By G Barlow.....Through Spirit.....Pray NOW

John Bell's Christian Art Gallery




In the very beginning in the garden of Eden God walked with Adam and Eve and they were naked and unashamed. God unleashed the deceiving spirit Satan into the paradise of His son Adam and all hell broke loose. The deception was imminent and the reality of their nakedness was about be be revealed as they recognized their self nature by the shame they would feel at their disobedience to the command of God. Adam had a heart which wanted to become God in his own right, this is how God made him, even as God has made us all this way. Satan was created to break this nature and bring us into right relationship with God, which would reveal our equality with God and take away our desire to be above God. God is making His offspring and using the deceiver to teach us to seek the Truth of our Father.

It is good at this time to pray and ask God to reveal His Truth to us as we seek His Truth.

Pray the following prayer from your heart of desire to know Him and His Truth.

" Loving Father creator of all things, creator of darkness and light, creator of good and evil, please lead me into Your Truth and help me to see the purpose of your creation of Satan your servant, AMEN"

The Lord is creator of all, He is the one who has made all things which are made and there is nothing made that is not made by Him. All things are of God. All things are by Him and through Him and for Him.

Rom 11:36
36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him {be} the glory forever. Amen.

We read in the book of Isaiah that God made good and evil and darkness and light. We know that Jesus Christ is the alpha and the Omega. He is the first and the last Adam and the new man and the last man to be made new. Adam subjected all of creation to the bondage of corruption by the vanity of their minds in hope of restoration and the hope of Christ being revealed in every person ever born of a woman. We can see that God himself has planned the fall of man and that He created the devil Satan for His own purposes in the perfecting of His sons.

The Bible says that God has given us all over to disobedience to show His mercy on us all.
Sin was brought by one man Adam and eternal life was brought by one man Jesus Christ. As in Adam all died so then in Christ all will be made alive. We all are dead in trespass and sin until we receive the lifegiving spirit of Christ. It is the deception in our minds that keeps us from the knowledge of God and it was the work of Satan who deceived Eve in the garden of Eden that darkened us all because this deception continues in our minds as fear, guilt and a sense of loss. We see one man Adam bringing death and another man Jesus bringing life and all of us inbetween in death. Jesus came to defeat the works of the devil and when Jesus was lead out by the spirit of God to be tested by Satan the devil found no ground in Him which he could access.

In the garden of Eden God cursed the serpent or the deceiving spirit Satan and said that he would eat the dust of the earth for the rest of his days. We are made from the dust of the earth and it is the job of Satan to eat us and consume all of our wayward ways or our ways of self those ways which exalt themselves above the knowledge of God or try to become God. We were created perfect in the beginning before time was but in the advent of our appearing in a body of dust we had become corrupt, this is the fallen nature of man, unclothed and naked, fallen from the glory that we had with God before the world was. This chastening or correcting of our nature in a vessel of clay is the purpose of God in the making of His sons, we are to overcome the earth nature of our self identity and become heavenly again with a body. Jesus was made a little lower than the angels to be made into something never seen before, a son of God and we are all to follow Jesus to become members of this new creation too. Jesus is the first raised from the dead, the head of the new creation. We all came from the Father even as Jesus came from the Father. Jesus became SIN that we might become the righteousness of God in Him, Adam fell for all of us so that Jesus could pick us all up again and put us back together. The body of Jesus was broken or made many and we are to remember Him or recollect all the pieces that we are of the one body a spiritual body, Christ God's Son.

Satan will never touch the children of God unless he is commanded to, Satan is obedient to God and is a dignitary or someone of a special office or position which is of the appointment of God.
We see in the story of Job that God actually asked Satan to test Job as God had made Job perfect and He allowed Job to be tested for His own glory to be seen. We read in the scriptures that we are to count it all joy when we are tried for our faith because we know that it is God trying our hearts for sonship. God says that the people of the world are His people and the people of conflict are the works of His hands but the people of His inheritance are those who believe by faith in the name to which they are separated unto. We need to see that God has a plan to make us as His sons and that we are tried in many ways to prove our loyalty to Him.

