By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW |
statement could mean that I, as the author believe differently from the
mainstream Christian Church or it could mean that you are looking here
because you believe differently altogether and are strong in your beliefs
which are contrary to Christian faith. Either way we all need to come to
the full knowledge of His Truth regardless of how or what we believe. To
believe is a human action but to know what God knows is a God action within
our lives. We all believe differently and we all have been given by the
world in which we live, different spiritual programs in which we believe.
Some people hear things and choose not to believe them and others hear
things and do not want to believe them but end up believing them because
they are living their lives within the community of people who do believe
such things and it becomes a way of life for all. If you are reading here
and you are looking for a way to substantiate your own beliefs and a way
to avoid the Truth of God then you are not going to find consolation for
your distressed soul in the way of support by like believers or anybody
who will agree that you can believe what you want and find Truth and peace
within the vanity of your own mind, however the owner of this site loves
to lead you into relationship with the spirit of all Truth who abides within
your own heart. Belief is not the end, it is only the beginning of a search
for Truth and many follow their beliefs only to go to the grave still not
knowing the true way to peace, love and joy. God has made us and put within
us a desire to know Him and all of His vast knowledge and love and belief
is not satisfying in itself, for we still hunger for the reality of His
life to be evident in our lives as we express His life. If we only
believe then it is our Adamic mind
working to know God and this is religion but if we are open to what God
wills for our lives then we will receive His Truth established within our
beings and we will know what God knows in us for we shall have the mind
of His Son and we shall be at one with Him, God the Father.
page is really dedicated to bringing you a personal testimony of Christ
in me and how the Lord has been working His purpose within me for all time.
I only bring you this as a way of encouragement and teaching. I can say that I am a new Christian in one way, yet in another I can say that I have know God forever. The Lord certainly has a plan for my life as indeed He has for yours, only I did not know it until He revealed Himself to me and asked of me my willingness to respond to His amazing Grace and of my willingness to die completely to self.
I was born in a small village called Redcliffs in the city of Christchurch in New Zealand in 1951 in a small cottage in Main street, twenty feet from the sea, in a small room, I was born to loving parents.
I contracted polio in 1952 and had corrective surgery over many years of my life. My parents always loved me and encouraged me to move forward in life despite my would be handicap. The custom was to Christen the babies and I was Christened at a young age as were all of my brothers and sisters. I had a special God mother named Madge who insisted that I went to Sunday school, my mother sent me and as a child I did attend irregularly, even so I received many visions in those days as readers would read the Word of God to the congregation. I saw spiritual visions of Biblical accounts and thought nothing of it until the Lord apprehended me in recent years and brought me back to remembrance of it.
At the age of twelve I was out with my family on the peninsula and the boys were playing and exploring when I went up a steep cliff track which slowly thinned out to the point where there was no foot hold and with my polio leg I could not manoeuvre nor return to safety as below loomed a sixty or seventy foot drop to basalt rocks washing in the sandy beach below. It was at this time that I really called on God and depended on Him alone. I called out help me God. There was no one else around within ear shot and all I could do was tremble with my back against the cliff. A voice inside me said go on jump you will be all right it looks soft down there and you won't be hurt and yet another voice said trust me to find your way out. When I cried out to God for help I suddenly had the idea to look behind me towards the cliff and there just above my head and nearly out of reach was a root from the bushes above protruding out of dry ground. I saw the root out of dry ground and it looked about as thick as my little finger and it was dry and broken through on the top and only half of it was in tact. There was another root a little higher up and I knew that if I could get a hold on that one then I would be home free. I trusted God and somehow was enabled to turn about and to reach the root which gave me enough lift to reach the more substantial root above which acted as a rope to pull myself up and through the thorns and rocks above to safety. I was battered, bruised and bleeding but I was safe. I did not think about that event at all afterwards and I did not even mention it to dad but when I heard the voice of God call me just recently at the age of forty five and I decided to follow Jesus, He reminded me of it and how He had been there to lift me up and out of danger. God revealed how many times during my life He had been there guiding me and helping me get through tough situations. I think we all have felt the hand of God working in our lives in some way or another and yet we may not recognize it at the time.
