By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW


John Bell's Christian Art Gallery





Unbelief is the prime spirit within man which has caused him to go his own way in separation from God our creator. Man is created in the image and likeness of God and yet man did not believe this and he tried to reach above God by seeking his own knowledge and he was deceived by this very desire to be in control of his own life. When the first man Adam fell into deception and chose to elevate himself above equality with God by denying God and trusting the deceiver then he fell from the glory, which he already had and he was found to be naked. This nakedness caused great guilt and shame to come upon him and he was removed from the presence of God by his own sense of rejection. All of mankind has inherited this sense of shame and guilt whereby we still remain in unbelief. The unbelief is, that we do not believe that we are as God made us to be in the beginning, Perfect, Holy, Righteous and Just and we have tried to become what, we wanted to become, because we do not trust God. We all have shut the door on God, but, the Bible says that God cast us out of the garden of Eden, it all has to do with our perception, for life is like a mirror and how we react is relative to our own thoughts or spirits which we draw on from within. God has created good and evil and Adam chose to subscribe to the spirits of unbelief and pride and guilt and shame and so these spirits, which he employed gave him a closed door to God, God changes not and God did not reject Adam, Adam only perceived it that way.

It is good to pray to the Lord of all and the creator of the whole universe of God our Lord Jesus Christ the first raised from the dead and the first born of the new creation.

Let us pray to the Last Adam who became the first Christ and let us pray wanting our unbelief to be gone and our trust in Him to appear. Pray wanting Truth and pray from deep within your soul where the closed door is wanting to open and bring forth the life of God.

" Dear Lord Jesus, I want to believe everything that You have created me to believe and I want to come out of unbelief, I want Your Truth established in me, give me a heart to desire You and help me to open the door to You, I have only believed what the world has told me to believe but now I want to Know You, please help me to believe, AMEN."

Unbelief in God has driven men to form their own beliefs in alienation from God as a substitute for the True relationship which we really need to maintain life. The separation from God in our minds has caused death in our mortal bodies because we are out of communion with the only source of life and we die, we have limited life. God caused this unbelief in man because He gave us within our souls the propensity to SIN as we believed the serpent or the deceiver of our own mind, Satan. It has always been God's plan to take us into deception only to restore us all. The deception was necessary in the beginning to create a man of the earth, the one man Adam from which to make many of the mankind. God made Adam and divided him into many billions of living souls all with bodies made from the dust of the earth. God made many billions of children all of whom will come through the cross of Christ and follow the last Adam into Heaven on earth as we all become Christ. The deception and unbelief was necessary to create division in the unfolding Adam upon the face of the earth. There has always been conflict and many varied beliefs within the minds of mankind in the time of separation from our Father God. This need to have division of the body of Adam the Son of God (God only has one Son Jesus Christ for He is the Alpha and the Omega the first and the last Adam, the new man and the last man to enter Heaven) is the only reason for unbelief as far as God is concerned. We as men and women upon the face of this earth can think of many reasons why we do not believe the Truth of God.
There are many reasons for unbelief within the fallen minds of mankind and without the Gospel of Christ we remain in darkness and separation from God our Father.

Here are a few reasons for unbelief in God.

God put us into unbelief because it is His plan to bring about the division of the first Son Adam into a many membered body on the earth. This unbelief in God and the variety of false beliefs caused division and a spirit of independence, which scattered people groups over the face of the earth until the time of the ingathering into the one body of Christ.

We are in unbelief of God in our lives because we are separated in our minds from the mind of God and we don't have any real recollection of Him.

We are in unbelief because we don't see His provision, we don't see Him as a faithful provider. We see corruption everywhere and there is destruction and desolation so how could there be a God who cares.

We are in unbelief because we believe in the life and death cycle that we see in the world and to believe that eternal life is real is an impossibility except by what science may bring in some distant future, most of us are resigned to the fact that we die and we want to achieve all we can for ourselves in this brief lifetime.