We need to see that the mind that is separated from the mind of God thinks it is a separate entity and able to become a god on it's own but that in reality we all are from the mind of God and that He is calling us back to Himself through His first born Son Christ Jesus. In reality we are not separated from God we only think we are because of the deception that is in our mind. This deception is caused by spirits of deception believed to be true in our original parents Adam and Eve. The lie is held in the minds of all of mankind and it has diversified into many different deceptions and combinations of lies. The Bible says that all men are liars and that only God speaks Truth. The Bible also says that the head of every man is Jesus Christ, that He is the True light that lights every man that comes into the world and that we have the mind of Christ, being requested to put it on is a teaching, which is necessary to come to the full knowledge of His truth.

The evil spirits which are in the minds of all people who are not transformed are spoken to one another everyday without people even knowing that they are telling lies. Spirits are thoughts or thought patterns which come from the mass mind of the world which is in darkness. People store lies and speak them and they hear new lies every day to add to their mind of deception. People do not know that they are telling lies because they believe that they speak the truth and in a way they are speaking what is their truth or who they are. Evil is the opposite to live and the curse which was given in the garden to mankind which was death is reversed when we set our mind back on God and come back to life. We too need to defeat the works of the devil Satan and cast him out of our heavens. Our body is our earth and our heavens is our  mind, will, emotions and desires. Jesus came to reverse the curse and to bring life again. Eve was deceived and she represents the soul nature of man. The spirit of Christ left Adam when his soul was deceived or sinned and all of creation went into desolation but Jesus became Christ again for us and gave us a covering for our nakedness. A soul without a covering is in death and it is naked. The glory or Christ left Adam in the garden of Eden and he was found naked and hid but now we all can partake of the seed of life that Jesus became and partake of His life giving spirit or covering and cover our soul again and live forever.

The devil or Satan is a tool in the hand of God for the perfecting of the saints of light and is nothing to fear, in fact we can welcome the trials as they come knowing full well that God is for us and not against us. We need to learn to eat of the tree of life again and stop eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is when we are outside of the will of God for our lives that we feel the destruction that we bring upon ourselves by the sowing from our carnality. We need to set out mind on the spirit and walk in Christ, reaping eternal life as we sow from a spiritual mind of God. The work of Satan comes to completion as we partake of every morsel of the Lamb of God Christ Jesus and dispel every pleasure of the flesh and the pride of our self life.

Many people get confused with Satan and Lucifer and many think that they are the same person. The Bible states quite clearly that Lucifer fell from glory and that Satan was a liar and a murderer from the beginning and we do need to do a study on this subject to clear up any misconceptions so that we can know the plan of God in the making of His sons or large family of Christ. Where the evil one or the devil deceives us and makes us do his evil works against one another the Holy spirit leads us back into His Truth of unity and oneness. We need the anointing of God to correct the lies which we have believed and this is the teachers job to teach His Truth.
We will soon have the Truth of our creator in our hearts and minds as we listen to the voice of God. Do ask God to show you the way to come out of the deceptions which are in the world and in the minds of the natural unregenerated man and enter into eternal life in Christ Jesus. Satan is the voice within us that questions things and doubts things and is double minded this is the spirit of antichrist and we need to be single minded for God to receive eternal life.
We need to know only one voice within us and that being the voice of God, it takes practice but it is for all people and the more who hear Him the more will come to hear Him as time closes into timelessness.

Rom 8:20-21
20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not of its own will, but because of Him who subjected it, in hope
21 that the creation itself also will be set free from its slavery to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the children of God.

John 8:44
44 "You are of {your} father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own {nature;} for he is a liar, and the father of lies.

I Jn 3:8
8 the one who practices sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The Son of God appeared for this purpose, that He might destroy the works of the devil.

Jesus is the risen Lord and He has defeated SIN, hell, death, the world and the grave and you too will defeat all and overcome all enemies within when you eat of Christ Jesus and make Satan fall like lightening from the heavens of your mind. Set your mind upon the spirit and take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, casting down every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God and you will be free. This process comes as you accept Jesus as your saviour and it is only the life giving spirit of Christ that can quicken your spirit of life to regenerate your mind and lead you into the mind of God and His Truth, so be sure to ask Him NOW!!!


John Bell's Christian Art Gallery



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