As a young man I always could sense things which were about to take place and many a time I had foreknowledge of catastrophes in the lives of people I knew at school or in the neighbourhood. I was afraid of this power that was working within me because I thought that because I was thinking these things that they would happen. I spent many years canceling these thoughts from my mind in the hope that I would not be causing destruction to the lives of others and I always replaced these thoughts with pleasant thoughts. This did not stop certain events happening and I still did see things before they happened but I did feel like it was not me doing it and I felt free of any guilt I felt just like an observer. I would often tell my parents of things and they would marvel at events which occurred. I feel that I had a relationship with God even though I had not known His name, I had just called Him God. I was going to Sunday school off and on and at the age of fourteen I was confirmed in the Anglican Church. I felt that I did not know Jesus really and it was just a thing to do. I took it half seriously and I had my first communion and learned a few prayers. I knew God in a way but I did not relate to Jesus as my saviour in a way that I fully comprehended the work that He had done. I went on in life without going to Church and I always felt the leading of God in things that I did at work and at home. I used to pray in my heart all the time and I would even play little guessing games where I would have revealed to me exact answers to my amazement. All of this seemed like a normal life to me and I did not even recognize it as being special until God really impacted my life and showed me that it was Him all along teaching me special abilities and ways to communicate with Him.
I married
and raised a family in the years to come and I did not follow Jesus consciously
although He was with me for sure. I had some very powerful spiritual revelations
and experiences in the 1980s when my uncle died in New Zealand and I was
living in Australia.
saw in my open vision whilst wide awake and standing up in my lounge room
a total picture of him in his coffin, I had nothing else in sight it was
pure spiritual vision and all other normal vision had been removed. I was
with my wife Wendy and my mother who was visiting Australia and I said
that someone has just died and my mother thought it was her dad and I said
no it is uncle Doug. When my mother went back to New Zealand she mailed
me to say that uncle Doug had died on that same day. Another event took
place which gave me an insight into how we can join our souls together
in unhealthy union. A very good friend of mine was dying on a hospital
table when I had a conversation with him in the spirit from a distance
of fifteen miles away. The conversation lasted a few minutes and I was
holding him not allowing him to depart until he demanded that I do so.
There was a silver cord of light joining us together and it was like cling
wrap coming up from my chest into the spiritual realm. About ten minutes
after the phone rang and his wife told me that he had died and could we
come to the hospital immediately. These are only a few of the spiritual
experiences I have had and which have just happened without saying a word.
I have never been a seeker in any religion and I have never listened to
any other beliefs in spiritual matters I have always heard the inner voice
and been aware of the spirit which was given in the beginning.
I lead
a life like every other person just going along according to what I know
and I suppose being lead at times from within but not really knowing the
name of my Husband or guardian of my soul. I went into a real bad time
of crushing circumstances with business and family and out of all of this
came a new birth, where I really was called into service for the Lord.
I came to know God and to hunger after all of Him. I received many visions
and spiritual experiences as God revealed Himself to me, taking me into
another dimension of life beyond the veil of the limited mentality. God
said " I will give you everything you need NOW."
I started
going to Church in Febuary of 1996 and my wife Wendy followed a month later
then our son was powerfully born again about six months later, our daughter
is still being drawn and well on the way. I went to Church because I was
a broken man and our marriage was on the rocks as was our family life.
God started to work more deeply in my heart and I was baptized in 1997,
I decided to follow after the Lord and I could not get enough teaching.
