By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW |
The human genome is a subject of much conjecture in this day with science discovering every day, ways to manipulate the genes in hope of healing a dead and dying world, which is ridden with all types of disease. The whole world groans and is in great pain and travail even as our own bodies also are agonizing with the aging process and degeneration, which is caused by the SIN of man. The human reasoning of our society is making us dependent on a scientific breakthrough for the relief of all of our human suffering and a lot of faith is placed in the human intelligence of mankind in general to save us from the pending doom of self destruction. Genetic degradation has been in progress and is intensifying with every generation as we as a body of humanity are further removed from our original parents and as we are removed further and further away from the life source that connects us all to our creator through Adam.
It is good to pray to the creator of the universe our Adonai Yahushua ha Mashiach or as the gentile world named Him, LORD Jesus the Christ.
to Yahushua the name by which man shall be saved and ask Him to reveal
to you His Truth about regeneration because He is the resurrection and
the life we seek, pray from deep within your own father heart.
Loving heavenly Father, Father of our Lord Jesus, Your right hand of creation,
Your one and only SON, speak to me now by your Holy spirit of Truth and reveal
to me Your plan of regeneration and teach me about Your incorruptible seed of
life that You give to all who will receive of Your Incorruptible Son, AMEN."
There is much sickness in the world and people have varied genetic deficiencies, which cause their bodies to lack the ability to fight against viruses and disease. Science observes gene differentiation and various abilities in different people groups to overcome certain disease and sickness. Some races of human life or some tribal groups have certain special abilities, like the ability to run tirelessly or the ability to overcome cholesterol and many more various different capabilities, which differ from the normal human life. Science also observes genetic malformation in people groups or individuals, which severely debilitate normal human life, causing great stress for sufferers and carers alike. Science has sought to overcome our distress by genetic reconfiguring or altering the DNA by human effort and has now successfully mapped the entire human genome which consists of billions upon billions of bits of coded information.
Human beings are now trying to rebuild themselves out of shear desperation and as a matter of survival, because they can not see what configures the DNA or what makes it become degraded, through this lack of knowledge, they fail to return to the source of life to be made whole.
Mankind fails to see what constructs the seed of life in the first place and in fact man has manufactured seed under laboratory conditions and expected it to grow and become a living organism. The encoded message of the man made seed was perfect and the code of genes was impeccable but it failed to produce life. There seems to be something missing in the process and that is the spirit, which supports life. The mere physical apparatus is not sufficient to make a living being or life form. A power source and intelligence is also needed as well as a supply of building blocks, which need to be placed exactly according to a pattern written in the seed and a continuity of energy and ongoing instruction to function and sustain life.
Man in his own way is proving to himself that the life they seek to create and repair or restore is governed by a source outside of their control and that they can not use this life source without first acknowledging what it is.
Mankind has been in steady decline or spiraling downward into a deep darkness, unaware of his demise, because of his own sense of independence from God. This separation in the mind of man from the knowledge of his creator is what causes degradation of the spiritual man, who actually configures or administers the life within the physical man. This distributor or unifier of components or the administrator of life force within the natural elements of our earthy body is the soul of man. The soul is linked to every cell in the body and it ministers life according to the demands of the individual cells, according to needs and applications to which the cells are ordained to perform as different organs in the functioning of the whole body, causing the life to operate in complete harmony as directed by the seed. The seed can only administer spirit according to the program, which it contains and it can only access the life source of God to the level as ordained by God in the coding of the seed.
In the garden of Eden the man first created, Adam, was able to sustain life eternally as there was no death yet created, he was able to sin and bring death but his spiritual make up was full and he was covered with the glory of God. His soul could minister to his natural body and sustain life because he had a possible connection to the source of life who is the Father of life. Adam had no genetic degradation or wrong information in his DNA, his book of life was perfect and he had the nature of God. Adam had not yet received information outside of God, which would write bad program into his DNA. The moment Adam received information from the outside world and took it into his book of life and wrote it on his heart then he had began to defile the nature of God and the lamb nature had become slain, which brought a shedding of the life blood of God within him and a decline in the spiritual administration of his soul to his natural body. The soul when full of the spirit of God will give eternal life and enable the natural body to be at one with the spirit. It is only when the book of life is corrupted or defiled that the death process begins and the body becomes prone to disease and sickness. This falling down from the glory of God has been the direct result of a break in communion with the source of life and the writing of our own program according to our own understanding. It has always been the role of the Father to commune with the son and it has always been up to the son to learn from the Father. The Father is in a position of authority and He has given the command, which will keep the son in life. It is this continuation or continuity of spiritual information flowing into the son from the fathers that has maintained the written code and kept it alive in every generation. The role of the father is to teach the son and the son is to honour the father. Where there has been misinformation passed from generation to generation there has been spiritual decline and genetic deterioration which has caused the loss of coding on the DNA.
