is the fallen one who was the morning star, the bright star, the light
bearer, the splendid star, the bringer of light, the phosphorescent one,
in Hebrew Heylel one clothed in light, the one who was the son of the Morning.
Lucifer is the man who made the earth to tremble, he weakened the nations
and made the kingdoms shake. He is the man who wanted to exalt himself
above the stars of God and be like the Most High. Lucifer is Adam and every
man, we all are fallen from the glory that we had and we all have a heart
of pride which says inside us, I am the center of the universe. We all
have come from GOD's eternal presence to this human state. We all still
know who we really are and we deep down we want to ascend to that high
place of the glory of God that was lost by our first human father Adam.
It is good at this time to pray and ask God to teach us His Truth to lead us out of false doctrine and into His glory which was lost by our belief in the lies of Satan the deceiver.
the following prayer with a true intent to come into the light of God,
pray from your heart and not your mind.
Loving Father of all lights, creator of Adam and all of mankind, Father of all
sons, please lead me into all Truth, Holy spirit of Truth teach me the knowledge
of the Word of God and restore the glory which is lost, the glory that was with
Adam and is with Jesus, AMEN"
In the Church there is much confusion in the minds of the followers of Jesus and many have a very small picture of our Mighty Creator because of lack of knowledge and distorted views, which disempower God in their lives and give glory or power to the forces of darkness. There are false doctrines in the main Churches, which say that the devil or Satan is lucifer and this gives us a God who has an enemy, which is working against Him and that we as Christians have to join in the battle with God against this impostor and some day if we all fight the devil a fallen rebellious angel then we will conquer him. This false doctrine which came into the church during apostate times early in church history has been carried on in teaching today and is only a small part of the darkness which is clouding the minds of followers who really deserve to know the Truth and come into His glory even NOW!!!
We need to know that God does not have an enemy and that He uses the devil or Satan in His own hand for our perfecting. God is omnipotent, He does not have an enemy. God created Satan and Satan is still obedient to God. Satan was a murderer and a liar from the beginning, whereas Lucifer was made in the image and likeness of God and fell. Satan only comes into our lives at God's command. On the other hand we are also the devil as we employ the dark forces of Satan and speak words of destruction to one another, we can be the devils advocate and do his work for him. We see this in the Bible when Peter spoke contrary to Jesus regarding His demise and Jesus said get behind me Satan. Peter had subscribed to the work of the devil or he had employed the carnal mind to speak words which contradicted the will of God for Jesus' duty or service to God. Moments before this event with Peter he had also set his mind on the spirit of God and seen Jesus as the Son of God and saw Christ in Jesus of Nazareth. This clearly shows our true human nature, on one hand we can set our mind on the spirit and hear the voice of God and see in the spirit but on the other hand we can employ the devil and speak words from our deceived minds to bring destruction to the earth and to others. We can be lucifer or we can be fallen man, we can be clothed in light or we can be in the darkness of the dark one Satan. Adam was clothed in light and he was made in the image and after the likeness of God, even as Jesus is now the last Adam resurrected into the light and clothed or transfigured into a radiant body which is spiritual and filled with the glory of God.
Lucifer or Adam wanted to be God in his own right and to have his own glory as an independent body, a separate identity but filled with all the power and wonder of God. There are people in the earth today who are the same even as there have been through all of human history. These people seek the knowledge of God without seeking His heart.
" Let me tell you something now you Luciferians, you will never attain to the stature of Christ or attain to the level of knowledge of God until you join Him and surrender to His sovereignty, Jesus is Lord and there is no way to enter into His wisdom or power without Him living in you and you not living in you at all. Awake you who think you are God, you who seek the illuminated mind without the heart of love of our Father in heaven, you have to die to self and live to Christ, which means the spirit of God living within His Temple, which you are when you want to be."
Throughout History men have sought after the knowledge of God and many secrets have been passed from worldly wise men and also passed in the spirit realm from those who no longer have bodies, passed on to the men who are alive today. The spirit of witchcraft employs disembodied souls to do the bidding and secret societies use soul power and the wisdom of humanism to control the governments of the earth and try to play God. There is a lot of written knowledge and men seek the keys to life without submitting to God. There is a futile push to overcome our peril and societies of secret knowledge meet to solve the destruction that is evident in the world, neither knowing nor understanding that they themselves through alienation from God are causing that, which they are trying to solve.