I was attending a Baptist Church and I had the desire to become baptized
in the Holy Spirit, the baptist Church did not follow that there was a
separate baptism of fire. By divine appointment the Lord lead me via my
wife Wendy who was a girls brigade leader to another Church to support
a young girl who happened to attend both Churches. I was attending this
Assemblies of God Church sometimes and also on a Thursday night prayer
meeting. In one meeting on a Sunday morning we were there with a friend
of ours who came along to check it out, when a word of prophesy came out
of the Pastors mouth in the middle of her sermon and it was directed at
me as was witnessed by our friend and my wife Wendy. Pastor Melinda said,
" you won't make millions of dollars in socks but you will help to save
millions of souls" this was just a few words which she spoke mid
sentence then carried on with the message, all three of us there heard
it and commented on it afterwards. God asked me if I believed the prophesy
and I said, yes Lord. The pastor had no way of knowing that I had just
gone bankrupt in a sock manufacturing business which turned over millions
of dollars. I continued going to services and during one service the Lord
revealed all Truth to me and said that " I will unpack it for you and make
it real within you." Then because the Lord had lead me there for His purpose
I had the desire to be Baptized in the Holy Spirit and I was there one
evening with this desire burning within me and the Pastor said that there
is someone here wanting the baptism in the Holy Spirit please come to the
front. I went to the front and I was asked what I wanted from the Lord
and I said I wanted the baptism of fire in the name of Yahveh and
of Jesus and of the Holy spirit. I was filled and completely overflowing
with new words and my arms shot out in front of me like a prophet and I
prophesied for about half an hour or more in about five different languages.
The Lord soon after took me into the throne room in Heaven which is a golden
cube with panels which can move and He showed me certain symbols pertaining
to my mission. This was a pure spiritual vision much more pristine than
any vision we have here in the natural realm, I was actually there without
the encumbrance of my body and I pinched myself to make sure that I was
still here. God showed me certain symbols and as I asked questions from
my spirit then the golden panels would move out about six inches and then
another portion of the panel would move out to give the required spiritual
information in answer to my questions. I saw only a small percentage of
the cube but I could tell it was a cube with a translucent golden floor
and solid Gold panelled walls, there was an altar near the steps and it
was fairly low and it was covered with all manner of what I would call
ancient writing characters and symbols which were raised out from the base
level of the surface, this was the same all over the walls on all of the
panels which were within my vision. The cube appeared to be about twenty
or thirty feet high compared to the position from which my vision came.
I asked many questions and I received many answers in my spirit although
I can not really say that I can remember what intercourse took place. The
one symbol which remains clearly and one which I have drawn often is the
seed of corn with a new shoot coming out as in germination and I feel that
it represents the anointing of God and the new life which will flow from
me. I asked God,
Lord what is the extent of your Kingdom?" and at that He took me on a tour
of the entire universe. It started as a vision of a star map of our local
star systems and it showed lines between all stars like inter linking cords
and then it expanded outwards in all directions at the same time into our
galaxy then into all galaxies and into infinity, it was an awesome sight
and I still don't know how I comprehended it all in a multidimensional
way with my limited mind.
A little later I asked God who are you? and I went into a vision just like I was watching a movie and I was taken back to the very beginning and I saw God, the Ancient of days and I mean Ancient, this was a vision of the very beginning of the life of His Son Jesus Christ so so so long ago. This vision went on for many minutes and I was shown the creation from start to finish. This is so special to me and I can not explain to much about it except to say I saw Jesus create out of His own mind and all manner of animals and fish and birds just appearing. A little later on after all was made I saw all people holding hands and walking back to Adam each generation being resurrected and finally the whole earth, all things becoming like a great light and everything entering into a new dimension where all is pristine and pure and clean.
I have had many such visions and the Lord has given me visions of creating and extending His Kingdom as the unbounded universe of God continues to grow and I have seen the creative powers of God resident within me as I have been given authority to build and govern over many galaxies. I suppose my God is big in my eyes and I do believe differently to most and so I just wanted to give you maybe a larger view too and a desire within your own heart to know the glory which is before us all.