So we can see the importance of the correct spiritual information remaining from generation to generation to maintain a perfect book of life within us to enable our soul to minister to our material bodies. This is where we need to know as children of God how to teach our children and give them a hope and a future. We need to be fathers to our children and teach them the Truth rather than teach them information, which is outside of the Truth, lies of deception, which only bring limitation, poverty, sickness and death. We can see the importance of speaking words of Truth as against speaking words of deception. The spiritual man within us learns from other people and if we are teaching people lies of the devil then we are responsible for their destruction and we are accountable before God. God has given us the responsibility to raise our children for Him and He has entrusted us with them and He wants us to teach Truth to them and not lies. Our own parents have also taught us lies and we teach our children lies because we do not know all Truth and neither did our parents know all Truth. Generation after generation has been falling deeper and deeper into darkness because of the break in continuity with God although deep inside every man is the seed of life, which needs to be regenerated and brought back to life with God. Our own seed has become corrupted because of the writing of bad information within our belief structure, our hearts have become deceitfully wicked and evil beyond measure. We are filled with all sorts of spiritual garbage, which has been passed down to us from all generations, which have gone before us. This spiritual garbage or bad spiritual programming is all words spoken to sons from fathers who have not known the Truth of God.
It is good at this time to mention about mothers, daughters and sisters.
We all are sons of God divided into male and female in the natural bodies.
Spiritually we are male and female within each person, our spirit being masculine from God and our soul being feminine from our human adamic inheritance.
A son of God is a child of God, male or female, who has surrendered their will to God and allowed the Christ to have dominion in their spirit, soul and body.
We are either a man with a seed or a man with a womb in the natural. (wombman, woman)
In the spiritual make up we are male in our spirit and female in our soul. The soul receives seed from the male and gives birth to what ever it conceives. We become what ever we allow into our soul, we birth what ever spirit we conceive, as the soul administers to the outer man. The seed is word spoken, as this is how we transfer spiritual information. When a soul hears a word from another person and receives it and conceives it and believes it, then that spiritual information becomes critical information in the administration of that soul in the distribution of life messages to the body. The soul can by it's will either receive or deny access to any spiritual information, which is presented to it by another soul. In the same way what is produced from our soul can be presented to another soul to be received, conceived and believed. This is why many people are deceived, because they are willingly receiving false information from misinformed souls and are being made subject to the spiritual powers of evil and deceit, which causes a falling away from the high standards of God, resulting in genetic deterioration.
The spirit of God is to program and run the soul of man. Man in his fallen state runs his soul without the fullness of God and he makes his own decisions from a mind which is separated from God although in his spirit he is still connected but unable to minister from the Holy throne of God within him because of unawareness of the existence of the doorway into this life source. Man has unlimited potential but is limited by his own mind which causes death in him. Adam was to program Eve his wife. This is a parable in the Bible which describes the spirit of man as Adam and the soul of man as Eve and this beautiful illustration written by Moses by inspiration of God gives us a spiritual picture of how life flows in the kingdom of God. The Adam here was Jesus Christ as He was the first and the last Adam and when the soul Eve spoke deception to Adam the spirit (Christ) left him and Adam was made a living soul with a desire for a husband, who is the Christ we all are looking for, as the corporate Adam or corporate soul in the earth. This is where Jesus became SIN for us. This picture shows us that the head is the Father and His life is to flow to the son who then flows to his soul which ministers life to his whole body which sustains life eternal. This same pattern also is in the flow of life from Christ to His church, which is a corporate soul or many souls receiving life from the life of God the husband we all desire. This pattern is also given in the marriage of husband and wife as God has ordained the husband to have spiritual headship over the wife and the wife is to be submissive to the husband. In the same way we also are to have our spirit in spiritual control over our soul which enables the life source of God's nature to flow into us to produce eternal life.
The reversal of God's flow of life occurred in the Garden of our own life as we allowed the soul to dictate to the spirit. This dictation has written a book of death within us and darkened our hearts to the point of not knowing the way back to God. " If your body is controlling your soul then your spirit is dying and your book is a book of death, if your spirit is controlling your soul then your body is living and you are writing your book of life within the Lambs book of life in the whole body of Christ." This reverse of flow has made us desolate and we are consuming our very life from within us. This is also seen on the grand scale as man consumes the natural resources of the planet rather than creating from within himself, where the source is located and by so doing replenishing the earth to a flourishing paradise. Man consumes his neighbour, he robs him of his very life as he hungers for the life within him, which he is unable to find inside himself. Many are spiritually destitute and are crying out in pain for God, suffering in sin and sickness still not knowing how to connect to God within. The sadness is the inability of God's children to see or to connect with the life source because of lack of knowledge. Just knowing the name of Jesus will not restore life, we need to allow His spirit to pour into our lives as we become a weak vessel able to receive. The spirit of the Lord can not enter into a resistant impermeable membrane of self, we need to be surrendered and pliable, willing to be changed. It is like the answer to life's needs is outside the door but you will not open it to allow the light to flood into your own darkness. We must know that we are in darkness and in need of light and this message may show you the life in the now, which is eternal and which overcomes all death, poverty, sickness and lack, a place where there is no need or sorrow, no destruction, no pain, no more tears or anguish, a place of rest for your soul as you live with the love you have always longed for, that husband of old who you have sought after to fill your emptiness of heart, Jesus.