We are in unbelief because we don't see Him manifested in our parents lives. We have been taught wrongly by our parents because they too have been ignorant of the ways of God.

We are in unbelief because we believe in other myths and fables or fantasies of the mind and we believe that the soul goes on from here to another life in the universe somewhere and we do not know the role of the sole which is to put the body under control as we are empowered by our Husband who makes us whole. Jesus is the Husband of every soul.

We are in unbelief because we believe the lies of the deceiver in our separated minds.

We are in unbelief because we have inherited the curses of the generations which have gone before us.

We are in unbelief because we have asked Him for things and we have not had the prayers answered in the way we would like, we have asked amiss.

We are in unbelief because we have grown up in families where the Gospel has not been taught and there has never been a mention of the name of Jesus in a way that brought any hope.

We are in unbelief because to believe means breaking away from a circle of friends and it would mean too much change and upheaval and people resist change for just some belief where there is no real evidence of Truth being displayed.

We are in unbelief because we feel ashamed, guilty and unworthy and filled with SIN and we think that we would not be accepted by the Church and that we are not good enough and that we never would be good enough to appear before God for fear of judgment.

We are in unbelief because we have gone down that road before and it all seemed fake and nobody cared like the faith says they should care, there was backbiting and discord among the congregation and people just did not want to know us.

We are in unbelief because we believe in ourselves and we think that God does not give to us because He must be like we are, selfish, we see God as we see ourselves.

We are in unbelief because we see God in a false way because of the deception of our minds, we see God as a God who should provide everything to His children on a platter and we do not understand why He must chastise the ones He loves nor do we understand how He wants to teach us the right values for living. We do not know how to seek God for the provision that He gives so freely to those who ask of Him.

We are in unbelief because we think that God is cruel and how could He let this atrocity happen if He is God of all, we do not know the laws of God which cause this destruction by the words that we speak as His offspring.

We are in unbelief because we hear that He is supposed to be omnipotent and yet there are still places where He has not displayed His power to fix things and if He is omnipresent how come He is not evident every where with all of this destruction everywhere. We see from a limited mind and we only see at this present time and we have no idea of the timetable of God and the infinite wisdom which is bringing all into perfection.

We are in unbelief because we are ignorant of the ways of God and we choose not to believe because we do not know how to come into communion with Him because there seems to be no way open to us.

We are in unbelief because we only sense with our natural senses and we only trust what we can see, feel, smell, taste and hear, we do not trust the unseen. We lack the faith that comes with the desire to believe in the invisible God who lives in His children. We fail to ask from our hearts for fear of the unknown.

We are in unbelief because we are in pain and suffering and we need help but the world does not help us and neither does God seem to care, we are in unbelief and unable to access the power and love of God because we are lost.

We are in unbelief because we don't know that we are His children, His offspring.

We are in unbelief because we have not heard the Gospel.

We are in unbelief because we have not believed the Gospel.

We are in unbelief because of ignorance.

We are in unbelief because we are lost in a false identity.

We are in unbelief because we are caught in the entrapments of religion and our minds are confused with teachings of men and philosophies of godless life.

We are in unbelief because we have faith in other things like survival and we have other value systems like money and buying and selling.

We are in unbelief because we have given up on God and we have gone our own ways into secular society and we have placed our faith in other gods and idols of the heart.

We are in unbelief because we are waiting for someone to come and tell us the Truth.

We are in unbelief because we feel that God has left us and that He just is not true anymore, we have lost the faith that we thought we had in the beginning and the trials of life have completely swallowed up or buried any light that we did have when we wanted to believe.

We are in unbelief because we are living the good life of self sufficiency and we have no perceived need for God.

We are in unbelief because we do not know the living WAY.

We are in unbelief because we are living by the support of social groups and world networks of trade and resources.

We are in unbelief because we see life as something that we can make and fashion into something to suit ourselves. We are caught in the tempting destructive pleasures of the flesh and the lust and pride of the self life and we can see no value in God.