I have
ever since following after the Lord, had a desire for the restoration of
Israel in the natural and in the spiritual and I associated with a group
called Shalom Israel where I was touched to pray for Israel on a regular
basis and even now as the Lord leads by His spirit. When the prayer language
came to me and after I had asked the Lord what do you want me to pray,
I heard the words, " Lord teach me to reach the world for your Kingdom"
and " Pray in the spirit the prayers that I give you to pray." I said to
Jesus that I would pray every day in the spirit as He leads me and this
has been a good indicator for the direction my life has taken in the fulfillment
of the mission which was shown to me in Heaven within. I found myself praying
continually even in my sleep, I often would wake up in prayer and sometimes
I was in deep travail for the lost. I found deep healing was coming into
my life and I wept for weeks at work, I had to hide in a quiet place and
I found it so hard to work and cry and pray at the same time but after
the healing was done I found that soon I could pray and work at the same
time. I set myself to pray the spiritual prayers that Jesus would bring
to me and one day something happened and I will now show you a letter which
I wrote to an elder of our Church concerning the matter.
Dear David,
It is Grant Barlow here from Diamond valley Baptist Church. You
preached at church five or six
weeks ago and I came forward as you called
for those who felt the call
to service for the Lord. I come to you for
advice as some how I always
thought I would, you said that we should sit
down and have a good talk about
how the Lord is calling me. Well you have
been in my mind all day, as
I have been pondering over what to do about a
strong call the Lord has placed
in my heart, over the past few weeks.
There have been a lot of little
miracles happening in my life, I have been
witnessing to a lot of people
and there have been a lot of responses to the
call of the Lord as well as
a lot of answered prayer . I feel I am growing
stronger in the Lord every day.
I have had a lot of visions and I am sure
the Lord has gifted me in many
ways. I would just like to share with you
now something that has been
happening, and ask you how I should respond to
such an amazing occurrence.
Well here goes, about a year
ago I received the gift of praying in the
prayer language, some may call
it praying in tongues. I have been called to
pray this way more and more
over recent months. I pray sometimes four or
five hours a day it becomes
quite tiring sometimes. I am fortunate that
where I work there is a fair
bit of noise and people accept that I go
around babbling to myself half
the day most of them are saved now anyway so
I feel confident to pray.
About a month ago I started noticing
words in amongst the strange ones, I
speak a little Italian and also
I am learning Hebrew as well, the Lord was
making me aware of what I was
saying. Praying in tongues is different from
generating normal speech from
our mind , it sort of just comes out and you
don't know what is going to
be said until it comes out. The Lord was
revealing to me a thread of
understanding, there were a lot of Biblical
words coming out, like Enoch,
Elijah, Horeb Jerusalem
Lebanon, Israel many others
as well as place names interlaced with a few
Italian and Hebrew words just
to bind it all together. I wondered what it
all meant and just kept on praying
as I was prompted to do so. Then two
weeks ago at the beginning of
the week the name of Abraham was coming out
of my mouth powerfully along
with all the other names and languages, I was
really fascinated and kept it
up thinking it must be really important, but
not really understanding what
was going on, this continued all week until
on the Friday something of a
miracle happened. I was in the middle of a
powerful prayer when I stopped
to go to the toilet. When I returned to my
section, my operator come up
to me all glassy eyed, not quite sure about
himself and said to me, " Abraham
is looking for you" Not sure what he
meant I said who and he
repeated it ."Abraham is looking for you" I said
you mean the Jewish bloke next
door, Avram. He said no I said "Abraham is
looking for you, you know Isaac's
father" I said you mean the boss and his
side kick. and he said No "Abraham
is looking for you, you know Isaac's
Father, Sarah's husband"
I said what out of the Bible? and he said yes now
you understand. At that Sam
turned around and went back to work. I stood
there thinking , wondering,
praising and a bit over come by it all and then
thought well if it is God giving
me the message to continue praying I had
better get cracking. I thought
it all a bit strange since just the night
before my son and I were up
in the attic praying normally and we were
praying for blessings to all
the Jews and for God to unveil their eyes and
for Jerusalem and the nation
of Israel. We had planted two trees there at a
shalom Israel meeting as a seed
of faith that one day we would get to the
Holy land. As I continued to
pray it was really powerful and I knew that I
was right, God wanted me to
pray this way, it continued until eight o'clock
that night and I had to shut
it down as I walked into Gayle and George's
house for our cell group meeting.