We can see that mankind has been in spiritual decay for about ninety seven generations from Adam and we all are in need of a saviour who can rewrite our book of life and make us new again. We can see that our seed is impure and defiled corrupted by our own words of deceit and evil, we have made ourselves into a creation according to our own understanding because of our lack of Truth and pure word. We need the pure living Word of God who was in the beginning with Adam and we need Him now. This pure seed is the incorruptible seed of the Son of God and when we receive His seed then He reprograms our soul. When the life giving spirit of God comes into our lives, we receive, conceive and believe in our hearts the Word of Truth of our creator.
This new creation seed of incorruptible life comes in when we invite Him and He teaches us how to rid our old program of all misinformation. He rewrites our book of life and upgrades our DNA to that of our Father in heaven. We get a new complement of Genes and our whole body is reconstructed into a temple of God able to maintain life eternally. Our mortal bodies are made incorruptible and immortal.
life of God is given as a gift to those who choose to believe. His Truth
is free and it can not exist in our soul with our old program still wanting
to be in control. The new program is able to over write the old program
but it will not if our will is not ready to allow it to happen. The spiritual
door into eternal life is within your own consciousness, and your awareness
is on the carnal mind side of the door although your true identity is on
the other side of the door with Jesus and the Father and all the other
resurrected sons in the Kingdom of God throughout the universe.
signal will awaken you to your true identity as a Word of Truth is spoken
to you from a brother in Christ, a brother who wants to make you aware
of your true identity. This Word will be heard in your spirit and it will
give you a feeling of great hope and a realization that God is real. This
word will come to you and fall into a certain type of ground or preparedness
depending on your own condition or receptivity to the Word of Truth. The
carnal mind will want eternal life but it may reject the name of Jesus
and continue on in it's own ego driven self life of death ministration
to your body. The body is so well conditioned to giving demands to the
soul and the soul does so much like pleasing the body with all of it's
sensual pleasures, that the spirit of Truth may be rejected in favour of
a degrading life of lust then death. Which ever way the will aligns determines
the direction of flow of the life within, either a vacating of life from
the vessel, or a refilling of life from within the doorway of the
vessel. Either the spirit will have the attention of the will or the body
will have the attention of the will, one way the body recovers and the
other way the body suffers. It is the growing of the spiritual man, increasing
with the knowledge and love of God and the connecting to the soul
of this new man that changes the body. We need to practice putting this
new Christ man on and spiritual exercise is essential in the maintenance
of the outer man.
has given us all a will and although our will is held in bondage to the
lies already believed within our soul we still are able to choose Jesus
and come out of bondage. God will assist us when we decide for Him and
even if we can only muster enough strength to want to believe then He will
enable us to release His faith within us to follow on after Him and be
fully restored.
any one calls on the name of the Lord he will be saved and it is when you
believe in your heart that God sent His Son to be the propitiation for
our SIN and that Jesus died and that God raised Him up again on the third
day into resurrection life and that He became a life giving spirit to give
us life then you will be able to confess from your mouth that Jesus is
Lord and you will be on your way to eternal life.
Jesus is the incorruptible seed of the Word of God sent from heaven to indwell human flesh as the last Adam, to die and become a life giving spirit able to give life to all who would partake of Him. The spirit of Jesus is the seed which is to be conceived in the womb of your mind which will come into your heart and write the laws of God upon your mind and heart. When your mind becomes incorruptible and your spirit or heart is cleansed then your first nature will be Christ and you will know God off by heart, there will no longer be you and God but you will be His son as He lives in you. The law of God is the law of life and is necessary to have within you as it is the very book of life re written in the spirit of your soul to be distributed to every cell of your body as an upgraded DNA. This spirit of Jesus is called the Christ, which is the spirit of the Father who indwells His sons and when Jesus returns in you, then he consumes by His fire every alien spirit of evil. EVIL is LIVE in reverse and Jesus came to reverse the curse, which was given to man in the garden of Eden. EVIL= Eve veils illuminated life, LIFE= life illuminates veiled Eve. The curse was that the soul controlled the spirit and now Jesus has returned within us to reverse the curse and put the spirit in control of the soul. Eve or soul was the mother of all creation and now Jesus is the head of a new creation where the spirit or the Father is the creator.