We are in unbelief because we have not yet been crushed by the powerful yet gentle hand of our loving God who cares so much for us that He can not let us continue bringing destruction to all of mankind by the sowing from our unregenerated minds.

We are in unbelief because we never have been taught to believe.

We are in unbelief because we only trust ourselves and our own judgments, we want to be in total control of our lives and the thought of giving up control keeps us in unbelief and we maintain faith in our own abilities.

We are in unbelief because we see God as a God who has left us on our own to work out life for ourselves and we are trying to govern the world by the power of the carnal mind not knowing the divine plan of Government which is coming upon the earth in the lives of His Sons.

We are in unbelief because we are caught up in our own beliefs and religious orders of man.

We are in unbelief because we see the religious actions of insincere believers who are not walking the walk or talking the talk but rather performing to please man and God by works of self righteousness and hypocrisy.

We are in unbelief because we can justify our lifestyles as they are, because of world opinions and freedom of choice, claiming that we shape our own world by human reasoning and saying that we all are right and everyone is entitled to their own opinion, not knowing that God is the absolute and standard of life.

We are in unbelief because we love SIN more than God.

We are in unbelief because we are living a life of self righteousness and we say I am doing right, I don't harm anybody, I mind my own business and I am a good person. (Not knowing the life that can be had, which far surpasses the performance you are doing to please others in your pretense and the acting, which you do each day, which is a constant facade, which is consuming you and which is totally worthless and totally bluffing you as you head to the grave because you are too proud to say I need you God) Come on stop your act this is life here and there are no dress rehearsals, it is in or out, which do you choose?

We are in unbelief because we think that we are not worthy and we feel a sense of guilt and shame and feel that we can not come to God because we think that we are not good enough.

We are in unbelief because we think that God does not love us.

We are in unbelief because we think that God is not True.

We are in unbelief, so that we can come into belief by faith for this is where eternal life is.

We are in unbelief because we are blind to His magnificent creation and we can not see the perfect design behind everything which is made according to His marvelous plan.

We are in unbelief because we have not heard the Word of God in our hearts. God will call us all unto Himself in due time. Ask for your selves for He shall in no way cast you out, every one who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved...ask Jesus now to come to you.

We are in unbelief because we fear hearing the Word of salvation because it means change and we fear change even though we suffer in limitation and death.

We are in unbelief because God has blinded our eyes for a special time and the time is NOW for us to come out of darkness into His glorious light.

We are in unbelief because we don't believe.

We are in unbelief.



God created us all, every one of us in His image and after His likeness and He loves each one of us so much, much more than we can know and it is not until we are prepared to know Him and His love that we will come out of the feeling that we need to survive on our own and battle for love in all the wrong places. God is love and He is the source of all love, His divine love is all pervading, all encompassing, it is unconditional and compared with the human love we share, it is every thing that we need to restore us from this life of fear and separation that we all have, into a life of love and unity that we share one to another without wanting or taking, our total needs are met when we have Jesus living in our souls as our Husband man. God loves us and now is the time to love Him and our fellow man with His divine love.....Ask Him for yourself and join the power of ONE.

Earth man to heavenly man, Adam to Christ, all people ever born will come. ( believe it.)

When the last Adam died on the cross and the power of the Father resurrected Him into new life, Jesus Christ became the head of a new creation. The deceiver of the mind, Satan, was made a public spectacle as Jesus took away his power, which causes SIN or self thinking, which causes death, Jesus Christ abolished death for all who would believe. Jesus has dealt with SIN once and for ALL. The time of unbelief has now passed and now is the time for belief in God as we all come into communion with Him again. God has made His many billions of souls now for His new creation and now all that remains is to fill each one with the Truth of God, which brings eternal life on the earth.