Lucifer was with God in the beginning and was made in His image and likeness. When he fell as he ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil he was saying I will do it my way and I don't need you, I will find all the knowledge that I need to become God in my own right. The clothing of light fell from Adam and he saw that he was naked. Death came to all men. Jesus has come to clothe us again and to restore us to our former glory that we had with God our Father when we were with Him in eternity. Jesus came to restore life. We have in our being the ability that Lucifer had we can really worship our King and there are gemstones in our hearts that need polishing up to let the light of God refract through and show our divine nature, which is our true nature, we are made as creatures able to revere and fear with awe our HOLY HOLY HOLY Father in heaven and live forever in His presence.
is the first born among many brethren, He is the captain of our salvation,
He is the head of the new creation, He is the pre-eminent Son, He is the
first raised from the dead, He is the only begotten son of God, He is the
beloved of the Father, He is the last Adam resurrected into eternal life,
He is the first born Son, He is the light of the world, He is the light
that lights every man who comes into the world, He is the bright and morning
STAR, He is the DAY STAR, He is the NEW DAY, He is the SEVENTH DAY of creation,
He is the SABBATH, He is CHRIST or the SPIRIT of GOD, He is the embodiment
of all that is, He is the WORD of GOD, HE is the ALPHA and OMEGA the first
and the last, He is the first Adam and the last Adam and the second man
and the last man, He is all in all, He is the body of Christ which we join
as we become at one with Him. Will you let the DAY STAR ARISE IN YOUR HEART?
will you desire in your heart to come into the glory of God and come out
of your own glory.
puts it this way.
Lucifer's Origins
Lucifer is the Latin for "light-bearer" - lux-ferre - and thus from its very root a most deceptive sort of devil. In fact, he misappropriated a beautiful ancient description of the morning star. He sneaked into the world of religion and the occult when the Fathers of the Church took a powerful metaphor too literally.
To call the most evil force by such a beautiful name, however, had yet another, self-protecting, reason. Lucifer was used as a euphemism for Satan with the purpose not to offend or, by uttering his real name, to summon this most diabolic of creatures.
Actually, Lucifer recalled the famous passage of the Hebrew prophet Isaiah, originally applied to the Babylonian king who, like all tyrants after him, in his megalomania proudly boasted his invincibility. In powerfully dramatic language, Isaiah compared him to a power-drunk potentate who bragged that he would ascend to heaven to make himself equal to God. But, instead, he was plunged into the uttermost recesses of the pit, to be eaten by worms. In poetical grandeur, the prophet likened his apparent invincible glory to that of Venus, the morning star. It could shine brightly for only a brief period, then quickly disappeared before the rising sun. "Take up this proverb against the King of Babylon, and say . . . How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!" (Is. 14,12). The prophet's imagery might have been inspired as well by a meteor streaking from the sky to vanish from sight.
Going back even further, it can be assumed that Isaiah, if not actually aware of, was influenced by an ancient Babylonian astral myth which reappeared later in a different form in Greek legend. This told of the expulsion of the morning star from its heavenly sphere as punishment for its insolence and overbearing pride. At the time, Babylonians saw the stars not as inanimate spatial bodies but as living celestial beings. In spite of their heavenly status, they were very much like men and were possessed by lust, envy, ambitions, and aspirations for power.
By its brilliance most of all, the morning star asserted that it was entitled and destined to take precedence over all others and to be given the loftiest seat among the star-gods. But the supreme power ruling the Babylonian pantheon resented its arrogant demand and hurled the star down from heaven into the dark abyss.
The Greeks, on the other hand, had Phaëthon. He was one of the sons of Helios, the sun god. For a long time, however, he had been kept ignorant of this fact. When learning who his father was, he had approached him at once, to ask some special favor which, after all, was due to him. Helios could not deny his paternity and granted his son's request. He did so rather generously by leaving the choice of gift to Phaëthon himself.
Phaëthon had asked permission to guide his father's chariot across the skies - for just one day. As promised in advance, his wish was granted. However, he proved himself far too inexperienced and weak to master the fiery horses which pulled the sun god's chariot. Boisterously enjoying their newly-gained freedom under so unskilled a driver, the horses (now completely out of control) threatened to set the world (and Olympus) on fire. To avoid such catastrophe, Zeus had immediately taken drastic steps, and with a thunderbolt, killed Phaëthon who blazing thus fell into the Eridanus river.