Once you have received, conceived and believed in your heart that Jesus is Lord then you will have a doorway opened to you and your true identity, which is in heaven within you will be poured into your soul. This happens as you set your mind on the spirit and take it off self. There will be a considerable battle take place as the old carnal nature or the mind of self will not want to die but this is necessary to facilitate a complete takeover and complete regeneration. God will only function as your will is aligned with His and completely surrendered to Him. This recognition of the point of access within your soul or the opening of the source of life within you is something that comes as you ask God to teach you all you need to know for you walk in this new land. It is God's will to draw you unto Himself but it is your willing participation to His plan that enables a complete success in the re writing of your book of life. Remember that you are already complete in Him and that you are already in the highest place seated with Him above the highest heaven just waiting for your old nature to completely die so as your new man can come and live in your body. It is the putting away of the old program and the desire of the new program that allows the life to come in the fulness of the spirit. This understanding may seem a little clinical but it is a descriptive way of saying that God loves you so much that He wants to pour His life into yours and blend with your human nature so that you have your identity in Him and know yourself as a son of God aligned with all that He is, in will, emotions, mind, desires and body. God wants to give you His divine nature and when we eat of all that He is and drink of His life then we become all that He is.
is thinking for yourself, which gives a false identity and a false image
of who we are. God created us in His image and after His likeness and we
are far removed from that former glory which was upon Adam and is now found
in Jesus the resurrected last Adam. This virus which came upon Adam is
like H.I.V. or Human Intelligence Virus, it
is where man thinks for himself instead of being lead by the spirit of
God This H.I.V. when fully blow becomes A.I.D.S
which is Adam Identity Syndrome and we all
have caught the Adam ID syndrome
which causes death.
all have our identity in Adam until we put our identity in Christ and become
restored into the Kingdom of God. We can see that leaning on our own understanding
and allowing our minds to be separated from the mind of God causes a false
identity and belief in lies of the devil, which cause poverty, sickness,
suffering, limitation and death. When we set our mind on the spirit of
God and partake of the divine nature of God, which is the spirit of the
Christ, then we become regenerated and receive the spiritual make up of
our heavenly Father and His spiritual DNA, we receive the Word of God,
which is the incorruptible seed of eternal life, JESUS.
"Eternal life" or E.T.E.R.N.A.L. L.I.F.E. is really, Eat the eternal reality now and live, love infects for ever.
Eternal spirit is everywhere and all things are filled by and surrounded
by the life of God. The life is in the seed and what ever the seed instructs
so then, this life it draws from the life source of God. The seed is programmed
to draw from the life source according to the program which it contains
and it can do no other thing other that just be what it is designed to
be. We see in the Bible that God created every species with it's own seed,
which enables it to be an organism of it's own kind and an organism able
to replicate itself or perpetuate life after it's own kind. The genetic
information contained in the original seed is reproduced without fault
in normal conditions and there is no increase of genetic information gleaned
from outside to mutate a life form into an advanced life form but rather
the contrary is true as we observe a loss of coding on the DNA of life
forms due to the sinful environment in which all of creation is subjected
lily of the field does according to the plan of God and grows from a seed
into maturity producing a beautiful flower and leaves able to draw energy
from the sun and to trap the rain, drawing nutrients from the earth, it
reproduces life after it's own kind and is exactly what God created it
to be according to His pattern.
God also has given us a pattern Son Jesus who is the perfect seed, He has the perfect DNA and He is undefiled, incorruptible. We as the female side (Eve or soul) of the DNA in the creating of the new creation man are wanting our husband to add His DNA to form the union and make the first complete cell containing all the spiritual encoding for eternal life. Our old man is also degraded and in need of restoration and Jesus has the complete pattern of the human side and the divine side of the new creation. Jesus is whole and able to restore the fallen man at the same time give the new genetic code of His divine nature which is the Christ. This first cell is like a cancer cell, it is foreign to the self or the unity of the old body and it will be like a stranger in the land, which is overcoming the whole land and transforming all other cells with the new blueprint of life. The old body will be made completely new as the new spiritual information or book of life is infused by osmosis into all other cells as the RNA sets out to completely reconstruct or reconfigure the old and make the new. This is like a complete take over by an alien virus, which eats the host and replaces Him with a new identity but the host still maintains the knowledge of who he is. It is like a master builder comes into the building and uses the old materials and makes a new building but at the same time reconfigures the materials into something completely new by changing them at their subatomic particle level and removes their properties of decay. It is like the groaning old building filled with sorrows and pain and disrepair is suddenly transformed into a vibrant new building not bound by time nor space and is filled with great joy and love of life.
This first building block or first cell to be made complete is of course Jesus who was the stone that the builders rejected and now He is being built into the bodies of a many membered body. We can see that Jesus overcame every curse and sickness, death and the grave for us and He became the life giving spirit able to give us life and when we receive Him, then we receive the first building block in our Temple of God. It is this first cell of the eternal life in us that spreads to fill our whole body as the pattern is passed by the RNA which we are, we are the priest of our own temple. RNA = Resurrect New Adam. The perfect DNA is in us in seed form and the hearing of this gospel will crack the seed and bring it into new life within our own understanding. This Christ in us, our hope of glory will open up our spiritual vision and allow us to enter into the Holiest of all within our own consciousness and turn our life inside out. The DNA or Divine Nature Adam is the perfect pattern which will go to the broken down old Adam and resurrect Him as we allow the infilling of Christ from within our own heavenly door.