Adam fell under the curse of SIN and death for all men and we went into unbelief as our minds were deceived by the servant of God, Satan, we all have worked by the sweat of our brow and laboured as the whole body of Adam unfolded across the whole earth. He became SIN for us that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. The Adam or Alpha son became SIN for us and the Omega Son the last Adam Jesus Christ is the One who brings us the righteousness of God, each one of us is in the body of the Son of God either Adam or Christ, we all are wrapped up in Jesus Christ. The soul of Adam (Eve) closed the door to God through false perception and reversed the flow of life within Adam, now he was being consumed to death, for he had limited the supply of the Spirit of the Father. The soul or the mind of man has been programming itself according to it's own understanding whilst under this curse of separation and the flow of life has been reversed where the soul has dictated to the Spirit and the Spirit has been lost or has no voice. Jesus became a curse for us and He reversed the curse by overcoming His own flesh or mind of worldly inheritance, Jesus did the will of His Father who sent Him and Jesus defeated Satan. Jesus opened the doorway to Heaven for all who would come through the veil of their own flesh or worldly mind of deception. Jesus was tempted and tested by Satan but the devil found no ground in Him for there was no SIN or self thinking in Him, Jesus knew how the Father had made Him, Perfect, Holy, Righteous and Just. Jesus has the mind of God and we have the mind of Christ, which is to do the will of the Father who sent us but it is clouded with unbelief. Our Lord Jesus Christ could only do what He saw the Father doing and only say what He heard the Father say, of Himself He could do nothing. The Bible says that as Jesus is so are we in this world, we are flesh of His flesh and bone of His bone, there is no difference and we need to follow Jesus into heaven as we come out of the deception of our minds through unbelief into belief again in God. We all need to receive the regeneration of our spirit so that our God has a voice again within our soul.

Here in hangs the balance of belief and unbelief.

The critical point of change comes as we choose to believe the Gospel or reject the Gospel and it is only a matter of wanting to believe from within your own heart as you hear the spirit of God whisper to you. Jesus is the first born among many brethren and He is the pre-eminent Son, the first raised from the dead, the head of the new creation of God Heaven on earth. Jesus has done away with the curse of working under the sweat of our brow and He says come and enter into my rest where all of the false conceptions of your mind can now be done away with. A rest where you can be relieved of all of your burdens and all of your sickness, sufferings, limitations and lack, a place where there is no more death. Jesus is saying I will strip away all of your old false identity, all of your unbelief, all of your hurts and anxieties, all of your fears. Jesus is saying come back to where you were in the garden of Eden with your first father and learn to eat of the tree of life NOW. Jesus is saying NOW is the time to bring in the harvest of all of the work that God has done and now is the time to enter timelessness again as we put away our time limited minds and put on the mind of Christ the overcomer of the world. God made us a many membered body on the earth and He made us from the dust of the earth to fill us and to give us new birth, to live the life that He has purposed for us from the beginning. God wants NOW to complete us and to make us whole, we are only half baked and He wants to turn us over and make a good loaf of bread. The Bible says that we all are one body and one bread. We all are ONE. The first loaf was leavened with SIN and the new loaf is to be leavened with the leaven of Heaven. The Bible says that Jesus taught His disciples about the bread and He said this is my body broken for you. Jesus was symbolizing the first man Adam who was broken into many and Jesus said eat of it for we all are one body and remember Me or recollect me again into one body. Jesus was using the staff of life the bread as an example for us all and as we eat of the body of Christ which has many members, then we feed one another with spiritual food as we speak the Truth of God to one another but we have to be careful of the leaven of the Pharisees who say they are of God but speak words of the deceived mind. The whole loaf of humanity will become a whole loaf of divinity as we learn to hear the voice of the Spirit again and only speak the Word that the Father says to us. Jesus was the first born and He is the only Son of God. God only sees the Son completed for that is how He made us all in the beginning before we were deceived. The Bible says that we all are a part of one another and we will not be made complete until God is all and in all. So let us all come from Adam to Christ as we put away our old identity and allow Jesus our husband to plant the seed of life into the womb of our minds and become Christ ourselves as we birth what we have conceived, the incorruptible seed of our Husband of our soul, the Word of God, Jesus the Christ the only Son of God and let us become One body again as we were in Adam before we were divided, only this time all of us having the light that was lost in Adam restored by Jesus our Lord. The Lord our God is One and we are one in Him as we all share the love of Christ in the spirit.