All week I continued praying
, three , four hours a day as I could,
actually I am getting really
good at praying and working at the same time
as I don't have to think what
I am praying about. There was a lot of
revelation coming to me as I
prayed and powerful words were coming out and
also an English word Blood followed
by Jerusalem this came out in this
combination a few times along
with America , Lebanon, Rome, Catholicism
Horeb anarchy, along with many
Biblical names and Hebrew and Italian the
number 12 in Italian 3 in Hebrew
and heaps more
At one stage it sounded like
I was reading out a list of charges.
This really had me wondering
what was going on then on Friday morning just
gone, I was reading my word
for today by Bob Gass and my all time favorite
Charles Spurgeon, When I had
finished I heard the LORD say open the Bible,
It fell open at chapters 42
and 43 of the book of Isaiah. I thought to
myself I will read chapter 43
there are some good verses in there I have
just been reading a book where
they are mentioned. The Lord said read 42, I
started reading just skimming
then my eyes locked on verse 6 and this was
it, I started to read I read
down through 9 and the Lord said I want you to
mark those verses with the red
hi lighter, so I did. As I read over and
over these verses the Lord revealed
to me the lost memories of my days at
Sunday school, the visions I
had seen and the promise he had made to me . I
can remember my prayers to him
when I was young about my polio and not
being able to join in with the
other kids and HE said to me "ONE DAY YOU
walked around with a smug look on my face for years, not
really understanding it was
God who had spoken to me. As I looked back I
could see just where God was
in my life all along.
Then on the Saturday as I had
finished my daily devotional the Lord said I
want you to read the whole book
of Isaiah out loud. Wow it took me over
three hours. J D Williams
preached on the Christian Jew connection and the
unveiling of their eyes and
my wife read the Bible reading out of Isaiah,
this is getting too much but
I am loving it .
Today at work Sam my operator
asked me for the first time what I said as I
was Praying, maybe I said something
in Italian that he picked up on. I
explained about the prayer language
and he said why don't I just speak so
as others understand , he said
that once before he had said something to
someone, and he didn't know
what he had said and the other man wouldn't
tell him. All week I had been
wanting to ask him if he remembered what he
had said to me about Abraham
but I couldn't. I said do you remember saying
something to me last week ?
He said what about ? and I said about Abraham
without saying what he had said
and he said yes. I said well what did you
say? He said Abraham is looking
for you. I said to Sam well why did you say
that and he said I don't know
I just felt like I had to.
I have asked the Lord to reveal
to me if He is calling me to Israel. All
day long I have had the song
come into my head "come to Jerusalem" I bought
a Messianic worship CD a couple
of weeks ago and that song just keeps
coming to me.
I received an invitation to go
to Jerusalem last week I could hardly
believe my eyes, it was from
international needs we sponsor a couple of
little girls and the invite
was in with a letter from them. I phoned David
Ayliffe the director of international
needs to see about the tour he is
organizing to Rome, Israel and
Egypt. to see the cost and times .
There is a Shalom Israel event
at our church on this Saturday about the
saints in Israel as well as
a praise and worship night Do you think it
would be wise to give a testimony?
David as you can see there has
been a lot happening and I really am a
little unsure of how to respond,
if you have time you may be able to email
me at grunta@vic.mondial.net.au
or telephone me on 94324792. it would
be much appreciated.
Grant Barlow. 24th June 1998
This start of revelation from the Lord triggered a chain of spiritual events which lead me to really break through the barriers of self and push into the Kingdom which was shown to me for all people. I found myself in a battle within as Jesus came and stirred up every enemy within and I found that I had many battles ahead of me even in the work place and at home, in fact everywhere I put my foot I had a victory to win with my saviour at my side even in the Church. I found the grace of God to be with me and I believed what He had spoken to my heart. This confidence within that God was with me and that the battle was the Lord's and that the battle had already been won pushed me on and on through every barrier which came up against me and tested me. I went through many spiritual battles and found that the Christ in me was the victor and all I had to do was to trust Him and move forward.