It is the self writing of our own history book or the book of the slaying of the Lamb ( the lamb is the nature of God) that has degraded our seed to the point of destruction. We need to know that there is a point of interface within our being that maintains continuity of instruction to our soul and when we write instructions or program our own computer, then we are writing our own death warrant. It is the world that has written on our filing system or placed words that are not of the book of the Lamb within our souls and we have allowed it to be done and in so doing we are under a sentence of death for life. It is only when we allow Jesus to write His sentence on our DNA that we overcome death and become bound in life, we allow His death to put us to death so that we are no longer cursed. The sentence of life is a long sentence and the DNA molecule when stretched out measures about six feet long and it is a continuous encoded message or a long writing of information. When all of the trillions of cells of our body have their DNA stretched out and joined as one length then it will measure many millions of miles, even from earth to the sun about four hundred times. If you feel like you have been locked in a cell and that you have a record, which is a curse, then you need to know that you need not be cursed any longer and that you can come out of the death sentence and receive a life sentence by putting death to death, you can ask the One who has the keys to hell and death, the one who came to set the prisoners free, He is the only one who can free us from this body of death. We all are crucified in Him and we are dead but we keep alive in our minds all of the lies of this world. When we surrender to the cross all belief in lies and sin, then we will be revived into eternal life.
The curse only comes when we add or take away any words that are not found in the book of the Lamb, into or from our own book of life and this is why we all need to be found in the Lambs book of life, whereby receiving the mark of God on our foreheads. The mark of the beast is what all men have until their book is overwritten. It is the old testament of living under law, which reveals our sinful nature and law can overcome sin only as we know we are dead in Christ and no longer under law but under grace, having the new Word of Jesus who fulfilled the law and who now writes it on our minds and hearts. The old testament or the book of the first Adam was defiled by words spoken by fathers who spoke lies and not the Truth but the new Word or the new Testament is the Truth and Jesus is the way, He was the Word who was in the beginning in Adam. The cup or the soul was filled with evil and all the sufferings of mankind who had been eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, this corporate soul called Eve or the soul of the Adamic humanity was the cup that Jesus drank in the garden of Gethsemane as He took into Himself all of our iniquities. Jesus on the same night initiated a new cup or a new corporate soul, the Church, His Bride, to be filled with new wine, this time a wine from the tree of life, this life divine is the wine as we abide in the vine and produce good fruit, this fruit from the new testament, or Word, a new seed, a pure seed, a perfect incorruptible undefiled WORD. The continuity of divine life is upheld as we continue to allow the seed of Divine Nature Adam to exist and the seed to be filled by and connected to the tree of life, which guarantees immortality.
The first Adam did not connect to the tree of life but rather chose to write his own book of death by thinking for himself and in so doing he passed death to all who were subsequently disconnected from the tree of life also. In recent times in the late 1800's a man named Baldwin discovered that there were certain abilities in man, which surpassed those of other men and maintained that information or the understanding of one's surroundings would bring change or evolution to man and he studied this theory. Much study is still done on this theory and it is believed that man can come to a place within the mind where special knowledge will transform us and that there is a point of interface where knowledge will be infused into genetic upgrade. This study has come about because it has been observed in the body of humanity varied differences of genetic coding thought to be brought about by environment or mental understanding. This highlights the very point that we as people need to observe with a different view point and come to realize that the very means by which man hopes to ascend is the means by which he loses information. We cannot write our own book, it is already written in heaven and heaven is within us. The mind of man can not save us as it is separated from God our the tree of life, only a spiritual connection with God can save us as we allow God to re write our book of death. The DNA can only be upgraded to a full complement of genes, which allows the fullness of the spirit to operate in our lives when we open the door to life and shut the door to self. God is ONE and we are ONE in God, the understanding of individualism in our minds needs to be corrected and the understanding of unity needs to be held for in this very principle is our existence.
The individual identity and the self outlook on life is exactly opposite from the plan of God for mankind. God has created us as one body all coming out of one man Adam and we all are like cells of the one body all connected in the spirit. Adam had degenerated into many members and our DNA shows that by the vacant DNA or junk DNA, which is in our spiritual record book. The number of unfolding generations from the original DNA is like a book of all people who have come out of Adam and each generation holds some of the genetic spiritual information of the complete original Adam. The body of Adam or of Jesus for Jesus is the first Adam and the Last Adam and the new Man and the last man, is connected in the spirit just like our own body is connected in the spirit between each cell. Each cell of the human body is at one with the other and all cells function as a unit. Where a foreign body comes into the human body the unity of the oneness of the self seeks to destroy the foreigner. This oneness of the body of humanity is put into disharmony by the individual self seeking spirits of some cells or people so to speak and a breaking of unity occurs, which brings a lowering of defenses to the body and eventually death. When our body is unable to defend against viruses then our body loses the battle for life and the cells die and fail to reproduce quickly enough to defeat the invasion, death has it's way, through lack of information in the seed. The whole of the genetic code needs to be put back into our cells and this only occurs when all of the cells in the body of Adam are in unity and in fulness of spirit.