What is the Gospel, which will bring eternal life when we hear it and believe it?

The reason that people are not in eternal life now in the churches and in this world is because they have not heard the True Way Gospel or believed it if they have heard it, for if they had then they would be beings filled with light and able to heal all of mankind of the SIN which we are apparently in.

God is revealing more and more to us by revelation of Christ in us and the Holy scriptures are teaching us more and more as we share the life of Christ as He arises within each one of us.

God has His perfect timing and when He comes it will be only as we have received Christ into us by our willingness to lay our will down to Him, which gives Him permission to do His will now in us and we all are coming closer to manifesting His fullness as we ask of Him.

As the time fast approaches for the appearing of the Lord Jesus we all are seeking His fullness to appear within each one of us for we know that as He appears we will be like Him and it is our hope of glory that Christ does appear in us as the Temple of God that we all are.

The Gospel is that you are a child of God and you are His offspring in this earth and that God is going to fill us all with His own nature and life. We need to know the Way and Jesus Christ is the only Way that the Father God had ordained for us to come into the Kingdom of Heaven, which is within each one of us. Jesus has defeated the devil Satan and we no longer need to be deceived by him. We have kept our old identity alive in our own minds because we remain separated in our minds from the mind of God. We are blind to our true identity and we still believe according to the deceived mind, which was programmed by this world, which is deceived in it's a many membered mass, a much muddled mixed up mind. This mind which we have is in SIN or self thinking and Jesus Christ has removed the veil of SIN consciousness, so this means that now we can enter Heaven or receive all that God is into our minds, which will reprogram us for eternal life as we become one mind of God. We all need to put on the mind of Christ, which is to do the will of our Father God.

We need to ask Jesus to come into our lives because Jesus is the doorway by which the flow of spirit comes to us. We need to follow Jesus as He is our pattern and He has overcome the world and the devil. We need to eat of the life of Christ the overcomer and know His mind, we need to feed from Him and He will impart His life to us in the spirit as we ask. Jesus died and became a life-giving spirit to give us life. Jesus went from humanity to divinity as He denied the devil access to His life and we can do the same as we allow the Spirit of Jesus to dwell in our lives to defeat every enemy within us. Jesus was resurrected from death by the power of the spirit which dwelt within Him, the spirit of the Father and the same spirit will dwell within us as we open our lives to Jesus and ask Him to enter and as we believe that He was sent to give us all eternal life. When we believe that Jesus died for our SIN and that the Father raised Jesus from the dead, then we also will be resurrected from the death that we are in by our trespass and SIn and we will be resurrected from the dead. Jesus abolished death and when we believe in Him then we will be saved in our spirit, soul and body into immortality.

What SIN?

SIN is.


Secondarymeans (next after the first order, belonging or relating to a second order, division, taken from something else, derived, not primal or original.)

Independentmeans (not under another's control or authority, not depending on someone or something else for existence, operation, help, support. Self sufficient, refusing to accept others for help or support)

Notionmeans (general, unclear or imperfect idea of something. An opinion or belief, fanciful or foolish idea. Whim. Becoming aquainted, conception, not real, imaginary.)

