Star which rises in your heart, shining
new life into your darkened vessel, He is the Bright and Morning Star,
He is the New Day where there is no night.
the Day Star arises in your heart then you will begin to put on the garment
of light and you will radiate the light and glory of God, you will be restored
and never die, you will become eternal and you will be a bright new star.
You are the brother to Jesus, we all are sons of God, He is the first born
Son and the beloved of the Father, join with Him and become one in Him.
all are sons of God whether we are male or female. We are the man with
the seed or the man with the womb (woman) we all are His offspring, His
children. A son of God is one who has surrendered their spirit, soul and
body to the Lord and is birthing Christ. We all need to know our heritage
and come into sonship. His glory He will give to no other.
"I am the LORD, that is My name; I will not give My glory to another, nor
My praise to graven images.
And six days later, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John, and brought
them up to a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before
and His garments became radiant and exceedingly white, as no launderer
on earth can whiten them.
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness
of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the
world began;
1 Cor
For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they
that are Christ's at his coming.
1 Cor
So also it is written, "The first man, Adam, became a living soul." The
last Adam {became} a life-giving spirit.
However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural; then the spiritual.
The first man is from the earth, earthy; the second man is from heaven.
As is the earthy, so also are those who are earthy; and as is the heavenly,
so also are those who are heavenly.
And just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the
image of the heavenly.
Now I say this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom
of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable.
Behold, I tell you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all
be changed,
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet
will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.
For this perishable must put on the imperishable, and this mortal must
put on immortality.
But when this perishable will have put on the imperishable, and this mortal
will have put on immortality, then will come about the saying that is written,
"Death is swallowed up in victory.
"O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"
The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law;
but thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding
in the work of the Lord, knowing that your toil is not {in} vain in the
do not seek the glorified body as something to be coveted but we seek God
and His love.
we seek God and the Knowledge of God and we hunger after God and His divine
nature then we develop a relationship that results in the glorification
of our bodies as He fills His Temple or our vessel. This transfiguration,
metamorphosis or process of mutation into immutability comes as we know
God and it results in eternal life as we ascend to Him having overcome
all trials, we transcend the human nature to become the divine nature of
God, we are His offspring we are His son in the body of Christ Jesus.
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