When the Hebrew text of the Bible was translated into Latin (the Vulgate), Isaiah's "morning star" was rendered "Lucifer, son of the morning." And the Authorized (English) Version adopted this translation. That is how Lucifer first saw the light of day, in mistaken identity taken not as a figure of speech - as it was originally intended - but as a figure cast out from heaven.
A passage in the Gospels then (mis)led St Jerome, to change the original epithet that described the pride and vain-glory of a Babylonian king, into a synonym for the devil.
St Luke (10,18) tells of seventy men who - after the twelve disciples - had in their turn gone out into the world to preach Jesus' message of the kingdom of God. On their return to the master, they informed him with great joy that with his name they had been able to subdue not only humans but the demons.
Jesus, in reply, then is said to have stated that he himself had watched Satan falling out of the sky "like lightning." And it was this juxtaposition of Satan and lightning that prompted the Fathers of the Church (and among them most prominently, St Jerome) to identify this lightning from heaven with Satan, the arch rebel, and thereby to complete the birth of Lucifer as one of Satan's identities.
The view that Satan indeed had "come down" (in every sense of the word) from his celestial abode, as punishment for his diabolical pride, predestined Lucifer for the new application. Lucifer thus came to stay and to haunt man, and to lead him into many types of confusion. The very vanity said to have been the cause of his downfall became so generally accepted that an English proverb (first documented in Political Poems published in 1394) could speak of men "as proud as Lucifer."
It is a matter of conjecture how Lucifer's name came to experience an odd kind of revival in modern times. He who was seen as the power of darkness was then used actually to light it up! Was it a temporary decline of his power in the minds of men, rebellion against the arch rebel, or a symbol of the new "enlightenment" that prompted the manufacturer of the newly invented phosphorous (friction) light in 1831 to market his novel match as Lucifer? He took from the devil a name that the devil himself had stolen from the morning star.
In this case of the phosphorous Lucifer match, etymologists have tried to rescue the situation by cutting out the devil altogether. The match, they say, received its name (as the true light-bringer) straight from the original morning star and in total disregard of Lucifer "in-between."
From: Webster's World Encyclopedia 2000. Published by Webster Publishing,
1999. Copyright Webster Publishing, and/or contributors.
said that the devil Satan was a murder and a liar from the beginning and
the Bible says that Lucifer fell from Glory. We need to know exactly who
is who or else we remain deceived and in darkness. The more we see God
the more we know of Him and the closer we come to the glory that is lost.
Jesus said to them, "If God were your Father, you would love Me; for I
proceeded forth and have come from God, for I have not even come on My
own initiative, but He sent Me.
"Why do you not understand what I am saying? {It is} because you cannot
hear My word.
"You are of {your} father the devil, and you want to do the desires of
your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in
the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie,
he speaks from his own {nature;} for he is a liar, and the father of lies.
And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils
are subject unto us through thy name.
And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.
Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over
all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto
you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.
will fall from your heavens too when you set your mind on the spirit and
put deception out of your mind. The Bible is a parable in itself and it
speaks about heaven and earth passing away and there being a new heavens
and a new earth. This parable hidden in the Word of God tells us that we
are the earth and our mind and heart are the heavens. The Word tells us
that when we put on the mind of Christ and set our mind on the spirit then
we will be transformed by the renewing of our minds. We need to learn how
to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ and cast down
every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of God, presenting
our bodies as a living sacrifice unto God which is our spiritual and acceptable
act of worship to the Most High GOD. When this regeneration commences we
will proceed through the school to graduate into heaven on earth having
received the glory which was on lucifer our father Adam the son of GOD.
Jesus became a life giving spirit by His death burial and resurrection,
a spirit of life to all who will receive Him. Call on the name of Jesus
and become Christ. You are the Temple of God when you allow the Christ
to fill you. ASK HIM NOW. JESUS will reveal HIMSELF in you and you will
die to the identity that you think you are, the self image, which is putting
you into the grave. There is a time coming and in fact is now when men
will no longer go to the grave because we will no longer believe the deceiver,
we will no longer be lucifer who wanted to usurp the throne of God. We
will no longer be in death, the death that Adam bought for us but we will
know that we are bought for a price by our Lord Jesus and that we are not
our own. We will be at one with Him and heaven will be in earth.
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