We all are to have the complete spiritual seed of Jesus Christ who is the pattern seed, who is able to reconstruct every cell in our body and form the exact pattern of the heavenly Tabernacle of God in us. Those souls who have gone into death also need the seed of incorruptibility in them for us to be complete, as we are not made whole until we all are made whole. The whole unfolded scroll of human history needs to be re written with the perfect Word of God or the pure seed of life for us to be one body again in unity and life eternal. This new body is the resurrected Adam or the Christ. Adam is the son of God and when Christ returns to Him then He is the Son, Jesus Christ the only Son of God of Whom we ALL are a part. We will become a new body in ourselves as we write His Word into our lives and infect others with the love virus. It is our will that enables the anointed finger of God to scribe His law of life onto the fleshy tables of out hearts and minds, for our will is the gateway to life within our vessel, it must be surrendered so that He can have His will in our lives.
The Christ will repair our damaged DNA and marry our DNA to make us a new creation. We will come from the soul realm into the realm of spirit. Jesus will give us the genetic make up of the perfect Son and we will be restored. From the time of Adam there have been priests who have maintained a certain spiritual input into the body of humanity and who have continued on the life of the original priest our Father who is Melchizadek. This human line of priest has not been of the order of Melchizadek because there has been a flaw in the nature of man and a different order was established to keep mankind in a divine order of life as much as was possible. There have been certain men through history who have transcended time and space and overcome death by seeking God but the average man has been lost in his own self thinking and unable to see the spiritual realities of eternal life. Men like Enoch and Elijah have been taken into the spiritual realm of eternal living and are around us today and remain unseen because of our restricted natural vision. The passing on of priestly life through generations has maintained a link or connection to Adam the first earthly priest and this succession gives the whole body of humanity a link to God in our fallen state but only by the knowledge passed on by the book within man. These are earthly father anointings and blessings and in themselves are fallible or incomplete. This is the continuing or unfolding of the Adam and is the writing of the book of death. The true spiritual nature of humanity on mass is dwindling by these fathers passing on their life according to their own understanding or by the writing which is in their books or DNA. These polluted words, which remain in the hearts of humanity as the Adamic man are teaching us the way of self and separation or division, although the heart cry is for restoration and most do not know the WAY, which is given by our Lord Jesus, now made a priest after the order of Melchizadek. The old Aaronic priesthood established by God for a time has now been superseded and Jesus has fulfilled the law of God and the sacrificial system, which was given as a pattern or type and shadow of the NEW WAY.
Jesus the ONLY SON OF GOD of whom we are a part is our great high priest and we are priests after the same order as we receive Him. Jesus was the forty first generation from Abraham where the Christ spirit was first birthed in True worship to God in the sacrifice of his son Isaac on the altar. There were fourteen generations from Abraham to David and fourteen generations to the carrying away to Babylon of the nation of Israel and from the captivity to the Christ fourteen generations. The regeneration of Jesus to the Christ or the last Adam through His death burial and resurrection and His becoming a life giving spirit of divine life was the forty second generation. This is shown by the six being the number of man multiplied by the seven meaning spiritual perfection equaling forty two. This shows that Jesus was fully human and He became fully divine upon His resurrection. There are forty two generations from the appearing of Melchizadek to Abraham with the bread and wine of life unto the new generation of Christ appearing on the earth as the Royal Priesthood to liberate all of creation from the bondage of corruption with the same bread and wine of life divine, the life of the resurrected Christ. This forty second generation was also typified by the forty two encampments that Israel made in the wilderness before they entered into the promised land. This number forty two also is shown as the forty two feet square flat top on the pyramid at Giza, which was given as a sign when the world was divided and which signifies the readiness for the capstone, which is coming to complete the building of humanity, Jesus the chief cornerstone. The number also represents the forty two generations of Church age with the first being the natural birth of Jesus and the forty generations or Jubilees of the Church, which is like the forty years in the wilderness with natural Israel and the generation that becomes the Christ the forty second generation at the coming of Christ in His glory. It is through this priesthood that life will be ministered back into the body of Adam and he will become Christ. This corporate soul will have the ministration of the Christ life, resurrecting the old writing of the whole original DNA which was in Adam, only now this time being made complete in many men and not just one man. God has created a whole company of sons all in His image and likeness and NOW is the time in History for the final scene to be worked as the leaven of heaven leavens the whole loaf. One little piece of leaven can change the whole body even like the leaven of SIN corrupted the whole body. God will be ALL in ALL. Let us all play our role as unified members of the one body of Christ in this earth for there is a whole universe out there waiting for us to be at one, so that we can be at one with the universal body of Christ. The self mind or the separated mind distracts us from the correct instruction of God and puts us into death, we need to surrender self, for our completeness will only come as we ALL become one in God. We all have individual minds but our spirits are joined as one and so there is confusion in our vessels, let us all now be of a right mind and put on the mind of Christ by setting our mind on the spirit and then we will have the universal mind of God and we will have the correct program which gives life eternal.