SIN is when we receive, conceive and believe notions which are positive and negative that
come to us that are from our own fallen state, from our mind, from our polluted heart and from
the other people in the fallen world. ADAM was able to live forever, he was innocent, he was
mortal. He only brought death to mankind when he became SIN for us. SIN was there to show
us the need for the law of life. The law of life is needed to overcome or transcend the earthen
state of our bodies so that we become sons of God and sons of man, perfect incorruptible and

When we sin we transgress the law of God and the actions that result are our iniquities or our
wickedness, the bondage, sorrows, pain and the brokenness that we all find ourselves in. So
sin causes our transgressions which are our iniquities. Many Christians say that God gave us a
mind to think but Adam gave us a mind to think, God gave us a heart to know. Jesus has the
mind of Christ which is to do the will of the Father. When we are thinking for ourselves then we
are evaluating what to do, we are double minded and vacillating in indecision, we are eating
from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. We are not to choose good over evil and become
a god who makes that judgment but we are to receive of the righteousness of God by setting
our mind on the spirit and acting out of His righteousness which is already established and
given as a gift as we surrender and accept Jesus as Lord. We are not to think with a carnal
mind but know with a heart of God. We are not a separated identity, we are with Him in the
beginning, we are one in His Son. Come out of SIN consciousness, come out of self identity, come out of religion, put on the mind of Christ and join the power of the only ONE.

                                                       ..... I AM THAT I AM......

People often confuse the word sin with the results of sin, which are our iniquities, which are
caused by our transgression of the law of life. Sin is sin and it will separate us from life no matter what the degree of seriousness. We could have been a mass murderer or we may be a
homosexual or we may have had a though of hatred toward someone all are the fruit of the tree
of knowledge of good and evil. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, only God tells the Truth, all men are liars and we need to be delivered from our sin nature, which is
inherent in our separated compartmentalized minds of self. We can train ourselves to be really
really good and we can be well mannered and serve the community and do good deeds for
others and give to the poor but it does not make us a saint, we still are sinners. Saints do
righteous works because of the nature of God which inherent in their new nature and they are
clothed with His righteousness.

We need to recognize the fruit of the sin nature so that we can repent and turn to God.
Some seem to justify their sin nature by comparing their faults with the faults of others and by
comparison they think that they are in favour with God. Let me make it clear right now every
person ever born of a woman has sinned and needs salvation, there is no other way to eternal
life but by Jesus Christ and unless you have surrendered to Jesus and said in your heart and by your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord then you are still in sin and in need of a saviour, you may
not know His name but you will know His beautiful touch in your heart as you call out to God.
His name is Jesus so now you know and you can call Him by name and any body who calls on
the name of Jesus will be saved, so be sure to ask Him in prayer, right now is a good time and
there is a link on this page which will connect you with a prayer for salvation by belief by faith in
the name of Jesus Christ as saviour. (see below).

There is no reason now for unbelief because God has given the sacrifice for SIN and ALL can now enter into the Truth of God by belief on the name of Jesus Christ the only way to heaven on earth and eternal life.

Jesus said it is finished and it is finished there is nothing you can do now except believe and enter the Kingdom of heaven on earth because resistance will only cause pain as the spiritual fire of purification comes upon the whole earth. God is a consuming fire and none shall escape His love.

Belief comes from within for God has given you a hope and this hope is Christ in you. It is a coming home to your Father in Heaven and all you need to know is that you are His offspring and that He now is calling you Home to Himself as He appears within you where you both will meet and become ONE and Heaven will be on earth for all of mankind everyone ever born of a woman.

John 3:16-18
16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
17 "For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him.
18 "He who believes in Him is not judged; he who does not believe has been judged already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

John 11:25-27
25 Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me shall live even if he dies,
26 and everyone who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?"
27 She said to Him, "Yes, Lord; I have believed that You are the Christ, the Son of God, {even} He who comes into the world."

Rom 10:13-15
13 for "Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved."
14 How then shall they call upon Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?
15 And how shall they preach unless they are sent? Just as it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring glad tidings of good things!"

John 4:22-24
22 "You worship that which you do not know; we worship that which we know, for salvation is from the Jews.
23 "But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
24 "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

Heb 4:9-11
9 There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God.
10 For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works, as God did from his.
11 Let us labour therefore to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the same example of unbelief.



  John Bell's Christian Art Gallery




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