I found that as I prayed for Israel and for the raising up of the sons of God for the liberation of all of creation that I had certain spiritual visitors come and bring me revelation and help in the mission to which I was called. At first when Abraham came to me I was overwhelmed and I did not know what to think and I thought that I should not allow this sort of communion but after testing the spirit and praying to the Lord Jesus He said that there are many in His body and that it is His plan. I learned to trust the Lord with this answer and it seemed contrary to popular Church teaching but Jesus is head of all and I listened to Him and I allowed many of Christ to come and speak through me. Sam the operator who told me that Abraham was wanting to talk with me has also seen these men come and visit and he said that Abraham was not as tall as the one waiting for you over there. This may seem strange to you and you may be scared of such things but for me it is an every day occurrence and my spiritual rapport with the Lord has opened so much as these special visitors bring me the Truth of the Kingdom of God. I feel sure that the Lord is speaking spiritual Truth to the lost souls on the other side of the river of life as these spiritual leaders name themselves and speak through me into another realm of existence.
I have had nearly every prophet in the Bible come and name Himself and speak as well as the apostles and many others like Enoch, Moses and Jesus. Jesus came and kissed me on the lips and the smell of that exotic ancient perfume of the spikenard remained on me for days, it symbolized my desire to live for the moment and not to wait for a future time for Christ to become real. I have never asked for this to happen but in obedience to the prayers of the Spirit of God this is what I am called to do for the Kingdom to come and I believe the words spoken to me and I trust the Lord for He is for me and not against me. With all of this teaching and revelation coming to my life I have found that the spirit of the Lord has certainly been upon me and at times I can see myself as a spiritual being outside of my own physical body. I seem to see from a position outside of myself and I see clearly and others see this strange light all over me, many have commented on it. Since I have said to the Lord I surrender every part of me to You come and fill me with Yourself I have felt this strange transformation coming in my life and I know that Christ is appearing within His Temple. The Lord Jesus said to "ask the Father to send His angels ascending and descending upon you as this is My Blood, which cleanses you."
The Lord has given me the mission to prepare the Bride for His appearing and the reason I have written this web page is for the instruction and teaching of the Church. I had never written before and I had only read one book in my life until I hungered to unfold the mysteries of God. I read the Bible from cover to cover to cover to cover and I read over 50 spiritual books and many many anointed writings on the internet as well as regular Bible studies and I listened to many anointed audios in the last four years. I did not know that I could write, even so the Lord was preparing me for it and I built an attic for this purpose and bought a computer not knowing how to use it neither knowing how to even type.
I wrote a letter to my wife Wendy once in the early days of my walk with Jesus and I asked Jesus to guide my hand and to my surprise it was a masterpiece with prophetic fulfillment. I went to a men's meeting and the speaker said that his son had given him a fiftieth birthday card with fifty reasons why I love you dad and I thought that would be a good idea for our daughters twenty first birthday and so I asked God to lead me. It ended up as a book of blessing and we all three members of the family gave seven reasons why we love Hollie and then it went on to blessings for here life and a full walk through the Bible with a Gospel account. Part way through this writing which flowed with the anointing of God, I lost the flow and I prayed and asked God why have I lost it and what do I need to do to regain the spirit. At that very moment the top popped off the anointing oil bottle which was about eight feet away and it rolled over to me at the computer and the Lord said that " I am your anointing trust in me and not yourself."
Lord certainly has been with our family since I got a backbone and decided
to allow the anointing of God to flow in His divine order within the house
and there have been many spiritual battles won with the victory of Jesus
in me as my Husband of my soul. The divine order and flow of life within
the family especially between husband and wife has brought many blessings
and spiritual growth to us all and there is a house here which belongs
to the Lord where many meetings take place and people are healed in the
name of Jesus for the glory of God. I recall one such time when the Lord
said to me your son Kent is slipping back go and pray with him. I put my
arm around him and allowed the Lord to pray through me for him and when
I prayed we both heard loud flicking of pages behind us, " flick flick
flick flick flick flick flick for about ten or so seconds and an angel
had found a Bible verse and underlined it with a marker for a witness to
the prayer which I had just prayed. The verse is.