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.
When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and the
stars, which Thou hast ordained;
What is man, that Thou dost take thought of him? And the son of man, that
Thou dost care for him?
Yet Thou hast made him a little lower than God, and dost crown him with
glory and majesty!
Thou dost make him to rule over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all
things under his feet,
All sheep and oxen, and also the beasts of the field,
The birds of the heavens, and the fish of the sea, whatever passes through
the paths of the seas.
O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Thy name in all the earth!
If I say, "Surely the darkness will overwhelm me, and the light around
me will be night,"
Even the darkness is not dark to Thee, and the night is as bright as the
day. Darkness and light are alike {to Thee.}
For Thou didst form my inward parts; Thou didst weave me in my mother's
I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful
are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well.
My frame was not hidden from Thee, when I was made in secret, {and} skillfully
wrought in the depths of the earth.
Thine eyes have seen my unformed substance; and in Thy book they were all
written, the days that were ordained {for me} when as yet there was
not one of them.
How precious also are Thy thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of
If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand. When I awake, I
am still with Thee.
And He said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you shall see the heavens
opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
But to which of the angels said he at any time, Sit on my right hand, until
I make thine enemies thy footstool?
Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who
shall be heirs of salvation?
Jacob became Israel( a Prince with God) he had just fought with his true
identity and agreed to allow his nature to be transformed by the Angel
of the Lord. Jacob also saw the heavens open and the ladder of life became
real to him.
And he had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its
top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and
descending on it.
And behold, the LORD stood above it and said, "I am the LORD, the God of
your father Abraham and the God of Isaac; the land on which you lie, I
will give it to you and to your descendants.
"Your descendants shall also be like the dust of the earth, and you shall
spread out to the west and to the east and to the north and to the south;
and in you and in your descendants shall all the families of the earth
be blessed.
"And behold, I am with you, and will keep you wherever you go, and will
bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done
what I have promised you."
Jacob had become Israel and he had overcome his old identity as he saw the heights of spiritual ascension in the heavens of his own being as God had revealed his true identity within him. Jacob also received the promise for all families of the earth. We are the earth man or the Adam man and our heavens will also be opened up as the ministering spirits or angels minister to us. Just as our RNA ministers to our human body and caters for all the needs as it builds and repairs our natural body under the instruction of our seed and by the power of the spiritual man our soul life as our body is one unit, so then does the RNA of the whole body of Christ minister to the needs of each cell or person in the body. The blood in our natural body is our life but the blood of our spiritual body is spirit just the same way the blood of our Lord was poured out and now He has spiritual blood and we as members of His spiritual body are ministered to by His spiritual blood or angels with the exact replica of the life seed to change our very DNA. These angels or spiritual messengers of salvation are coming into our being from within and are busy reconstructing our new man according to the heavenly golden cube or divine pattern. These angels ascending and descending on our helical ladder of DNA are reinstating the original writing or code of life eternal within our members and we are being metamorphosised or transfigured into the glory of the Most High God within.
God gave Moses this exact divine pattern in a vision and Moses made the tabernacle in the wilderness as a way to show the chosen Israel the way to heaven within but is was a slow process in coming to the revelation of the significance of this Tabernacle and God has only revealed it now at the end of the ages of time. The pattern was a working into the center or into the most Holy place where life is found but now that the pattern has unfolded through natural Israel and the Church and finally to the manchild we find that the Holiest of all was where life has always been and that we are to minister back into the lower realms from here. This means that the tabernacle is a picture or a map into eternal life given in the days of Israel and this stage represents the outer court of the Tabernacle, then with the birth of the Church there was an awareness of the Holy place, which is the next stage of enlightenment with the power of the Holy spirit being made manifest in a limited way to followers of Jesus but now at the end of the church age and the entering into the time of the Royal Priesthood there is an understanding of our true potential and our assignment. This pattern is for the chosen Israel or the 144,000 to now minister the internal eternal life to their own souls by the inflowing divine nature of God, re writing their book of life as the Holy of Holies ministers to the holy place, then to the outer court or their own bodies. This writing or marriage of the divine nature and the human nature is the marriage supper of the Lamb where the husband gives new seed to the virgin bride and for this purpose we must have made ourselves ready to receive Him and done away with all deceptive spirits. This is like two halves of DNA coming together to make a new creation just like any other joining of male and female to make the new offspring and we are now the offspring of God. We are the ovum and the Christ is the sperm, we are the ground and He is the seed, we are the soul and He is the spirit. These new creation Priests and Kings, men and woman from every tribe nation and tongue will unite in the spirit and become one body of Christ in the earth to start the regeneration of the whole book of life of all of humanity. Jesus was the original seed which fell to the ground and died so that we could raise up seed for Him our Brother who died. The cell unit is an exact replica of the tabernacle of moses and it has the same priestly roles with the RNA and the DNA and even the furnishings of the tabernacle. God has shown us this very special pattern thousands of years ago only to reveal it's true significance in our day of reconciliation of all.
Truth is that as Adam once was clothed with the glory of God and he radiated
the spiritual garment of God and was able to move as the wind and was not
restrained by time and space, even so Jesus is able to manifest this same
transfiguration as was witnessed in the Bible. We also will be able to
put on the garment of light and become beings which can move anywhere in
the universe and not be restrained by any physical law of God's universe.
The spiritual nature of man will transform the natural and we will be a
new state of matter. This divine nature, which is unknown to man in his
natural mind and understanding becomes real as we are clothed upon from
within and our whole state changes as the inversion takes place. This transfiguration
or glorification only occurs fully in all people as they become one in
spirit and form cords of love between one another, divine love is needed,
for human love is conditional, it gives then takes back and it is two way,
we need one way love which is flowing to others without expecting a return.
It is the divine love of God that we share, that makes us united and the
body will function with every part serving the body as a whole, even like
our own human body does. It is the realigning of our true perception and
the establishment of God's Truth within our book of life that gives us
the promised heaven on earth as we all see God's creation and not our own.
This information correction on mass is certainly a huge job but it will
accelerate as members join with the only power in the universe and those
whose names are not written in the book of life will be judged and they
will soon enter in as the smoke of their burning goes up and the eternal
Truths are revealed. The priests in the new order of priests will be able
to judge the souls who are lost and blind to the truth, those souls who
have had their book written by so many other people and who do not know
the Truth. These souls will have their books re written by the spiritual
power of these priests who will be able to draw into themselves the lies
from the books or souls and overwrite them with the living Word of God,
sending and receiving this spiritual transfer in the spirit. There will
be instant healing and restoration for those who surrender to the Christ
and resist no longer. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess
that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God. The dear souls who have
gone over the river of life into hell on the other side will also have
their books re written as they surrender to the Lord Jesus and allow the
priesthood to minister to them and they will be resurrected in a new body.
Every soul ever created from the soul of God will come to join the body
of Christ and every soul will come by way of the cross, every will shall
surrender to Jesus and we all shall be one in the body of the only Son
of God the Christ.
The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants,
the things which must shortly take place; and He sent and communicated
{it} by His angel to His bond-servant John,
who bore witness to the word of God and to the testimony of Jesus Christ,
{even} to all that he saw.
Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and
heed the things which are written in it; for the time is near.
Jesus brought the new testament which is the original Word, which was in Adam and which is in all of us. Jesus is the Word and His Word is in us, all we need to do is seek after Him and to those who seek Him, He shall appear a second time without SIN unto salvation. Make sure you have His Word revealed in you, Your true identity is Christ and you need to ask Jesus to overwrite the lies of the fathers of lies. It is the revelation of Christ in you that is your hope of glory and it is the writing of His Word in your soul that gives you His spirit which can draw the fullness of the spirit of God according to the seed, for the life is in the seed and we all need His incorruptible seed. We all are ascending to the full stature of Christ but it does not yet appear what we shall be but when He appears in us we shall be like Him and we shall see Him as He is for we will be like Him having the fullness of the divine nature of God, we are His sons and Jesus has completed the work.
I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book:
if anyone adds to them, God shall add to him the plagues which are written
in this book;
and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God
shall take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city,
which are written in this book.
He who testifies to these things says, "Yes, I am coming quickly." Amen.
Come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen.
nor will people say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom
of God is within you."
is an easy to understand principle of life, when you see that you came
from God into a body of death, not knowing who or what you are and that
now you can find your true identity and purpose, which is to convert the
dirt into Holy Ground. Your vessel of clay is the earth and your mind,
will, emotions and desires are your heavens and there will be a new heavens
and a new earth. You are a spiritual being on a human journey and now you
can agree with your maker and know the purpose, which He ordained for you
from before the beginning of time. Heaven and earth will pass away but
His Word will never pass away so make sure you have His Word in you. The
Word was in Adam and he fell but now the Word is in Jesus and when Christ
comes to you, then you have the Word of God and you are not to add or subtract
from this Word, for if you do you will suffer the curses that you write
in the book even as Adam did, we all come from Adam to Christ, only now
our will is aligned with the will of the Father who sent us.
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