For yet in a very little while, He who is coming will come, and will not
But My righteous one shall live by faith; and if he shrinks back, My soul
has no pleasure in him.
But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who
have faith to the preserving of the soul.
There have been many such events happen all of which confirm that the Lord is coming and He is making us aware of His presence and the way to receive of Him. I have found in recent days that the Lord has given me a voice which can penetrate into heaven and often as I pray in the spirit I feel like a sonic boom as the voice goes into a different dimension. I have found myself preaching in other places in visions and yet it seems so real like I was actually there. I have felt the powerful impression of other peoples spirit around me and I have prayed for them only to find out that they have been in immediate need of prayer. The Lord said "every thought that you have or spirit that you have towards another is something within your own being that needs to be corrected and that when you allow me to fully live in you then you will only have My nature flowing from you which will heal all others." The Lord said to me " it is not important what you know , it is important what you don't know, empty yourself and reveal christ." In prayer one day I was really seeking His presence and I made some progress and He lifted me higher to Himself and He said "you are a son of David." A new Christian at work came to me and said that the Lord had spoken to him the night before regarding me and he told me what was said. He said the the Lord said " tell Grant to come to Jerusalem" and He said it several times, so much in fact that the man could not mistake that it was a message from the Lord for me and he could not wait to tell me. I thought that the Lord had better confirm it in scripture and so I asked God to reveal in the Word whether it was so, and the first words I read when I opened the Bible were come to Jerusalem. Being still not fully convinced I asked the Lord to bring another witness and that afternoon the pay girl came around and said " when are you going to Jerusalem" and so I know that the new Jerusalem is descending upon us and that I am called up hither to battle in the heavens.
calling to come to Jerusalem has been the call for all of the time of my
life following after Jesus Christ and it is this joining with our spiritual
Mother of all, Jerusalem above that we all need to seek as we put on the
mind of Christ. I have been aware of Heaven coming to earth and the new
birth for some time now and I have hungered to know God and His Christ
Jesus for eternal life is knowing God. I have asked God to pour His life
into mine and prayed for the fullness to come where I will receive the
glory of God and immortality. During a prayer to God concerning the metamorphosis
of my mortal body and how it will come about and what do I need to pray
for it to happen all of a sudden the voice of God came into me in the middle
of my prayer and He said " Life is in you, death will pass from you." This
gave me great confidence in the coming of the Lord into the sons of God
in this hour and the great need for preparations to be made for all who
will receive Him in His fullness in this generation.
are only a few of the spiritual experiences which I have had as the Lord
has made me aware of His presence in me and I am glad to share them with
you in the hope that you too may seek to know the Lord more closely and
follow Him more nearly. The words of Jesus that heaven is within you and
that we are the Temple of God and that the Father and Jesus will come to
live in us along with the Holy Spirit certainly give us the eternal hope
of Glory Christ in us.
ask that you also make preparations within your own lives for the appearing
of the King of Glory and I pray that you maintain a teachable spirit regarding
the things of God for all things are of God and God will be all and in
if you believe differently from the mainstream Churches and you want to
know the Truth hidden within your own earth, seek the heart of God and
set you mind on the spirit asking all things of God and let Him direct
your path. If you are caught up in religion or trying to reach God by your
own understanding then I suggest that you open your heart to the Lord Jesus
Christ the first born of many brethren and listen to what He has to say
to your own mind.
Belief is our effort but knowing comes as God lives in you by His Spirit, open the door.
Church of the day did not believe Jesus when He came and only those who
had an ear to hear believed and trusted and moved on to know God. Today
there is being formed in the earth a Royal priesthood who will deliver
all of creation from the bondage of corruption and this company will be
Christ manifest in the flesh and many will not believe it.
I hope
this page has been of some benefit to you and I hope you will seek His
Truth on this site and on other sites linked to this site.
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